The Alcalá Account Book
Project advised by Thomas O'Connor, Catherine O'Leary
and John Keating, managed by Aja Teehan and John Keating. Maynooth: An Foras
Feasa, 2008. The digitised material presented here is taken for the
college’s account books or Libros de gastos del colegio de Alcalá (Russell Library,
Salamanca Archives, Legajo S30, nos 1-3). They were placed in the archives of the
Irish college, Salamanca on the closure of the Alcalá college in 1785 and were
brought back to Ireland in 1951. They are now housed in the Russell Library,
Maynooth College where they form part of the Salamanca Archive, the most important
Spanish-language archive on these islands. This digitised version of the account
books for the years immediately prior to the college’s closure offer a unique
insight into the day-to-day running of the college with valuable information on
diet, discipline and domestic matters. As of 09/2018 the edition, once at
http://archives.forasfeasa.ie seems to be gone. The wayback-machine has a snapshop
of the landing page from 23.09.2010. What's left is an article about the project,
published in Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie 10 (2010).
Bartholomeus Engelsman, Van den Proprieteyten der Dinghen
InsAph - Inscriptions
of Aphrodisias Project
Betreut von Gabriel Bodard et al. London: King's College
London / Centre for Computing in the Humanities, 2005-. Projekt zur
verteilten Internet-Edition der Inschriften von Aphrodisias auf der Grundlage eines
community-spezifischen XML-Dialekts für epigraphische Texte (Epidoc) und in Verbindung mit
archäologischen Informationen. Die teilweise bereits im Druck edierten Inschriften
werden in das Projekt eingebunden und elektronisch neu herausgegeben (Beispiel).
Edizione Digitale
di FGrHist 104 [Aristodemo]
Ed. di Pietro Maria Liuzzo. S.l.: 2016. "FGrHist
104 si può descrivere come un manuale di Storia Greca, interessato, ma non
completamente focalizzato, come nessuna biografia, alle vite e alle gesta di
personaggi illustri e di coloro che vissero e interagirono con essi, alla sequenza
degli eventi e ai dati, alle informazioni di riferimento: numeri, luoghi, distanze,
vincitori. Solo in determinate circostanze il testo affronta questioni eziologiche e
solo dove la tradizione ha visto cristallizzarsi un'argomentazione a riguardo, come
per le cause della guerra del Peloponneso. [...] FGrHist 104 ci interessa in
quanto testo in sé e come possibile testimone di molti degli autori che sono giunti
sino a noi solo per via indiretta. FGrHist 104 presta poca attenzione alla
cronologia, gradisce i dati numerici e gli aneddoti." [from resource]
ʿAyn al-Naẓar fī ʿIlm al-Jadal by Shams al-Dīn al-Samarqandī (d. 722/1322)
Ed. by Walter Edward Young and Frederik Elwert. Bochum:
Center for Religious Studies, 2019. "The ʿAyn al-Naẓar is a treatise by
Shams al-Dīn al-Samarqandī (d. 722/1322) on certain logical elements of Islamic
dialectical disputation theory. KHK fellow Walter Young and CERES digital humanities
coordinator Frederik Elwert chose this text of manageable length to experiment with
the possibilities of digital editions. A digital edition is not only an edition that
is available online, it represents also a different approach to the very act of
scholarly editing. As such, the edition consists of two parts: An XML file following
the guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative which captures scholarly statements
about the text, and a rule set that converts these abstract statements into a
navigable web page." [from https://dh.ceres.rub.de/en/projects/project/ayn-al-nazar/] for a short
technical description of the project, see https://belter.hypotheses.org/60
Bálint összes verse hálózati kritikai kiadás
Szerkesztette Horváth Iván és Tóth Tünde.
Budapest: Gépeskönyv, 1998; ver. 1.0. 1999; ver.1.1. 2002; ver. 2.0. "Ha
a kifejezést szigorúan alkalmazzuk, valószínűleg ez a Balassi-kiadás a világ első
internetes szövegkritikai kiadása. Első (1.0) változatát 1998. november 30-án
publikáltuk a hálózaton, és mutattuk be az Országos Műszaki Fejlesztési Bizottság
(OMFB) szakértőinek. [...] A kiadásnak a következő érdmeire is hadd hívjuk fel az
Olvasó figyelmét: 1. a korábbiaknál jóval gazdagabb a jegyzetapparátus,
különösen ami az irodalmi mintákat illeti, 2. új szövegleszármazási elmélet
alapján új kötetrekonstrukciót nyújt a kiadvány, 3. új szövegátírási elveket
követ." [from resource]
Herman Bangs breve
Redaktion Gert Posselt. København: Det Danske Sprog- og
Litteraturselskab, 2015-. "Denne udgave indeholder i alt 642 brevtekster,
fordelt som følger: · 516 breve (1880-1912) fra Herman Bang til Peter
Nansen · 106 breve (1894-1912) fra Herman Bang til Betty Nansen · 18 breve
(1883-1907) fra Peter Nansen til Herman Bang · Et brev (1883) fra Gustav Esmann
og Herman Bang til Peter Nansen · Et brev (1885) fra Herman Bang til Immanuel
Nansen, lillebror til Peter Nansen ”Breve” betegner skriftlige meddelelser i
form af: · egentlige breve (udbragt enten via postvæsen eller via et
lokalt bud, privat udsendt af Bang) · korrespondancekort (dobbeltkort,
lukket ved hjælp af klæbestof langs de tre sider, hvis perforering skulle afrives af
modtageren ved åbningen) · brevkort (adresse og frankering på den ene
side, blank plads til brevteksten på den anden) · postkort (adresse og
frankering samt evt. plads til brevtekst på den ene side, et påtrykt billede på den
anden side) · beskrevne visitkort
· telegrammer" [from resource]
Baratynsky, Evgeny
DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital
Bartholomeus Engelsman, Van den Proprieteyten der Dinghen
Orlanda Lie et al. The Hague: Huygens Instituut,
2009. "Een diplomatische editie van de Middelnederlandse vertaling (1485)
van de 13de-eeuwse encyclopedie De proprietatibus rerum van Bartholomaeus Anglicus"
[from resource]
Batiushkov, Konstantin Nikolaevich
DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital
Digital Nestle-Aland
Prototype (Greek New Testament)
Bible, Oldest Manuscript
Bichitra Project: Online Tagore Variorum
Bichitra: Online
Tagore Variorum
De filosoof en de
filoloog: De correspondentie tussen G. J. P. J. Bolland en P. J. Cosijn (1879-1899)
Ed. by Thijs Porck. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden,
2019. "Deze editie ontsluit de correspondentie tussen de filosoof
Gerardus Johannes Petrus Josephus (Gerard) Bolland (1854-1922) en de filoloog Pieter
Jacob Cosijn (1840-1899), bestaande uit 46 brieven over de periode 1879 tot 1899.
Deze correspondentie geeft een uniek inzicht in de geschiedenis van de bestudering
van de Oudgermanistiek in Nederland, Engeland en Duitsland. Daarnaast laten de
brieven een reconstructie toe van Bollands academische ontwikkeling van
autodidactisch student met een interesse in het Oudengels tot hoogleraar
Wijsbegeerte aan de Leidse universiteit. Cosijn, zelf hoogleraar Oudgermanistiek en
Angelsaksisch in Leiden, speelde bij die ontwikkeling een centrale rol." [from
Coordinated by Jos Koldeweij. Nijmegen: Radboud
University, 2016. "BoschDoc is an online database containing source
material on the ’s-Hertogenbosch painter Hieronymus Bosch. Not only the sources in
which he himself is mentioned are included, but also sources giving information
about his immediate surroundings, members of his family, patrons and works. These
are chiefly handwritten documents, but also a number of early printed works, dating
from before 1800 are included in BoschDoc." [from resource]
Georg Brandes: Digitale
Lasse Horne Kjældgaard (Projektleder), Jens
Bjerring-Hansen (Vice-projektleder) og Jens Bjerring-Hansen (Hovedredaktør).
København: Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab, 2019-. "Det Danske
Sprog- og Litteraturselskab har som led i det Carlsbergfond-finansierede Semper
Ardens-projekt Digitale Hovedstrømninger / Digital Currents (2016-19, læs mere her)
stået for arbejdet med at tilvejebringe en ny udgave af Georg Brandes’
Hovedstrømninger i det 19. Aarhundredes Litteratur (1872-1890). Det drejer sig
om en digital, tekstkritisk og kommenteret udgave. Førsteudgaverne af de seks bind
danner tekstgrundlag, og udgaven er forsynet med et selektivt variantapparat, der
oplyser om de ændringer, Brandes foretog i senere udgaver. Dertil kommer udførlige
forskningsbaserede introduktioner til de enkelte bind af Hovedstrømninger, registre
over personer, værker, litterære karakterer og steder, linkning til DSL’s ordbøger,
søgemuligheder, en tidslinje over Brandes’ liv og internationale aktiviteter, samt
forskellige ressourcetekster: tyske, engelske og franske oversættelser af værket
samt Brandes’ Forklaring og Forsvar (1872) og selvbiografien Levned 1-3 (1905-08)."
[from resource]
Brieven en
Correspondenten rond 1900. Digitale editie.
Ed. by Annemarie Kets. Amsterdam: Huygens Instituut voor
Nederlandse Geschiedenis (KNAW), 2016. "De editie Brieven en
Correspondenten rond 1900 bestaat uit twee componenten Het onderdeel Brieven
bevat de brievennetwerken van twee sleutelfiguren: de letterkundige Albert Verwey
(1865-1937) en de beeldend kunstenaar Willem Witsen (1860-1923). De 5.512 brieven
zijn ontsloten door transcripties, digitale kleurenafbeeldingen en metadata
Het onderdeel Correspondenten bevat een database met biografische profielen van de
439 correspondenten, met gegevens over hun professionele en maatschappelijke
activiteiten: de domeinen waarin zij actief waren, de periodieken waarin zij
publiceerden en hun lidmaatschappen" [from resource]
Project CARDS /
Project FLY
Coordinated by Rita Marquilhas. Lisbon: Centro de
Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa, 2012-. The website presents two
letter editing projects: (1) Project CARDS - Cartas Desconhecidas, Unknown Letters,
aims on publishing c. 2000 private letters from 1500-1900. "The whole set is
constituted by a majority of letters from court proceedings, and a minority (10%) of
letters from aristocratic family archives." (2) Project FLY - Forgotten Letters,
Years 1900-1974, concerns another sample of 2000 private letters "written in the
contexts of war, migration, imprisonment and exile". The edition(s) provide
facsimiles, transcriptions, TEI-XML-files (following the DALF-DTD), and PDF export
as well as documentation, registers and indexes designed to cover questions of
syntax, phonology, pragmatics, cultural and socio-political history, and sociology.
It offers very clear browsing structures and good search facilities.
