Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing

a catalog of

Digital Scholarly Editions

general subject area: literature

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The Latin Prose and Poetry of Joseph Addison

Ed. by Dana F. Sutton. Irvine (CA): University of California, 1997-2005. Nennt sich selbst "A hypertext critical edition". Tatsächlich handelt es sich um eine einfache (allerdings philologisch kontrollierte) Textausgabe mit Anmerkungsapparat und Übersetzung. Das Ganze ist Teil des "Philological Museum", einer digitalen Bibliothek neulateinischer Texte.

African American Women Writers of the 19thCentury

Managed by Howard Dodson. New York: The Digital Schomburg (The New York Public Library), 1998-1999. "African American Women Writers of the 19th Century is a digital collection of some 52 published works by 19th-century black women writers. A part of the Digital Schomburg, this collection provides access to the thought, perspectives and creative abilities of black women as captured in books and pamphlets published prior to 1920. A full text database of these 19th and early 20th- century titles, this digital library is key-word-searchable. Each individual title as well as the entire database can be searched to determine what these women had to say about "family", "religion", "slavery" or any other subject of interest to the researcher or casual reader. The Schomburg Center is pleased to make this historic resource available to the public." [from resource]

Anna Lætitia Aikin: Poems (1773)

Ed. by Lisa Vargo and Allison Muri. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2000. "The hypertext edition of Poems (1773) by Anna Lætitia Aikin (later Barbauld) reproduces a copy courtesy of the Bruce Peel Special Collections Library, University of Alberta in Edmonton. It presents a faithful color facsimile of the first edition and text versions of the poems." [from resource]

Alciato's Book of Emblems: The Memorial Web Edition in Latin and English

Ed. by William Barker, Mark Feltham and Jean Guthrie. St. John's (NL): Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1995-2005. Das Projekt aus den frühen Tagen des Internets scheint kontinuierlich betreut zu werden. Das Emblembuch von Andrea Alciato liegt hier in lateinischer Transkrition und englischer Übersetzung vor. Abgebildet sind nicht die Buchseiten, sondern nur die Embleme selbst. Zusätzlich gibt es Kommentare und Kontextinformationen.

Eleventh-Century Anglo-Saxon Glossary From Ms. Brussels, Royal Library 1650: An Edition and Source Study

David W. Porter. Baton Rouge (LA): Southern University, 1995/1996. Ganz frühe Studie zur Edition eines mehrsprachigen Manuskripts des 11. Jh. in mehreren Textstufen (diplomatische Abschrift - semi-diplomatische Edition - kritischer Editionstext). Siehe ggf. auch den Intute-Eintrag.
Die Wayback-Machine hält eine Fassung der Seite <> von 2006 vor.


cf. The Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry

The Letters of Matthew Arnold

Ed. by Cecil Y. Lang. Charlottesville (VA): University of Virginia Press, 2006. Online-Subskription 420$ bis 840$. "Matthew Arnold was the preeminent poet/critic of the second half of the nineteenth century. Including nearly 4,000 letters, this work represents the most comprehensive and assiduously annotated collection of his correspondence available." [from resource]

Deux visages de L'Astrée: Première édition critique de L'Astrée d'Honoré d'Urfé

Ed. by Eglal Henein. Medford (MA): Tufts University, 2007-2019. "Ce site offre la toute première édition critique de L'Astrée d'Honoré d'Urfé, une reproduction du roman accompagnée d'une analyse de son évolution du vivant de l'auteur. C'est un instrument de travail destiné aux néophytes tout autant qu'aux spécialistes du XVIIe siècle. [...] L'Astrée a droit depuis longtemps au titre de « premier best-seller » de la littérature narrative française, selon H.-J. Martin, spécialiste de l'histoire du livre (p. 481). Mais, jusqu'à la parution de cette édition critique, en 2007, les lecteurs du roman se sont heurtés à d'immenses obstacles linguistiques et culturels." [from resource]

The Auchinleck Manuscript

Ed. by David Burnley and Alison Wiggins. Edinburgh: National Library of Scotland, 2003-2004. Transkription und digitales Faksimile einer englischen Handschrift des 14. Jahrhunderts. Die sehr übersichtliche Oberfläche erlaubt eine einfache Benutzung des Ausgabe, die zusätzlich durch ein Such-Interface erschlossen ist. Weitere Informationen wie eine Beschreibung der Handschrift, ein Glossar oder eine Bibliographie runden das Angebot ab.