Christophe Cusset, Pascale Linant De Bellefonds et
Évelyne Prioux. Paris: Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS),
2012. "Fruit d’une collaboration étroite entre spécialistes des textes
antiques et spécialistes de l’iconographie gréco-romaine, la base CALLYTHEA met à
disposition du public des textes poétiques de l’époque hellénistique, d’accès
parfois difficile, qui évoquent ou relatent un épisode mythologique. Elle présente
aussi les rapprochements pertinents entre ces textes et la documentation figurée.
Interrogeable grâce à divers descripteurs (auteurs, œuvres, personnages et
thèmes mythologiques, toponymes, ethniques, mots-clés), CALLYTHEA propose, outre le
texte antique original sous forme de fragment ou d’extrait, une traduction en
français souvent inédite, un commentaire sur le texte et, lorsque cela est justifié,
un commentaire iconographique accompagné de liens avec la documentation figurée
accessible grâce à la base LIMC-France." [from resource]
Corpus of the
Inscriptions of Campā
Publication of the École française d'Extrême-Orient
(EFEO), realized in collaboration with the Institute for the Study of the
Ancient World (New York University), 2012. "This project aims recover,
preserve, study and make accessible the corpus of inscriptions of ancient Campā (in
present Việt Nam), written either in Sanskrit or in Old Cam." [from resource]
An Electronic Corpus
of 15th Century Castilian Cancionero Manuscripts
Directed by Dorothy Severin. Liverpool: University of
Liverpool, 2007. "We set out to complete, within a three-year period,
three-quarters of the extant corpus of fifteenth-century Castilian cancionero
poetry, measuring content by folios rather than stanzas. There are over 4000
original poems in manuscript sources and approximately 150 manuscript witnesses to
be dealt with, although in the latter case we have concentrated on those manuscripts
that are of the fifteenth and early-sixteenth century composition and production,
and are not later copies or single-poem manuscripts, rather than cancionero
collections." [from resource]
Cantar de Mio Cid
Dir. by Matthew Bailey. Austin: University of Texas,
2002. "The Cantar de mio Cid (Cid) web project is conceived as an
educational tool that will allow students of the Spanish epic to understand and
appreciate the oral essence of the genre and to recognize the enormous conceptual
distance between an oral narrative poem and the modern textual editions used in the
classroom. [...] This web site, with its recorded oral rendition of the poem,
allows for the savoring of the epic in its oral form without the time limitations of
three weekly class meetings. [...] The normative transcription is offered in a
way that makes clear its link to the paleographic transcription, which, in turn, is
drawn from the manuscript. This link between the copy of a manuscript created in
1207 and its normative transcription allows students to see for themselves the
processes of transcription and transformation that eventually produce the modern
editions of the poem. The paleographic transcription facilitates the reading of the
manuscript which, now legible, can be consulted and appreciated as the transcription
of an oral performance that took place somewhere in Castile in 1207. The English
translation of the poem allows an appreciation of the poem by a much wider
audience." [from resource]
La entretenida by
Miguel de Cervantes: A Digital, Annotated Edition and an English Translation
Ed. by John O’Neill, Paul Spence et al. London: King's
College, 2014. "This edition presents a new perspective on Cervantes as a
dramatist, and incorporates features that will be of interest to academics, theatre
practitioners and translators alike. [...] The edition presents four versions of the
Spanish text that allow different views of the punctuation and spelling (facsimile,
modern spelling transcription, ed. O’Neill and unpunctuated), together with an
English translation, by John O’Neill. With performance in mind, the verse is
presented in a way that clearly displays the poetic form, while the Performance
Information and Track Character menus provide useful information about what is
happening on stage. Various indices (names, places, occupations, specialist
terminology, sub-languages, proverbs and performance) and a Google Map of places
mentioned help to contextualize the play." [from resource]
Variorum Edition of the Quixote (EVE-DQ)
Directed by Eduardo Urbina. College Station (TX): Texas
A&M University, 1998-. [On the "Virtual Editor" of EVE-DQ:] "This
interface allows users to compose virtual editions of the Quixote. The copies of all
editions in the variorum have been collated and all variants have been identified,
classified and annotated. Users can select editions and chapters and then access the
unedited text (documentary text) or the same text edited by a particular
editor. Users may customize the virtual variorum edition by selecting
categories of variants and inclusion of annotations and/or emendations to compose
their own editions. The existing variants and emended texts are color coded
according to their categories. Cli[c]king on any of the variants, emendations and
annotations opens another window showing their specific details and
information. The unedited text shows only the variants resulting from the
collation between the base text and all other copies. Clicking on the highlighted
variants shows the complete list of variants present on the collation. Users can
click on the Folio numbers shown in the text to navigate to the browsing display to
further check readings in the facsimile editions" [from resource]
Four Early Chan
Texts from Dunhuang – A TEI-based Edition 早期禪宗文獻四部 ——
Ed. by Marcus Bingenheimer 馬德偉, Chang Po-Yung 張伯雍.
Taipei: Shin Wen Feng 新文豐, 2018. (Vol. 1: Facsimiles and Diplomatic
Transcription 摹寫版 (ISBN: 978-957-17-2274-0), Vol. 2: Parallel, Punctuated and
Annotated Edition 對照與點注版 (ISBN: 978-957-17-2275-7), Vol. 3: Calligraphy Practice
抄經版 (ISBN: 978-957-17-2276-4).) "This zip archive contains the XML data,
schema, stylesheets, and associated material that are the basis for a print edition
of 48 Dunhuang manuscript witnesses of four early Chan Buddhist texts." [from
resource] DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1133490
CHARTA: Corpus
Hispánico y Americano en la Red: Textos Antiguos
Coordinada por Pedro Sánchez-Prieto Borja. Madrid:
Universidad de Alcalá, 2015. "CHARTA se concibe como un proyecto global
para la edición y análisis lingüístico de textos archivísticos en español de los
siglos XII al XIX.Contendrá documentos de Europa, América y Asia, entendidos estos
en sentido amplio, pues no solo acoge piezas oficiales de la cancillería, la
administración civil, la de justicia, la Inquisición o contratos de compraventa,
sino cartas particulares y aun billetes y notas sueltas. Por ahora se ofrece una
selección amplia de arhivos españoles y una breve muestra de documentos americanos,
que se ampliará en ediciones sucesivas del corpus. [...] Para facilitar su consulta
por diversos usuarios ofrece tres presentaciones de cada texto: facsimilar,
paleográfica y crítica, esta última de fácil lectura." [from resource]
Online Chopin Variorum
Edition (OCVE). 2003-2004 (OCVE1) bzw. 2005-2008 (OCVE2)
Directed by John Rink. London/Cambridge: King's College
London / University of Cambridge, 2003-2017. "OCVE provides digital
images of the manuscripts and first editions of select works by the Polish composer
Fryderyk Chopin. Its principal aim is to facilitate and enhance comparative analysis
of these primary sources, attaining a degree of flexibility beyond that of extant
printed editions of Chopin’s music and indeed of any composer to date. Users are
guided in their consultation of the sources by the background information and sample
‘critical commentaries’ provided by the project team. The end result is a new type
of ‘musical edition’, one that users themselves construct dynamically and
interactively." [from resource] "Projekt zur Edition der wichtigsten
handschriftlichen Entwürfe und frühen Druckausgaben zu den "Werken" Chopins.
Verfügbar waren zuletzt nur zwei kleinere Stücke (als annotierte Faksimiles), diese
aber in bis zu 13 Versionen." [Description of an older version]
Codex Mendoza
Códice Mendoza / Codex
Codex Sinaiticus
Maintained by David J. Birnbaum. s.l.: 2011-2013.
The "project aims to [reunite the parts] develop an electronic version of the Codex
Suprasliensis, together with critical apparatus, parallel Greek text, translation,
vocabulary, grammatical analysis, and tools for searching."
Divisiekroniek van
Cornelius Aurelius
Ed. by A. de Hamer. Amsterdam: Huygens ING, 2011.
"Het boek beschrijft vooral de geschiedenis van Holland vanaf de vroegste tijden tot
het jaar 1517. Daarnaast behelst het een wereldgeschiedenis, een populair genre in
de late Middeleeuwen. Cornelius Aurelius stelde zijn boek samen op basis van
een grote verscheidenheid aan oude en eigentijdse geschiedwerken uit binnen- en
buitenland. Zijn kroniek heeft nog lang een grote invloed gehad, want een verkorte
versie ervan deed tot in de negentiende eeuw dienst als schoolboek voor de
vaderlandse geschiedenis. De druk van 1517 is voorts van kunsthistorische
betekenis vanwege de tientallen houtsneden die erin zijn opgenomen. Een aantal ervan
wordt toegeschreven aan Lucas van Leyden en diens school." [from resource]
Corpus Coranicum –
Textdokumentation und historisch-kritischer Kommentar zum Koran
Geleitet von Prof. Dr. Angelika Neuwirth. Berlin:
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akedamie der Wissenschaften, 2007-. "Das Vorhaben
macht die frühen Handschriften in Bild und Text zugänglich. Parallel zur
schriftlichen Textüberlieferung wird die islamische Lesartenliteratur systematisch
dargestellt. Damit liefert Corpus Coranicum erstmals eine historisch gesicherte
Textbasis. Aufbauend auf der historisch-kritischen Erschließung der Textgeschichte
erstellt das Vorhaben einen chronologisch-literaturwissenschaftlichen Kommentar,
unter Verwendung der Datenbank „Texte aus der Umwelt des Korans“ (TUK); so wird
erstmalig die Entwicklung der islamischen Urgemeinde als Interaktion zwischen dem
Propheten und ersten Adressaten in Mekka und Medina rekonstruiert." [from
CMCL - Corpus dei
Manoscritti Copti Letterari
Unter der Leitung von Tito Orlandi. Rom/Hamburg:
Università di Roma / Hiob Ludolf Zentrum Hamburg, 2003-2004. "The CMCL is
an enterprise dedicated to the study of Egyptian Christian culture in the I-XII
centuries C.E., especially for the documents in Coptic language. This web site
contains the archives of the CMCL: texts, grammar, history of literature, catalogue
of manuscripts, bibliography." [from resource] Die Online-Publikationen sind nur auf
Subskriptionsbasis zugänglich.
Corpus Medicorum
Graecorum / Latinorum
Hg. von Christian Brockmann. Berlin:
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2005-2008. Das
Langzeitunternehmen versucht neue Wege zu gehen. Zu Galen, Kommentar zu
Hippokrates, Über die Gelenke ist 2005 eine "Probeedition" erschienen, die
wahlfreie Zusammenstellungen von Handschriftenfaksimiles, neu erstelltem kritischen
Text, Editions-Apparat, verschiedenen kanonischen Zählungen und Übersetzung
Cosijn, P. J.
De filosoof en de
filoloog: De correspondentie tussen G. J. P. J. Bolland en P. J. Cosijn (1879-1899)
Court Books
Wschowska księga grodzka, 1495-1526
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica /
Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica
Edited by Catherine Dobias-Lalou. Bologna: CRR-MM / Alma
Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, 2017; ISBN 9788898010684.
http://doi.org/10.6092/UNIBO/IGCYRGVCYR "The Inscriptions of Greek
Cyrenaica (IGCyr) and the Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica (GVCyr) are two
corpora, the first collecting all the inscriptions of Greek (VII-I centuries B.C.)
Cyrenaica, the second gathering the Greek metrical texts of all periods (VI B.C.-VI
A.D.). These new critical editions of inscriptions from Cyrenaica are part of the
international project Inscriptions of Libya (InsLib). For the first time all the
inscriptions known to us in March 2017, coming from this area of the ancient
Mediterranean world, are assembled in a single online and open access publication."
[from resource]
DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital
Unter der Leitung von Konstantin Vigursky. Moskau:
Fundamental Digital Library Foundation et al., 2002. Streng genommen
handelt es sich um retrodigitalisierte Druckausgaben. Der Anspruch ist es hier aber,
zu den Autoren des russischen Kanons die jeweils besten Ausgaben als elektronische
Volltexte verfügbar zu machen und mit weiterem Material (Forschungsliteratur,
Briefeditionen etc.) zu kontextualisieren. Insofern erhebt das Projekt durchaus
einen wissenschaftlichen und kritischen Anspruch. Verfügbar sind bisher die
Editionen zu Pushkin, Batiushkov, Griboedov, Boratynskii, Tiutchev, Lermontov, Leo
Tolstoy, Esenin, Sholokhov sowie als einzelne Werke "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" und
als Werksammlungen "Byliny" und "Fairy Tales" (Skazki).
Dafydd ap
Ed. by Dafydd Johnston et al. Swansea: Swansea
University, 2007. 171 Poems by Dafydd ap Gwilym. Including a manuscript
database, manuscript images, transcriptions, edited texts, welsh paraphrases,
english translations, audio versions, and contextual essays.
Daisne, Johan: De
trein der traagheid
Hg. von Edward Vanhoutte et al. Gent: Centrum voor
Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie, 2012. "Met deze digitale editie kunnen tot
20 versies van de tekst samen worden bekeken en geanalyseerd: van de drukproef voor
de publicatie in het NVT uit 1948 tot de laatste geautoriseerde versie die verscheen
tijdens het leven van de auteur in 1977 én een kritische leestekst. Deze
verschillende tekstversies kunnen afzonderlijk worden geraadpleegd, met mekaar
worden vergeleken en letterlijk naast elkaar worden gelegd op het scherm. Voor elke
combinatie van teksten wordt een variantenapparaat gegenereerd waarvan het
oriëntatiepunt door de gebruiker zelf wordt bepaald. Van het plan en het handschrift
zijn digitale facsimiles opgenomen. Met behulp van de geavanceerde exportfuncties
van de editie kan de gebruiker een uitprintbare PDF-versie genereren van een zelf
samengestelde editie. Vanzelfsprekend bevat deze editie ook een verantwoording en
een beschrijving van de tekstgeschiedenis. Ook de tekstcodering en technische
aspecten van de editie worden gedocumenteerd. Een handleiding gidst de gebruiker
doorheen de verschillende functies die de editie biedt." [from resource]
Früher war bereits erschienen: Elektronische editie (CD-ROM). Hg. Von R. Van den
Branden, Edward Vanhoutte und X. Roelens. Gent, KANTL 2007.
Deyssel, Lodewijk van
Menschen en
Bergen, proza-gedicht
Digenis Akritis: Greek
and Slavic
Ed. by Robert Romanchuk and Thuy-Linh Pham. Maintained
by Robert Romanchuk and David J. Birnbaum. Tallahassee (FL)/Pittsburgh (PA):
Florida State University / University of Pittsburgh, 2017. "This edition
represents a part of the efforts of one of the authors (Robert Romanchuk) to produce
a critical edition of the Slavic version of the 12th-c. Byzantine romantic epic
Digenis Akritis, reliable enough for Slavists interested in the work’s life and
reception from the 14th c. to the 18th, but also of use to Byzantinists." [from
Divisiekroniek van
Cornelius Aurelius
Circulation of Knowledge and Learned Practices in the 17th-century Dutch
Ed. by Wijnand Mijnhardt, Frans Blom, Erik-Jan Bos,
Martin Bossenbroek, Bas Doppen et. al. Den Haag: 2013. "The scientific
revolution of the 17th century was driven by countless discoveries in the workshop,
in the observatory and in society at large. A dramatic increase in the amount
of information gave rise to new knowledge. But how were new elements of knowledge
disseminated and appropriated? In short: how did knowledge circulate? In order
to answer this question the CKCC project built a web application called
ePistolarium. With this application researchers can browse and analyze around 20,000
letters that were written by and sent to 17th century scholars who lived in the
Dutch Republic. Moreover, the ePistolarium enables visualizations of geographical,
time-based, social network and co-citation inquiries." [from resource]
Effectus Amoris
széphistória a XVI. századból. Digitális kritikai kiadás
Tóth Tünde, Szegedi Béla. Budapest: Gépeskönyv,
1998-1999. "A fentieket orvosolandó, az alábbiakban nem csak a mű teljes,
javított és négy sorral kiegészített betűhív szövegét közlöm, jegyzetekkel ellátva,
hanem, a történet érthetősége végett, Athenaios műrészletének magyar fordítását is.
A betűhív átirat mellett két másik szöveg olvasható: egy mai helyesírásra átírt,
javított jelentéstükröztető, illetve egy ejtéstükröztető szöveg. Mindkettőben
mellőztem a szövegkritikai jelöléseket és megjegyzéseket (ezek az átiratnál
találhatók). A kettő közt az a különbség, hogy az előbbiben minden szó a ma
használatos hangalakjában szerepel, kivéve, ha a rímek az eredeti alakot
igényelték." [from resource]
Engelsmann, Bartholomeus
Bartholomeus Engelsman, Van den Proprieteyten der Dinghen
Entretenida, La
La entretenida by
Miguel de Cervantes: A Digital, Annotated Edition and an English Translation
epidat ─
Forschungsplattform für jüdische Grabsteinepigraphik
Песме Ерлангенског
рукописа - Erlangenski rukopis
Hg. von Mirjana Detelić, Snežana Samardžija und Lidija
Delic. Monumenta Serbica, 2014. "На овом месту понуђено је ново читање
Ерлангенског рукописа са разрешеном графијом и предлогом за тумачење нејасних места.
Приложени су и радови о Рукопису из којих се може стећи увид у његову историју и
значај. Аутори – др Мирјана Детелић, проф. др Снежана Самарџија, др Лидија Делић и
инг. Бранислав Томић – настојали су да документују сваки корак у процесу настајања
ове верзије Ерлангенског рукописа и да пруже сваком читаоцу могућност да понуди боље
решење ако мисли да га зна." [from resource]
Estoria de Espanna
Ed. Aengus Ward. Birmingham: University of Birmingham,
2016. "This edition, launched in 2016, is intended to be a first step in
the employment of digital tools for the presentation and analysis of the Estoria de
Espanna, but it is also conceived as a way of furthering our knowledge and
understanding of how digital tools might usefully be employed in the study and
dissemination of medieval prose. The research component of the edition therefore
lies not only in the breadth of knowledge of the Estoria de Espanna that it
provides, but also in the form of the edition -its attempt to push the barriers of
what is possible with digital editions, at least where medieval Iberian prose is
concerned." [from resource]
An Encomium
on Henry VIII and Elizabeth I by George Etheridge — British Library Royal MS 16 C
Dir. by Dr Charalambos Dendrinos. London: British
Library / Hellenic Institute of Royal Holloway, University of London,
2012-. "The Greek text of the Encomium is presented in two different
forms: the transcription of the manuscript, and the edition. The transcription,
which faithfully represents the text as found in the codex, is designed to guide the
reader in the interpretation of the manuscript. The edition, on the other hand,
normalises and structures the Encomium in accordance with classical conventions to
produce a more readable text." [from resource]
Created by Donald J. Mastronarde. Berkeley (CA):
University of California Berkeley, 2010; Beta Version 1. 2020; Version 1.
About Beta
Version 1 (2010): The "site is the home of a new open-access digital edition
of the scholia on the plays of the ancient Athenian tragedian Euripides (born ca.
485-480, died winter 407/406 BCE). There are [via filters] currently three
levels of detail offered: full view shows each scholion followed by all
public elements that have been provided in the edition (not all elements appear for
every scholion); expert view shows the same but also adds two optional
elements intended for the author and collaborators; the view with trans. and
app. shows only the scholion and a translation (if available) and the
apparatus criticus (if there are variants). The content can be filtered to
include everything (prefatory material or arguments and scholia of all
kinds); only the old scholia (scholia vetera); all scholia except
those tagged as glosses ..." [from resource] About Version 1 (2020):
"Release 1 supersedes the much smaller preliminary sample made public in 2010 as a
‘beta’ version. The files of the older version are archived in a separate directory
on this site. The scholia and glosses presented in Release 1 have been checked
against some previous editions both to compare reports of variants and to ensure
that items in those editions are not omitted here." [from resource]
Benito Pérez Galdos:
Toquemada en la hoguera. On-Line Edition
Ed. by Rhian Davies. Sheffield: Galdos Editions Project
/ University of Sheffield, 2005; ISBN 978- 095426083X. [From the intute-record:] "[...] users are able to compare different versions of the
novel, uniquely brought together by this electronic edition; read contextual
editorial notes to the text by rolling the mouse over highlighted words and phrases,
as well as textual notes referring to issues in the transcription of the manuscript;
refer instantly to extensive indexes of characters and places from Galdós's complete
works; and conduct searches across the text for character names, words, phrases,
places, dates and so on. Navigation through the novel is facilitated by a chapter
index, and a full bibliography relating to the study of the Torquemada novels as
well as Galdós's manuscripts is provided."
Het Geraardsbergse
Hg. von Herman Brinkman und Peter Boot. Den Haag:
Huygens Instituut, 2003. Textausgabe (teilweise mit Abbildungen) einer
mittelalterlichen Sammelhandschrift mit hauptsächlich mittelniederländischen Texten
verschiedenster Textsorten. Technische Realisierung: TEI-XML per XSLT zu einer
HTML-Präsentation verarbeitet.
Joannes Antonides van der Goes, Ystroom (1671)
Jan Bloemendal, met bijdragen van Boukje Thijs.