Aue, Hartmann von

cf. Hartmann von Aue - Portal


Jane Austen’s Fiction Manuscripts Digital Edition

Ed. by Kathryn Sutherland et al. London: Centre for Computing in the Humanities / King's College London, 2011. "The Jane Austen’s Fiction Manuscripts Digital Edition gathers together in the virtual space of the web some 1100 pages of fiction written in Jane Austen’s own hand. Through digital reunification, it is now possible to access, read, and compare high quality images of original manuscripts whose material forms are scattered around the world in libraries and private collections. [...] The main resources in the digital edition are the manuscripts themselves, accessed through the manuscript menu and grouped chronologically and according to their material states as fair copies (the Juvenilia and Lady Susan), working drafts (The Watsons, Persuasion, Sanditon), and further materials. Each manuscript can be opened in a variety of ways: as facsimile pages which can be magnified using ‘zoomify’; as transcribed text set side by side with the original manuscript page; or through a Headnote that provides details of the manuscript’s history and physical description." [from resource]

Aymon de Varennes

cf. digi Florimont - archive numérique du 'Roman de Florimont' d'Aimon de Varennes


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Hermann Bahr, Arthur Schnitzler: Briefwechsel, Aufzeichnungen, Dokumente 1891-1931.

Hg. von Kurt Ifkovits und Martin Anton Müller. Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018. "In dieser Ausgabe sind 1.366 Texte versammelt, die Aufschluss über das Verhältnis von Hermann Bahr und Arthur Schnitzler geben. Im Zentrum steht die Korrespondenz zwischen den beiden, die erstmals ungekürzt und vollständig dargeboten wird. Auch Texte über den jeweils anderen werden zur Gänze wiedergegeben. Ausgenommen davon sind lediglich größere Werke, in denen sich bloß eine kurze Erwähnung findet." [from resource]

Balassi Bálint összes verse hálózati kritikai kiadás

Szerkesztette Horváth Iván és Tóth Tünde. Budapest: Gépeskönyv, 1998; ver. 1.0. 1999; ver.1.1. 2002; ver. 2.0. "Ha a kifejezést szigorúan alkalmazzuk, valószínűleg ez a Balassi-kiadás a világ első internetes szövegkritikai kiadása. Első (1.0) változatát 1998. november 30-án publikáltuk a hálózaton, és mutattuk be az Országos Műszaki Fejlesztési Bizottság (OMFB) szakértőinek. [...] A kiadásnak a következő érdmeire is hadd hívjuk fel az Olvasó figyelmét:
1. a korábbiaknál jóval gazdagabb a jegyzetapparátus, különösen ami az irodalmi mintákat illeti,
2. új szövegleszármazási elmélet alapján új kötetrekonstrukciót nyújt a kiadvány,
3. új szövegátírási elveket követ." [from resource]

Herman Bangs breve

Redaktion Gert Posselt. København: Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab, 2015-. "Denne udgave indeholder i alt 642 brevtekster, fordelt som følger:
· 516 breve (1880-1912) fra Herman Bang til Peter Nansen
· 106 breve (1894-1912) fra Herman Bang til Betty Nansen
· 18 breve (1883-1907) fra Peter Nansen til Herman Bang
· Et brev (1883) fra Gustav Esmann og Herman Bang til Peter Nansen
· Et brev (1885) fra Herman Bang til Immanuel Nansen, lillebror til Peter Nansen
”Breve” betegner skriftlige meddelelser i form af:
· egentlige breve (udbragt enten via postvæsen eller via et lokalt bud, privat udsendt af Bang)
· korrespondancekort (dobbeltkort, lukket ved hjælp af klæbestof langs de tre sider, hvis perforering skulle afrives af modtageren ved åbningen)
· brevkort (adresse og frankering på den ene side, blank plads til brevteksten på den anden)
· postkort (adresse og frankering samt evt. plads til brevtekst på den ene side, et påtrykt billede på den anden side)
· beskrevne visitkort
· telegrammer" [from resource]