Amsterdam: Huygens ING, 2015. "Hier wordt een editie van Joannes
Antonides van der Goes’ De Ystroom geboden. De tekst van de eerste editie uit 1671
is als basis gekozen. De facsimiles zijn van het exemplaar dat aan Constantijn
Huygens heeft toebehoord (Koninklijke Bibliotheek 28 K 25), dat is gedigitaliseerd
door ProQuest als deel van de Early European Books. Aan de editie zijn de
aantekeningen van Pieter Witsen Geysbeek (1828) (wg), Willem Bilderdijk (1827-1836)
(bild) en de handschriftelijke aantekeningen van Arnold van Mourik (met grote dank
aan de erven Van Mourik die toestemming gaven zijn aantekeningen te gebruiken)
(prelvm) toegevoegd, alsook een vertaling in modern Nederlands. Zo kan de lezer de
annotaties van oude en moderne editoren gemakkelijk naast elkaar zetten en
vergelijken, wat betreft hun resultaten en hun aanpak." [from resource]
digitale et étude de la polémique autour de Góngora
Ed. by Mercedes Blanco. Paris: Sorbonne Université-CLEA,
2014-. "Les oscillations de la fortune de Luis de Góngora (1561-1627)
auprès des lecteurs comme auprès de la critique et l’influence, immense à court
terme et persistante aujourd’hui, d’une œuvre brève et difficile, posent des énigmes
qui méritent d’être élucidées. [...] Nous éditons plusieurs dizaines de pièces
de nature hétérogène en nous basant sur une version élargie du catalogue dressé par
Robert Jammes en appendice à son édition des Soledades(1992). Ce qui est pour
l’instant visible sur la plateforme représente moins de la moitié de ce qui est en
préparation. Parmi les pièces à paraître, on compte des textes inédits, présents
dans des manuscrits que l’on croyait perdus ou illisibles." [from resource]
Manuscrito digital de Juan
Directed by Bénédicte Vauthier, Bern: Universität Bern,
2013. "Manuscrito digital de Juan Goytisolo es un proyecto de edición
genética digital de los manuscritos de trabajo de Paisajes después de la batalla,
novela de Juan Goytisolo. Nacido en el seno del Instituto de Lengua y Literaturas
Hispánicas de la Universidad de Berna (Institut für Spanische Sprache und
Literaturen, Universität Bern) bajo la dirección de Bénédicte Vauthier, Manuscrito
digital de Juan Goytisolo tiene una faceta de formación de jóvenes investigadores.
El proyecto de carácter internacional se ha realizado en estrecha colaboración con
estudiantes de filología hispánica de la Universidad de Berna, de Digital Humanities
(Zentrum für Digitale Edition, Universität Würzburg & École nationale des
chartes, París) y de informática (Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
[ZHAW]) y la ayuda de informáticos profesionales." [from resource]
epidat ─
Forschungsplattform für jüdische Grabsteinepigraphik
Hg. von Thomas Kollatz. Essen: Salomon Ludwig
Steinheim-Institut, 2006-. "Die Datenbank zur jüdischen
Grabsteinepigraphik epidat dient der Inventarisation, Dokumentation, Edition und
Präsentation epigraphischer Bestände. In digitaler Edition online zugänglich sind
gegenwärtig 210 digitale Editionen mit 36149 Grabmale (75683 Bilddateien). Nicht
zugänglich sind 1033 Datensätze zu Grabmalen, die nach dem Jahr 1950 errichtet
wurden." [from resource]
Greek New Testament
Digital Nestle-Aland
Prototype (Greek New Testament)
Griboedov, Alexander
DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital
Værker – en tekstkritisk og kommenteret udgave af N.F.S. Grundtvigs trykte
Centerledere: Katrine Frøkjær Baunvig (2018-), Michael
Schelde (2009-2018). Udgaveledere: Johnny Kondrup (2010-2012), Klaus Nielsen
(2013-2019), Krista Stinne Greve Rasmussen (2020-). Aarhus: Grundtvig Centeret
ved Aarhus Universitet, 2010. "N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783-1872) var en af de
betydeligste personligheder i 1800-tallets danske åndsliv. Han var digter, præst,
historiker, politiker og pædagogisk tænker. Hans omfattende virke har sat afgørende
præg på dansk samfundsbygning, kultur og kirkeliv. GV er en tekstkritisk og
kommenteret udgave af Grundtvigs trykte forfatterskab, der, når den er færdig, vil
omfatte ca. 1000 værker. [...] GV tilbyder en række værktøjer, som hjælper læseren
ind i forfatterskabet, bl.a. kommentarer til vanskelige passager i Grundtvigs
tekster samt indledninger til hvert værk. Og alt sammen er søgbart." [from resource]
Ed. by Herman Brinkman und Ike de Loos. Den Haag:
Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 2017. "Het Gruuthusehandschrift is een
verzameling liederen, gebeden en gedichten die tussen 1405 en 1410 zijn geschreven.
Rond 1400 is Brugge een rijke wereldstad die bruist en borrelt van de handel, van
muziek, van kunst en cultuur. Dat alles komen we tegen in de Gruuthuseliederen. De
meeste teksten kennen we uit geen enkele andere bron. Dat maakt dit handschrift
uniek en een grote inspiratiebron voor onderzoekers naar de vroege Nederlandstalige
literatuur." [from resource]
Edition Ludwig
Hg. von Gerald Angermann-Mozetič. Graz: Archiv für die
Geschichte der Soziologie in Österreich, 2010. "Ludwig Gumplowicz
(1838-1909) gehört zu den frühen Pionieren einer wissenschaftlichen Soziologie.
[...] Mit dieser Web-Edition verbindet sich die Hoffnung, die wissenschaftliche
Kommunikation über Gumplowicz und die Frühphase der Soziologie intensivieren zu
können. Jedenfalls werden damit die Grundlagen für eine wissenschaftsgeschichtlich
korrekte Verortung von Ludwig Gumplowicz geschaffen." [from resource]
Hesperia - Banco de datos de
lenguas paleohispanicas
Directed by Javier de Hoz. Madrid: Universidad
Complutense de Madrid, 2005. "El objetivo del Banco de Datos de Lenguas
Paleohispánicas HESPERIA es la recopilación, ordenación y tratamiento de todos los
materiales lingüísticos antiguos relativos a la Península Ibérica (y los
relacionados con ella del sur de Francia), con la exclusión de las inscripciones
latinas, griegas y fenicias." [from resource]
Ludvig Holbergs Skrifter
Managed by Eiliv Vinje, Peter Zeeberg and Karen
Skovgaard-Petersen. Kopenhagen/Bergen: Society for Danish Language and
Literature / University of Bergen, 2015. "Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754) is
one of the main figures of the Scandinavian Enlightenment. His numerous and
multifaceted writings occupy a central position in the literature of both Denmark
and Norway. This is the first digital critical edition of Holberg’s collected
writings. The texts are fully searchable and equipped with commentaries,
introductions, critical apparatus, and facsimiles." [from resource]
Registers van de
Hollandse grafelijkheid 1299-1345
Ed. by J.W.J. Burgers. The Hague: Huygens Instituut,
s.a. [before 2014]. "This is an electronic edition of the registers that
were kept by the clerks of the Counts of Holland, Zeeland and West-Friesland during
the period 1299-1345. These records register over 3,500 documents and other texts
relating to the Counts’ administration, all of which are published here." [from
Hollandse grefelijkheid
Registers van de Hollandse grafelijkheid 1299-1345
Homer Multitext
Ed. by Casey Dué and Mary Ebbott. Houston: University of
Houston, 2014. "The Homer Multitext project seeks to present the Homeric
Iliad and Odyssey in a critical framework that accounts for the fact that these
poems were composed orally over the course of hundreds, if not thousands of years by
countless singers who composed in performance. The evolution and the resulting
multiformity of the textual tradition, reflected in the many surviving texts of
Homer, must be understood in its many different historical contexts. Using
technology that takes advantage of the best available practices and open source
standards that have been developed for digital publications in a variety of fields,
the Homer Multitext offers free access to a library of texts and images and tools to
allow readers to discover and engage with the Homeric tradition." [from resource]
Henrik Ibsens skrifter
(Henrik Ibsen's Writings)
Directed by Vigdis Ystad. Oslo: University of Oslo,
1998-. "Henrik Ibsens skrifter (HIS) er en historisk-kritisk utgave.
Dette innebærer for det første at utgaven har som mål å presentere alt kjent
skriftlig materiale fra Ibsens hånd i historisk-autentisk form, og videre at den
derfor følger nærmere definerte retningslinjer og standarder for tekstkritikk og
ord- og sakkommentarer. Disse standardene skiller seg fra dem som er fulgt i
tidligere tekstkritiske utgaver av Ibsen. Henrik Ibsens skrifter er tidligere
(2005–10) kommet ut i en trykt utgave (HISb). Bokutgaven begrenses til å inneholde
ederte hovedtekster med ord- og sakkommentarer, innledninger, tekstkritiske
redegjørelser og manuskriptbeskrivelser. For en nærmere redegjørelse for spesifikke
prinsipper for bokutgaven (blant annet ordning av materialet), se bokutgavens bind
17, Utgavens retningslinjer. Den elektroniske utgaven (HISe) inneholder i tillegg
til alt materiale fra bokutgaven samtlige tekstkilder til de ederte tekstene, det
vil si alle manuskripter og alle trykte utgaver i dikterens levetid. Tekstkildene
gjengis i diplomatarisk (bokstavrett) transkripsjon. Grunntekstene (i de fleste
tilfeller førstetrykkene) og manuskriptene ledsages av faksimiler der dette har vært
mulig å oppdrive. Tekstkildene kan stilles opp ved siden av hverandre slik at
variasjonen mellom dem blir synlig. Feil i og tilleggsopplysninger til HISb står i
en liste over Errata i HISe." [from resource]
Geleitet von Prof. Dr. Peter Funke. Berlin:
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013-. "Die digitale
Edition enthält, beginnend mit dem im Jahre 2001 erschienenen Band IG IX 1², 4,
Texte und deutsche Übersetzungen aller Inschriften; die Aufnahme von Übersetzungen
in anderen Sprachen ist vorgesehen. In den Übersetzungen wurde auf diakritische
Zeichen weitgehend verzichtet; Ergänzungen sind nicht eigens gekennzeichnet, sondern
ergeben sich aus dem Vergleich mit der Edition." [from resource]
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica /
Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica
Von Island nach Jerusalem – Eine annotierte Webedition des Itinerars des Abtes
Geleitet von Fabian Schwabe. Tübingen: eScience-Center,
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 2015. "Zusammen mit der Tübinger
Skandinavistik fand im Wintersemester 2014/15 ein Seminar zum Itinerar des Abtes
Nikulás von Munkaþverá statt. [...] Für die erste Version der Webedition wurde der
komplette Text des Itinerars als normalisierter altnordischer Text mit Übersetzung
ins Deutsche vorbereitet. [...] Alle Annotationen wurden von den Teilnehmern der
beiden Seminar selbständig konzipiert und geschrieben. Die Vorarbeiten der
Kursteilnehmer zur Transliteration der Handschrift AM 194 8vo werden sukzessive
eingearbeitet. Die Edition wird ohne eine feste Versionierung andauernd erweitert.
Sie soll offen bleiben, um stetig neue Annotationen hinzufügen und die Qualität der
vorhandenen Annotationen schrittweise verbessern zu können." [siehe Projektbeschreibung]
Arxiu Virtual Jaume I - Documents
d'època medieval relatius a la Corona d'Aragó
Vicent Garcia Edo. Castellón de la Plana (Spain):
Universitat Jaume I, 2006. "En aquests darrers anys l'accés i l'ús de les
noves tecnologies ens dóna noves possibilitats a l'hora de desenvolupar els treballs
de recerca i també la difusió via Internet a tot el món. Ara bé, una adequada
estructuració del programa informàtic que ha servit de base per a la posada en marxa
d'aquest Arxiu Virtual Jaume I, ens ha permès que no ens hàgem de limitar als
documents reials, sinó que puguem incloure en companyia d'ells la documentació
d'altres persones i institucions de l'època, laiques i eclesiàstiques, amb la qual
cosa la nostra imatge de la documentació del segle XIII serà molt més completa. A
poc a poc anirem fent extensiu aquest procediment al conjunt del temps que denominem
com a baixa edat mitjana." [from resource]
József Attila összes
tanulmánya és cikke Szövegek, 1930–1937
Közzéteszi: Horváth Iván (főszerkesztő), Fuchs Anna
(szerkesztő), Bognár Péter, Buda Borbála Sára, Devescovi Balázs, Golden Dániel
(sajtó alá rendezők), Király Péter (programozó).Budapest: Bölcsészettudományi
Kar, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, 2012; 1.0. kiadás. "Az itt következő
József Attila-kiadás egy olyan, átfogó program keretében készült, amelynek során
eljárást dolgoztunk ki a jövendő magyar klasszikus-kiadások elavulásának
megakadályozására. Az eljárás kísérleti stádiumban van. A technikai részleteket a
MaNDA honlapján fogjuk közzétenni." [from resource]
Kalevalan Aino
Niina Hämäläinen, Sakari Katajamäki ja Maria Niku.
Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura (SKS), 2017. "Kalevalan Aino
on kommentoitu julkaisu Uuden Kalevalan (1849) 4. runon säkeistä 1–30. Digitaalinen
editio esittelee Kalevalaa niin tutkijoille kuin suuremmalle yleisölle. Julkaisu
havainnollistaa Aino-runoa ja sen taustoja sekä Lönnrotin toimitusperiaatteita
kansanrunoaineiston suhteen. Aino-runo (4. runon ensimmäiset 30 säettä) on
toimitettu tekstikriittisesti painetun Uuden Kalevalan pohjalta, mutta lisäksi
editiosta voi tarkastella käsikirjoituksen tekstimuotoja ja katsella käsikirjoitusta
digitaalisina kuvina. [...] Kalevalasta ei ole aiemmin toimitettu tämänkaltaista
työtä. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Edith-yksikössä toimitetut Aleksis Kiven
kriittiset editiot ovat olleet julkaisun mallina." [from resource]
Kroniek van
Ed. by Peter Bakker. Amsterdam: Huygens ING,
2017. "De editie beslaat een gedeelte van de stadskroniek De Annalibus
quaedam. [...] In deze uitgave zijn alleen de folia opgenomen die zijn opgetekend
tijdens de ambtstermijn van de Kamper stadssecretaris Jacob Bijndop. De Annalibus
quaedam is geschreven door meerdere stadssecretarissen tussen circa 1470-1545."
[from resource]
Kekaumenos, Consilia et Narrationes (SAWS edition)
Ed. by Charlotte Roueché. London: King's College London,
2013. "Kekaumenos, Consilia et Narrationes, is a new edition, by
Charlotte Roueché, of an 11th century Greek text which is profoundly influenced by
the tradtion of gnomologia." [from resource]
Søren Kierkegaards
Ed. by Karsten Kynde. Copenhagen: Søren Kierkegaard
Research Centre, 2007; Version 1.1; ISBN 978-87-993510-3-9. 2014; Version 1.8.1;
ISBN 978-87-993510-4-6. "Søren Kierkegaards Skrifter (SKS, Søren
Kierkegaard's Writings) is a complete edition of all extant materials from
Kierkegaard's hand: Published writings, including newspaper articles; unpublished
writings; journals, notebooks, and loose papers; letters and handwritten dedications
Kierkegaard wrote in books. SKS consists of a printed book version and an electronic
version. In excess to the printed version, the electronic version comprises
concordances and indexes." [from resource]
Kivi, Aleksis – Nummisuutarit
Aleksis Kivi:
Nummisuutarit. Komedia viidessä näytöksessä. Kriittinen editio. [On-line.]
SVEA-Pommern - Karten und
Texte der Schwedischen Landesaufnahme von Pommern 1692-1709
Unter der Leitung von Stefan Kroll und Reinhard Zölitz.
Rostock: Universität Rostock, 2007-2010. "Karten und Texte der
Schwedischen Landesaufnahme von Pommern 1692-1709. - GIS-gestützte Auswahledition
des ersten deutschen Katasters im Internet. Ziel des Projektes ist es, die
insgesamt ca. 30.000 Seiten umfassenden Beschreibungstexte sowie die rund 1.000
Karten der Gebiete Pommerns nördlich der Peene in einer wissenschaftlichen Edition
unter Anwendung modernster technischer Standards im Internet zur Verfügung zu
stellen. [...] Bestandteile der Edition werden sowohl digitale Faksimiles der
Originale als auch Bearbeitungen der im älteren Neuschwedisch vorliegenden Texte
(Transkriptionen und Übersetzungen mit textkritischen und sachthematischen
Annotationen) und Karten sein. Methodisch besonders innovativ ist die Verzahnung des
Text- und des Kartenmaterials in einem Geoinformationssystem (Web-GIS)." [from
Mini Lazarillo.
Edición mínima del Lazarillo de Tormes
Equipo Mini Lazarillo [group of students]. New York:
Columbia University, 2016. "The mini lazarillo Project: A minimal edition
of the Lazarillo de Tormes (1554) is a digital edition created by students from the
Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures at Columbia University. The main
menu contains information about the Project, the Team, and the Licence. The main
section is the Edition, where you can find a a reading edition, and an annotated
edition of the Lazarillo de Tormes, as well as the original images. We created the
site with the purpose of giving the reader an enriched reading experience based on
the principles of minimal computing." [from resource]
Lazarraga Eskuizkribua:
edizioa eta azterketa / The Lazarraga Manuscript: Edition and study
Edited by Gidor Bilbao, Ricardo Gómez, Joseba A.
Lakarra, Julen Manterola, Céline Mounole and Blanca Urgell. Vitoria-Gasteiz:
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), 2011 (Version 1.0, 2010; version
1.2, 2011) "The website presents an edition and study of the so-called
"The Lazarraga manuscript". The manuscript contains a pastoral romance and 67 poems,
apparently written between 1567 and 1602. The texts are written in Basque (88%) and
Spanish (12%). The manuscript was found in 2004 and consists of 55 sheets. Some of
them are broken, and some other 20 sheets are currently lost. On the website the
editors offer the text of the manuscript in five different presentations: (1) a
critical annotated edition to be read online; (2) the same edition in PDF format;
(3) the text put into modern spelling (in progress); (4) a Spanish translation (in
progress), and (5) a facsimile of the manuscript. Moreover, the grammatical analysis
of the text (in progress), a complete concordance of the text, and a list of
bibliographical references are provided." [description provided by one of the
Lermontov, Mikhail
DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital
Virginie Loveling: In Oorlogsnood. Virginie Lovelings dagboek 1914-1918
Tekstkritische editie door Bert Van Raemdonck.
Gent: Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie (CTB) / KANTL, 2004. The
link now points to a relaunch within the digital library for Dutch literature, Bert
van Raemdonck, 2007. There is only one internet archive snapshot of the old
page (on the CD-ROM edition) from 2012
Maamme kirja -
digitaalinen editio
Toimittaneet Reeta Holopainen, Sakari Katajamäki ja Ossi
Kokko. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura / Svenska litteratursällskapet
i Finland, 2018. "Topeliuksen Boken om Vårt Land ilmestyi 1875 ja oli
tarkoitettu oppikoulujen valmistavien luokkien lukukirjaksi. Topeliuksen aiemmin
julkaistu Naturens Bok (1856) oli suunnattu kansakoulun alimmille luokille. Boken om
Vårt Landista otettiin kaksikymmentä painosta vuosina 1875−1942. Kirja ilmestyi
suomeksi vuonna 1876, mutta käännöstä uudistettiin ensimmäisen kerran jo parin
vuoden päästä. Sen jälkeen kirjasta on julkaistu suomeksi yli viisikymmentä
painosta, ja sitä käytettiin kouluissa aina 1950-luvulle asti. Maamme kirja on
vaikuttanut merkittävästi suomalaisten omakuvaan, itseymmärrykseen sekä yhteisen
kansallisen historiakäsityksen muodostumiseen. [...] Maamme kirjan digitaalisen
edition tarkoitus on antaa käsitys suomennetun ja moneen kertaan uudistetun
lukukirjan kehityksestä koko teoksen käyttöajalta. Koska kaikkien suomenkielisten
painosten samanaikainen vertailu ei ole mahdollista, editioon on valittu kolme
edustavaa laitosta Suomen historian eri vaiheilta, vuosilta 1878, 1915 ja 1944."
[from resource]
Códice Mendoza / Codex
Ed. by Noemí Cadena Corona et al. Mexico City: INAH,
2014. "The Codex Mendoza is the most significant and iconic document from
sixteenth-century New Spain that describes the empire of the huey tlatoani
(emperor) Moctezuma Xocoyotzin on the eve of the arrival of the Spaniards in the New
World. [...] This digital edition of the Codex Mendoza represents the first attempt
in the world to create a digital resource that permits an in-depth study of a
Mexican codex. Through this work the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
(INAH; National Institute of Anthropology and History) demonstrates the broad-based
utility of this type of edition and the need to seek new forms of representation for
such complex systems of knowledge. At the same time, the effort furthers the
permanent calling of the INAH to study, preserve, and spread awareness of the
cultural patrimony of the Mexican people." [from resource]
Menschen en
Bergen, proza-gedicht
Ed. by Jan-Willem van der Weij. Den Haag: Huygens
Instituut, 2009. "Van het prozagedicht ‘Menschen en Bergen’ van de
Nederlandse schrijver Lodewijk van Deyssel bestaan verscheidene geautoriseerde
versies. Zie drukgeschiedenis. De in deze editie opgenomen versies zijn in één
oogopslag te overzien in het zogenaamde ‘stemma’, de lijst van versies in het
navigatiemenu." [from resource]
Richard Minne en Frits Van den Berghe F. Een tong van lijntses. Geannoteerde leeseditie
van de Brieven van Pierken (1931-1935)
Bezorgd door Vincent Neyt. Gent: Centrum voor
Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie (CTB) / KANTL, 2002; ISBN 978-9072474449;
CD-ROM. Der gedruckten Ausgabe liegt eine CD-ROM bei - eine
[Selbstbeschreibung] "elektronische editie met interactief notenapparaat,
facsimile's, volledige concordantie, belangrijk bronnenmateriaal en een 50-tal audio
brieven voorgedragen in het Gents door Bob de Moor" [u.a.]. Der Link verweist auf
die Publikationsseite des Centrum voor
Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie (KANTL).
Digital Mishnah
Developed by Hayim Lapin, with Travis Brown and Trevor
Muñoz. College Park (MD): Maryland Institute for Technology and the Humanities
(MITH), 2012-2013. "The Digital Mishnah Project will provide users with a
database of digitized manuscripts of the Mishnah from around the world, along with
tools for collation, comparison, and analysis. This demo provides fully marked up
transcriptions of twenty-two witnesses to a sample chapter, Bava Metsia ch 2, and
illustrates basic functionalities. In a number of cases, the witnesses available for
browse expand beyond the sample chapter to include all of Bava Qamma, Bava Metsi'a,
and Bava Batra." [from resource]
Monumenta Asiae
Minoris Antiqua XI - Monuments from Phrygia and Lykaonia
Peter Thonemann and Charles Crowther. Oxford: University
of Oxford / Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Version 1.0, 2012.
"Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua (MAMA) XI [is] a corpus of 387 inscriptions and
other ancient monuments from Phrygia and Lykaonia, recorded by Sir William Calder
(1881-1960) and Dr Michael Ballance (†27 July 2006) in the course of annual
expeditions to Asia Minor in 1954-1957. The MAMA XI project has been funded by a
grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and is based at the Centre for
the Study of Ancient Documents in Oxford." [from resource]
Klaus-Dieter Ertler, Alexandra Fuchs, Michaela Fischer
und Elisabeth Hobisch. Graz: Zentrum für nformationsmodellierung in den
Geisteswissenschaften, 2011. "Die journalistische Gattung der
„Spectators“ oder Moralischen Wochenschriften, welche in England zu Beginn des 18.
Jahrhunderts ihren Ausgang nahm, verbreitete sich bald in ganz Europa, bevor sie zu
einem wichtigen Indikator für das Diskurssystem der Aufklärung wurde. Unser auf
mehrere Jahre angelegtes Projekt verfolgt das Ziel, eine zentrale Datenbank für
sämtliche europäische Moralische Wochenschriften zu erstellen. Derzeit stehen
Darstellungen und Analysen von spanischen, italienischen und französischen Texten
zur Verfügung. Dabei werden zahlreiche Perspektiven der Darstellungsebenen und
Erzählformen sichtbar gemacht." [from resource]
eMunch - Edvard Munchs Tekster, Digitalt
Ed. by Mai Britt Guleng and Hilde Bøe. Oslo: Munch
Museum, 2011. Die "Schriften" Edvard Munch umfassen vor allem seine
Korrespondenz, aber auch andere Textsorten. Diese sind als (quellennahe)
Transkription und als Faksimiles (auch in einer synoptischen Darstellung) verfügbar.
Das Material wird durch Kommentare, Register und ausführlichere Artikel
kontextualisiert. Technisch baut das Archiv auf TEI-codierten Texten und einer
eXist/Cocoon-Architektur auf.
Tibetan Sources
for a Social History of Mustang (Nepal)
Ed. by Charles Ramble and Nyima Drandul. Halle:
International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, 2019. "The
region under consideration is “ethnographic Tibet” (i.e. ethnically Tibetan areas in
the PRC and adjacent countries, especially Nepal and India). The main source
materials will be the large archival collections already photographed by members of
both the French and German research teams in Tibet, Nepal and India. Those
documents that have not already been digitised (in the case of collections
photographed with 35mm film) will be scanned, catalogued, transliterated and
paraphrased or translated, and the entirety of the material made available as a
resource for the international scholarly community in printed volumes and/or on
searchable websites." [from resource]
RINAP – The Royal
Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period
Dir. by Grant Frame. Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania, 2011-. "These Neo-Assyrian royal inscriptions (744–609 BC)
represent only a small, but important part of the vast Neo-Assyrian text corpus.
They are written in the Standard Babylonian dialect of Akkadian and provide valuable
insight into royal exploits, both on the battlefield and at home, royal ideology,
and Assyrian religion. Most of our understanding of the political history of
Assyria, and to some extent of Babylonia, comes from these sources. Because this
large corpus of texts has not previously been published in one place, the RINAP
Project will provide up-to-date editions (with English translations) of Assyrian
royal inscriptions from the reign of Tiglath-pileser III (744–727 BC) to the reign
of Aššur-uballiṭ II (611–609 BC) in seven print volumes and online, in a fully
lemmatized and indexed format." [from resource]
on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal
Bernd Schneidmüller, Axel Michaels, Astrid Zotter,
Christof Zotter et. al. Heidelberg: Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and
Humanities, 2013-2019. "Die Forschungsstelle „Religions- und
rechtsgeschichtliche Quellen des vormodernen Nepal“ widmet sich der Erforschung
dieses vielfältigen historischen Materials aus Tempel-, Verwaltungs- und
Rechtsdokumenten, die im Zuge des von der Mitte des 18. bis zur Mitte des 20.
Jahrhunderts entstanden sind und als einziges größeres nicht-koloniales
Dokumentenkorpus Südasiens von besonderem historischem Interesse ist. Ziel der
Forschungsstelle, die neben Heidelberg auch eine Arbeitsstelle in Patan, Nepal,
unterhält, ist es, dieses einzigartige Dokumentenkorpus systematisch zu untersuchen
und ausgewählte Dokumente in Edition und Übersetzung zu veröffentlichen." [from
Digital Nestle-Aland
Prototype (Greek New Testament)
Published by the Institute for New Testament Textual
Research of University of Münster in collaboration with Scholarly Digital
Editions and the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. Münster / Birmingham / Stuttgart:
2003-2010. "The Digital Nestle-Aland is the forthcoming electronic
version of the standard scholarly edition of the Greek New Testament. It offers two
major features not available in the printed book: (1) Transcripts of important Greek
manuscripts of the New Testament, (2) New complete apparatus based on these
transcripts." [from resource]
New Testament
Digital Nestle-Aland
Prototype (Greek New Testament)
Aleksis Kivi:
Nummisuutarit. Komedia viidessä näytöksessä. Kriittinen editio. [On-line.]
Nummi, Jyrki (päätoimittaja), Sakari Katajamäki, Ossi
Kokko, Petri Lauerma (toim.). Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura,
2011. "Edition toimitettu näytelmäteksti pohjautuu Nummisuutarien
ensipainokseen Nummi-suutarit. Komedia 5:ssä näytöksessä, jonka Aleksis Kivi
julkaisi itse ja joka painettiin Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran kirjapainossa
vuonna 1864. Teosta ei julkaistu Kiven elinaikana kokonaisuudessaan uudelleen eikä
siitä nykytiedon mukaan ole säilynyt kirjailijan itse laatimia käsikirjoituksia tai
muita näytelmän tekstiä koskevia dokumentteja. Mahdollisten ensipainoksen
painotyön aikana tekstiin syntyneiden muutosten kartoittamiseksi toimitustyössä on
vertailtu kuutta ensipainoksen kappaletta. Kahta ensipainoksen kappaletta on
vertailtu merkki merkiltä ja neljää muuta kappaletta tiettyihin tekstikohtiin
kohdennetuin pistokokein (ks. ”Lähteet”). Vertailu ei tuonut esille ensipainoksen
painotyön aikana tehtyjä muutoksia. Toimitettu näytelmäteksti noudattaa
pitkälti ensipainoksen kieliasua, jotta nykylukijalle välittyisi kuva Kiven
kielestä, jossa muun muassa sanojen kirjoitusasut vaihtelevat ja välimerkitys on
melko epäsäännöllistä." [from resource]
Ogham in 3D
Nora White (Pricipal Investigator). Dublin: Dublin
Institute for Advanced Studies, 2015. "Ogham stones are among Ireland's
most remarkable national treasures. These perpendicular cut stones bear inscriptions
in the uniquely Irish Ogham alphabet, using a system of notches and horizontal or
diagonal lines/scores to represent the sounds of an early form of the Irish
language. The stones are inscribed with the names of prominent people and sometimes
tribal affiliation or geographical areas. These inscriptions constitute the earliest
recorded form of Irish and, as our earliest written records dating back at least as
far as the 5th century AD, are a significant resource for historians, as well as
linguists and archaeologists. [...] The ultimate aim of the Ogham in 3D project is
to laser-scan as many as possible of the approximately four hundred surviving Ogham
stones and to make these 3D models freely available on the Dublin Institute for
Advanced Studies website as part of a multi-disciplinary archive of Ogham stones."
[from resource]
Ogier von Dänemark / Ogier van
Edition der Handschrift Heidelberg.
Universitätsbibliothek Cpg 363 mit einer Rekonstruktion des
mittelniederländischen Textes und einer deutschen Übersetzung. Amand Berteloot
mit Unterstützung von Klaus-Dieter Luitjens. Amsterdam/Heidelberg: Huygnes
ING/Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2019. "Diese neue Edition, die
gleichermaßen den Bedürfnissen deutsch- und niederländischsprachiger Leser Rechnung
zu tragen versucht, präsentiert das komplette Ogier-Epos Seite für Seite in vier
verschiedenen Textschichten (“panels”), die je nach Bedarf einzeln oder
nebeneinander angeschaut werden können." [from resource]
Hypertexto del Orlando
Dirección María de las Nieves Muñiz Muñiz. Barcelona:
Universitat de Barcelona, 2006. "Las ediciones publicadas en el
“Hipertexto del Orlando Furioso” son, además de la Giolito de 1542, siete de las
doce que tuvo la Traducción de Urrea, y concretamente aquellas cuyo texto y cuyo
paratexto presentan modificaciones y variantes de relieve [...] El Hipertexto enlaza
todos y cada uno de los elementos presentes en texto y paratexto permitiendo
recorridos múltiples. Las búsquedas se pueden hacer tanto dentro de una sola
edición, como en todas ellas o en algunas; tanto limitándose al texto, al paratexto
verbal, o a las imágenes, como reuniendo en una sola consulta texto y paratexto."
[from resource]
Early Modern Ottoman Culture of
Learning: Popular Learning between Poetic Ambitions and Pragmatic Concerns
Main Researchers: Gisela Procházka-Eisl and Hülya Çelik.
Vienna: University of Vienna, 2015. "The intention of this project is to
explore certain aspects of the Early Modern Ottoman culture of learning, in
particular those areas of learning used and cultivated outside the official Ottoman
institutions of learning, the medreses. [...] [T]his open access digital
edition [...] contains the complete edition of all the six miscellanies and the
Netā'icü l-Fünūn. A word-by-word search of the complete material is possible at that
website: there are annotated entries for personal names, place names, astronomical
and astrological terms, text genres, folio numbers, and – because of the numerous
medical/magical texts – for illnesses, plants, and the non-botanical substances used
in remedies and recipes. Furthermore, this digital edition functions as an
index for the printed Volumes I and II, and – so we hope – additionally provides a
solid tool for further scholarship not only in Ottoman cultural and literary
history, but also in linguistics." [from resource]
Henry Parlands
Skrifter. Digital textkritisk utgåva
Utg. Per Stam & Elisa Veit. Helsinki: Svenska
litteratursällskapet i Finland, 2018-. "Henry Parland är känd som en
banbrytande modernist, med slagkraftiga koncentrerade texter, men också som en
intellektuell kritiker och semiotisk pionjär. Utgåvan omfattar fem delar. Varje
del inleds med de texter som Parland själv förde till trycket. Därefter följer de
texter som återfinns i renskrift i kvarlåtenskapen, ordnade kronologiskt. Dikter
inleds med bidrag i tidningar och tidskrifter som Hufvudstadsbladet, Quosego, Allas
Krönika, Studentbladet och Svensk Ungdom samt diktsamlingen Idealrealisation (1929).
Härefter följer dikter som författaren efterlämnat i skrivhäften, anteckningsböcker
och på lösa papper." [from resource]
Les manuscrits arabes des lettres de Paul de Tarse
Rédigé par Sara Schulthess et Claire Clivaz. Lausanne:
2016. "Ce carnet de recherche a publié les réflexions et les découvertes
en lien au projet FNS Les manuscrits arabes des lettres de Paul de Tarse
(2013-2016), entre janvier 2014 et septembre 2016. [...] Ce fonds FNS a obtenu une
continuation pour un nouveau projet FNS 2016-2018, qui est publié en continu sur un
environnement virtuel de recherche (VRE), HumaReC (ISSN 2504-5075), à l’adresse
humarec.org. Il porte sur l’unique manuscrit trilingue grec, latin, arabe
actuellement répertorié parmi les manuscrits du Nouveau Testament, le Marciana Gr.
Z. 11 (379), GA 460." [from resource] L’édition de 1 Corinthiens dans le Vaticanus
Arabicus 13 est disponible sur http://tarsian.vital-it.ch
LdoD Archive: Collaborative Digital Archive of
the Book of Disquiet
Manuel Portela and António Rito Silva. Coimbra: Centre
for Portuguese Literature at the University of Coimbra, 2017. "The LdoD
Archive is a collaborative digital archive of the Book of Disquiet by Fernando
Pessoa. It contains images of the autograph documents, new transcriptions of those
documents and also transcriptions of four editions of the work. In addition to
reading and comparing transcriptions, the LdoD Archive enables users to collaborate
in creating virtual editions of the Book of Disquiet." [from resource]
Digital Edition of
Fernando Pessoa. Projects and Publications
Ed. by Pedro Sepúlveda and Ulrike Henny-Krahmer.
Lisbon/Cologne: IELT, New University of Lisbon / CCeH, University of Cologne,
2017. "[T]his website offers a unique access to the documents of Fernando
Pessoa’s work. The edition, combining procedures of social editions and
genetic criticism, includes the access to the images of the original writings. This
access is facilitated by a search engine and the transcription of each document,
resulting from electronic text encoding, and offers to the reader the possibility of
defining himself the editorial mode in which he wants to read a certain text." [from
Pushkin, Alexander
DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital
Rabindranath Tagore
Bichitra: Online
Tagore Variorum
Registers van de Hollandse grafelijkheid 1299-1345
The registers of the Counts of Holland in the Hainaut
period, 1299-1345. Project lead by J.W.J. Burgers. Huygens ING / HIstorici.nl,
s.a. [not after 2014]. "This is an electronic edition of the registers
that were kept by the clerks of the Counts of Holland, Zeeland and West-Friesland
during the period 1316-1345. These records register some 3,400 documents and other
texts relating to the Counts’ administration, all of which will be published here.
The registers pertaining to Zuidholland, Kennemerland, Amstelland-Waterland and
Friesland are the only ones published to date, but the other regions will follow in
the foreseeable future. [There is a chronological list of all the published texts
and a search window to access single texts. A] 'Registers' button gives access to a
list of the record volumes that have been published so far. Within each volume, one
can choose between a codicological description and the option of virtually leafing
through the volume in question. From an image you subsequently have the option of
clicking on to the text or texts found on the page in question." [from resource]
Rijmkroniek van Holland (366-1305)
Ed. by J. W. J. Burgers. Den Haag: Rijks Geschiedkundige
Publicatiën (Grote Serie 251), 2004. "De Rijmkroniek van Holland is een
belangrijke bron voor de geschiedenis van Holland in de tweede helft van de 13e en
het begin van de 14e eeuw. [...] De hier gepresenteerde online uitgave omvat
afbeeldingen van alle voorhanden handschriften en fragmenten waarin de Rijmkroniek
is overgeleverd. Deze afbeeldingen,toegankelijk via de inhoudsopgave gaan vergezeld
van een diplomatische transcriptie, voorzien van paleografisch commentaar. Tevens
bestaat de mogelijkheid om de transcripties van de verschillende handschriften en
fragmenten op één scherm naast elkaar te plaatsen, zodat zij onderling vergeleken
kunnen worden." [from resource]
János ifjúkori versgyűjteménye
Tóth Tünde, Horváth Viktor. Budapest: ELTE BTK
BIÖP–Bibliopolisz, 2007. "Jelen kiadás Rimay Jánosnak a Horváth Iván és
Tóth Tünde által 1999-ben rekonstruált, úgynevezett „ifjúkori versgyűjteményének”
kritikai kiadása. Ez az ún. „ifjúkori versgyűjtemény” nem tévesztendő össze Rimaynak
a Balassa-kódex Rimay-részénék címiratában megemlített ún. [...] Kiadásunk a
Balassa-kódexben szereplő Rimay-corpus kritikai kiadása. [...] Bár kiadásunk a
Balassa-kódex Rimay gyűjteményét mint kompozíciót, önálló művet adja ki, nem
forráskiadást, hanem kritikai kiadást készítettünk; az alapszöveg, ahol lehetett, a
Balassa-kódex szövege volt, ám az istenes énekek esetében — melyeknek nagyjából a
fele a kódexbe be sincs másolva, csupán hely van nekik kihagyva — kénytelenek
voltunk a nyomtatott forrásokhoz nyúlni az alapszövegért." [from resource]
Quellen und
Dokumente zu Leben, Werk und literarischen Bezügen des Malers, Unternehmers und
Diplomaten Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)
Hg. von Nils Büttner und Ulrich Heinen. Wolfenbüttel:
Herzog August Bibliothek, 2011. "Das Forschungsprojekt macht Quellen und
Dokumente zu literarischen Bezügen, Leben und Werk des Malers, Unternehmers und
Hofmannes Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) wissenschaftlich erschlossen und im Internet
zugänglich. Neben Bekanntem wird hier auch bislang unpubliziertes Material
zugänglich gemacht sowie erstmals auch die zeitgenössischen gedruckten Quellen des
17. und frühen 18. Jahrhunderts und die in Rubens' näherer Umgebung publizierten
Schriften. Die hier versammelten Quellen geben in bisher nicht gekannter
Geschlossenheit einen Überblick über die familiäre Situation des Malers Rubens bis
zum Jahr 1600, sowie zu seinem Leben und Werk zwischen 1608 und 1640. Dadurch wird
eine umfassende Neubewertung der gesellschaftlichen Stellung, ökonomischen
Situation, künstlerischen Wirkung und intellektuellen Positionierung eines für die
Epoche paradigmatischen Künstlers aus zeitgenössischer Perspektive möglich." [from
SVEA-Pommern - Karten und
Texte der Schwedischen Landesaufnahme von Pommern 1692-1709
Sappho’s Poems
Sean B. Palmer. s.l.: 2008-. "This is an attempt
to collect Sappho's entire work together in one page — with Greek originals,
succinct translations, and commentary. [...] This document has been derived from
various web documents and books, cobbled together after a lot of research.
[...] Some more information on the sources, and further reading and stuff, can be
found in the supplementary material of this document. [...] When I say the "Complete
Poems", I obviously mean an attempt to gather the complete surviving poems, which is
sadly a small fraction of what we know her to have written." [from resource]
Schopenhauer's Library
Annotations and marks in his Spanish books
José Luis Losada Palenzuela. Wrocław: University of
Wrocław, 2017. "Among the books that once belonged to Arthur
Schopenhauer, including his Spanish books, we find handwritten annotations, reading
marks and drawings (Hübscher 1968; Losada 2011). Most of the annotations are
underlining, vertical lines in the margin, cross references, etc. [...] This
project seeks to analyze Schopenhauer’s manuscript annotations in his Spanish books
(interpretation), to encode them using TEI-XML (digital mark-up), and publish them
digitally (diffusion). The first book we are working on, partially transcribed
and encoded, and available online, is the Oráculo manual y arte de prudencia
(1647), in an edition from 1659, full marked with underlining, mostly in pencil,
used by the philosopher for his German translation of Baltasar Gracián Das
Handorakel und Kunst der Weltklugheit." [from resource]
Sholokhov, Michail Aleksandrovich
DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital
siddham - The South Asia Inscriptions
Provided by the "research project Beyond Boundaries:
Religion, Region, Language and the State" [no persons named]. London: British
Library, 2017. As of 4/2018 contained 594 records (215 inscriptions, 379
Directed by Ronald Milne and John Tuck. London: British
Library, 2007. "Codex Sinaiticus is one of the most important books in
the world. Handwritten well over 1600 years ago, the manuscript contains the
Christian Bible in Greek, including the oldest complete copy of the New Testament."
[from resource] The edition contains high-quality images, physical descriptions,
transcriptions, critical annotations and translations.
Scholarly Digital
Editions of Slovenian Literature
Directed by Matija Ogrin and Tomaž Erjavec. Ljubljana:
Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
2004-2007. "The aim of the project 'Scholarly Digital Editions of
Slovenian Literature' is to compile a collection of digital text-critical editions
of Slovenian literary works and sources for literary studies. Our goal is to
leverage the advantages offered by the electronic medium and, using advanced IT
methods as well as applying principles of traditional textual criticism or ecdotics,
show the communicative potential, historical complexity and linguistic
idiosyncrasies of these texts." [from resource] Als technische Grundlage wird
TEI-XML (P4) verwendet.
Stijn Streuvels: De teleurgang van den Waterhoek (The decline of the Waterhoek)
Ed. by Marcel De Smedt and Edward Vanhoutte.
Amsterdam/Gent: Amsterdam University Press / KANTL, 2000; ISBN 978-9053564411;
CD-ROM. Eine "Electronic-critical edition" auf CD. "The CD-ROM presents
the full text version as it first appeared in its pre-publication form in De Gids;
the first edition (with word clarifications); the revised second edition, the
digital facsimile of the complete manuscript, the pre-publication and first editions
as corrected by Streuvels himself; together with the edition of 71 letters from
Streuvels' correspondence and several scholarly articles on the subject. The
MultiDoc Pro on-the-fly SGML Browser software provides advanced search options and
makes it possible to annotate the included material, bookmark certain sections, and
even create your own hyperlinks. An extensive English manual is included on the CD."
[from resource] Der Link zielt auf die Dokumentation zum Projekt.
Besprechung: Stolk, F.R.W.: "Stijn Streuvels, De teleurgang van den Waterhoek".
Nederlandse Letterkunde 6/1 (2001). S. 90-92. Van der Weel, A.: "Stijn Streuvels, De
teleurgang van den Waterhoek." In: TEXT. An Interdisciplinary Annual of Textual
Studies 14 (2002), S. 343-350. The link now points at the last internet archive
snapshot from 2011. The content of the CD has been relaunched as online edition
within the Digital Library for Dutch Literature.
Streuvels en zijn
uitgevers. De brieven.
Joke Debusschere (et al.). Gent: KANTL/CTB, 2014.
"In de Streuvelsstudie dient nog heel wat basisonderzoek te gebeuren. Er zijn in de
loop der jaren talrijke studies verschenen over leven en werk van de auteur, een
aantal van zijn teksten zijn (o.m. via het Volledig Werk) ter beschikking gesteld,
maar een en ander is niet altijd even wetenschappelijk gebeurd. De
wetenschappelijk verantwoorde bestudering en uitgave van de overgeleverde
briefwisseling kan een correctie bieden op dergelijke aannames uit de
gepopulariseerde Streuvelsstudie en kan nieuw onderzoek genereren en stofferen. Deze
digitale editie van de briefwisseling tussen Stijn Streuvels en zijn
Nederlandstalige uitgevers vormt hiervoor een belangrijke eerste aanzet." [from
Suda On Line: Byzantine
Directed by David Whitehead (Senior Editor) and Raphael
Finkel (Technical Director). Stoa Consortium, 2000-2014. "The Suda (or
Stronghold) [is] a massive 10th century Byzantine Greek historical encyclopedia of
the ancient Mediterranean world, covering the whole of Greek and Roman antiquity and
also including Biblical and Christian material. Preserved in several medieval
manuscripts, it has been edited and published several times since the end of the
14th century in traditional hard-copy scholarly editions [...]. The Suda On Line
(SOL) project, begun in 1998 as part of the Stoa Consortium, opens up this
stronghold of information by means of a freely accessible, keyword-searchable
database, with English translations, notes, bibliography, and links to other
electronic resources. With contributions (as Translators and/or Editors) from more
than two hundred people worldwide, the SOL reached the landmark of all entries being
translated and “vetted” (edited) to a usable standard on July 21, 2014." [from
Suprasliensis, Codex
Bichitra: Online
Tagore Variorum
Coordinated by Sukanta Chaudhuri, executed by the School
of Cultural Texts and Records. Kolkata: Jadavpur University, 2011-.
"Bichitra is the biggest integrated knowledge site devoted to any author in any
language to date. It comprises most versions of nearly all Rabindranath’s works in
Bengali and English. It excludes most letters, speeches, textbooks and translations,
except Tagore’s translations from his own Bengali. It includes digital images of
virtually all his manuscripts and authoritative print versions (47,520 pages of
manuscripts and 91,637 pages of printed books and journals); plain-text transcripts
of all these versions; a search engine to locate words and phrases in Rabindranath’s
works; a collation engine to compare different versions of a work at three levels,
section (chapter, act/scene, canto or other large unit), segment (paragraph,
dramatic speech or stanza), and detailed wording; a checklist of the contents of
each manuscript; [and] a bibliography of all authoritative manuscript and print
versions of each work" [from resource] There is also a very useful introductory
video on YouTube.
Teatro de Autores
Portugueses do Séc. XVI
Centro de Estudos de Teatro: Teatro de Autores
Portugueses do Séc. XVI - Base de dados textual [on-line], 2010. "A
apresentação dos textos é feita com critérios rigorosos de transcrição,
tendencialmente modernizantes da ortografia, eliminando erros óbvios de tipógrafos,
mantendo as marcas fonéticas da língua quinhentista. A técnica editorial permite
disponibilizar informação através de campos temáticos, glossário, notas críticas
para a investigação, fac-símiles e bibliografia." [from resource]
Teatro de Autores
Portugueses do Séc. XVII
Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Teatro de Autores
Portugueses do Séc. XVII – uma biblioteca digital, 2010. "A transcrição
dos textos é feita com critérios tendencialmente modernizantes da ortografia,
eliminando erros óbvios de tipógrafos. A técnica editorial permite disponibilizar
informação através de campos temáticos, glossário, notas críticas para a
investigação, fac-símiles e bibliografia." [from resource]
Arkivet, Thorvaldsens
Projektleder Ernst Jonas Bencard (til 2019) og Kira
Kofoed (fra 2019). København: Thorvaldsens Museum, 2017-. "Arkivet,
Thorvaldsens Museum er et dokumentations- og forskningscenter for Bertel
Thorvaldsens værk, liv og kontekst. Arkivet rummer p.t. 10225 dokumenter fra, til og
om billedhuggeren. De er de primære skriftlige kilder til vores viden om
Thorvaldsens virke." [from resource]
A Comprehensive Edition of
Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM)
Principal investigator Melanie Malzahn. Vienna:
University of Vienna, 2011-. "It is the aim of our project to make all
Tocharian texts available to everyone interested, by providing photographs, text
transcriptions, and English translations with a commentary on the respective
linguistic, philological, and cultural aspects. The text material is made accessible
through a database with various search options, both grammatical and philological."
[from resource]
Tolstoy, Leo
DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital
Zacharias Topelius
Directed by Patricia Berg. Helsinki: Society of Swedish
Literature in Finland, 2010ff. "En historisk-kritisk utgåva. Zacharias
Topelius Skrifter (ZTS) är en historisk-kritisk utgåva. Texten etableras efter
analys av manuskripten och tidiga upplagor. Utgåvan redogör för författarens
ändringar och tillägg under arbetsprocessen och för de ändringar som han gjorde i
senare upplagor. De utgivna verken förses med inledningar som både placerar in dem i
Topelius författarskap och som belyser deras historiska och litterära bakgrund och
deras betydelse i Topelius samtid och senare. Därtill förses de mest centrala verken
med kommentarer som ger sakupplysningar och förklaringar till enskilda textställen."
[from resource]
Topelius - Maamme kirja
Maamme kirja -
digitaalinen editio
Benito Pérez Galdòs:
Torquemada en la hoguera. On-Line Edition
Edited by Rhian Davies. Sheffield: University of
Sheffield, 1996-; ISBN: 0-9542608-3-X. "Nuestro objetivo principal era
crear una edición electrónica que los investigadores de Galdós pudieran utilizar con
fines críticos y de investigación. En cuanto al estudio que se incluye en la
introducción, decidimos no hacer sino un resumen esquemático de la biografía y la
obra de Galdós ya que consideramos imposible hacerle justicia en tan limitado
espacio. De modo parecido, en lugar de ofrecer un estudio completo de Torquemada en
la hoguera ha sido nuestro propósito animar al lector a que realice más
investigaciones al respecto." [from resource]
Tyutchev, Fyodor
DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital
Vincent van Gogh - The
Ed. by Leo Jansen, Hans Luijten and Nienke Bakker. Den
Haag: Huygens Institute, 2012-. "All the surviving letters written and
received by Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) are contained in this edition of his
correspondence. [... It] include[s] not only complete facsimiles, but also the texts
of Van Gogh’s letters in a parallel reading text version that retains the line
breaks of the originals, a reading text version with continuous text, and a new
English translation that renders the meaning of the original as faithfully as
possible and is consequently not literary or interpretive. The commentary, and
in particular the annotations, is as complete as possible and as exhaustive as [...]
was necessary to clarify the content of the letters – sometimes in a very nuanced or
detailed manner – for modern readers. [The editors] have as far as possible
identified Van Gogh’s literary and visual sources and illustrated all the works of
art that could be traced. [...] The twofold objective behind all this was to publish
Van Gogh’s letters as he wrote and intended them, and to place the correspondence as
a whole in its historical context. The introductory chapters likewise serve this
purpose." [from resource]
Van Nu en Straks. De
Hg. von Bert Van Raemdonck. Gent: Universiteit Gent /
KANTL, 2011. "Het corpus omvat 1.419 brieven. Ze zijn getranscribeerd,
gecodeerd en geannoteerd volgens de DALF Guidelines van het Centrum voor Teksteditie
en Bronnenstudie (CTB-KANTL). De geannoteerde brieven bevatten o.m.
verwijzingen naar bijna 2.500 personen, 500 plaatsnamen, 1.000 titels van boeken,
650 tijdschriftartikelen en 350 gedichten. Een netwerk van 3.600 hyperlinks maakt
een intuïtief en associatief gebruik van het corpus mogelijk. Het corpus omvat
behalve een kritische en een diplomatische transcriptie van alle bronnen ook een
gedetailleerde beschrijving van alle relevante metadata en meer dan 3.000 digitale
facsimile-afbeeldingen." [from resource] "This fully eXist-driven web interface
allows users to browse, search, view, and export the encoded letters or custom
selections of letters in various formats: XHTML, XML, PDF. The letters can be
visualized as reading text, diplomatic transcription, or XML source view, and
facsimiles are offered where available. Most of these 1500 letters are in Dutch (180
are in French), and all of them deal with the Flemish literary journal 'Van Nu en
Straks' (1893-1901). The encoding of the letters follows the DALF Guidelines for the
Description and Encoding of Modern Correspondence Material (see
http://www.kantl.be/ctb/project/dalf/ ), a customization of the TEI P4 Guidelines.
So far, all information in the edition is in Dutch. An English version of the edition
interface is available." [from mail to Hmanist Discussion Group]
Lope de Vega - La Dama
Bajo la dirección de Marco Presotto. Barcelona/Bologna:
PROLOPE / Università di Bologna, CRR-MM, 2015; ISBN 9788898010257.
doi:10.6092/UNIBO/LADAMABOBA "El proyecto que aquí presentamos ofrece
una aplicación web de carácter científico dedicada a La dama boba y a su tradición
textual, uniendo el interés divulgativo con la atención a los aspectos ecdóticos.
Esta edición en línea pone a disposición el texto crítico con su aparato de
variantes y notas complementarias pero también, por primera vez, un archivo de los
testimonios utilizados y su transcripción." [from resource]
ende Keye
Ed. by Marjolein Hogenbirk in collaboration with Wim
Gerritsen. Amsterdam: Huygens ING, 2011. "Deze website bevat een
kritische editie van de dertiende-eeuwse Arturroman Walewein ende Keye. De editie
bestaat uit een inleiding en een leestekst met annotaties." [from resource]
Wschowska księga grodzka, 1495-1526
[The Court Records of Wschowa (1495–1526). Digital
Edition] Ed. by Marek Słoń and Urszula Zachara-Związek. Warsaw: Polish Academy
of Science, 2018. Facsimile plus indexing of named entities (persons,
places) as database with geographical information system (map). Article about the
edition in Atlas Fontium, 2018
Yesenin, Sergei
DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital
берестяные грамоты
Дизайн: А. В. Санников. Институт славяноведения
Российской академии наук, 2007-. "Материалы сайта в полном объеме
представляют в сети Интернет ценнейший исторический и лингвистический источник —
древнерусские грамоты на бересте XI–XV вв. (берестяные грамоты)." [from
রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
Bichitra: Online
Tagore Variorum