Baratynsky, Evgeny

cf. DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital Edition

Batiushkov, Konstantin Nikolaevich

cf. DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital Edition


Samuel Beckett - Digital Manuscript Project

Directed by Dirk Van Hulle and Mark Nixon. Brussels: University Press Antwerp et al., 2011. Contains the genetic editions "Stirrings Still / Soubresauts" and "Comment dire / what is the word".
"The Beckett Digital Manuscript Project [...] started from two initiatives: (1) the 'in-house' genetic edition of four works by Samuel Beckett, and (2) the Series of Variorum Editions of Samuel Beckett's Bilingual Works, initiated in 1986 by Charles Krance [... . T]hese initiatives were developed into the Beckett Digital Manuscript Archive, which combines genetic criticism with electronic scholarly editing, applied to the study of Beckett's manuscripts. The Beckett Digital Manuscript Project consists of two parts:
(a) a digital archive of Samuel Beckett's manuscripts, organized in 26 research modules. Each of these modules comprises digital facsimiles and transcriptions of all the extant manuscripts pertaining to an individual text, or in the case of shorter texts, a group of texts. (b) a series of 26 volumes, analyzing the genesis of the texts contained in the corresponding modules.
The Beckett Digital Manuscript Project aims to contribute to the study of Beckett's works in various ways: by enabling readers to discover new documents and see how the dispersed manuscripts of different holding libraries interrelate within the context of a work's genesis in its entirety; by increasing the accessibility of the manuscripts with searchable transcriptions in an updatable digital archive; by highlighting the interpretive relevance of intertextual references that can be found in the manuscripts. [... T]he project brings together digital facsimiles of documents that are now preserved in different holding libraries, and adds transcriptions of Beckett's manuscripts, tools for bilingual and genetic version comparison, a search engine, and an analysis of the textual genesis of his works." [from resource]

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Thomas Lovell Beddoes. The Brides' Tragedy (1822)

Ed. by David Baulch. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2007. "This edition presents both the full text and relevant contexts of the play, including a comprehensive introduction and extensive notes by the editor, two of the sources of the play, and four contemporary reviews." (description taken from Romantic Circles)

Beecher-Stowe, Harriet: Uncle Tom’s Cabin and American Culture

Directed by Stephen Railton. Charlottesville (VA): University of Virginia, 1998-2009. Vom Selbstverständnis her ein digitales Archiv, das eine ganze Reihe verschiedener Materialen zusammenbringt. Diese können über drei Modi (Browse Mode, Search Mode, Interpret Mode) erreicht werden. Zu den Inhalten gehören Pre-Texts, der Werktext, Informationen über die verschiedenen Ausgaben, Rezensionen und Reaktionen, Musikstücke, Aufführungen, didaktische Hilfsmittel (Zeitleiste, "Interpretative Exhibits", "Lesson Plans", ) usw. usf. Was fehlt ist eine kritische Textfassung, die die Varianz der Ausgaben berücksichtigen würde. Ansonsten handelt es sich hier aber tatsächlich um ein breit kontextualisiertes, wahrhaft multimediales Archiv.

Electronic Beowulf

Ed. by Kevin Kiernan with Andrew Prescott. London: British Library, 2000; ISBN 978-0712304948 / 978-0472002603; 2 CD-ROMs. Electronic Beowulf 2.0. London: British Library, 2003; ISBN 978-0712343220. Electronic Beowulf 3.0. London: British Library, 2011; ISBN 978-0712351010; DVD-ROM. Electronic Beowulf 4.1. London: British Library, 2019. Eines der traditionsreichsten digitalen Editionsprojekte (begonnen 1993). Im Netz ist vor allem die Dokumentation zum Projekt verfügbar. Zu den Schwerpunkten gehörte die Arbeit mit beschädigten (verbrannten) und nur noch schwer lesbaren Handschriften.
Zu Version 3.0 (2011) gibt es eine Rezension von G.L. Simpson in Digital Medievalist 8 (2012)
"The fourth edition of Electronic Beowulf 4.1 is a free, online version of Electronic Beowulf that supersedes all previous editions. The online edition is designed to meet the needs of general readers, who require a full, line by line, translation; of students, who want to understand the grammar and the meter and still have time in a semester to study and appreciate other important aspects of the poem; and of scholars, who want immediate access to a critical apparatus identifying the nearly 2000 eighteenth-century restorations, editorial emendations, and manuscript-based conjectural restorations." [from resource]

Beowulf on Steorarume (Beowulf in Cyberspace)

Edited by Benjamin Slade. [no institutional context given], 2002-. Calls itself "A New Critical Electronic Edition of the Text, based on an examination of the original MS with supplementary texts including The Fight at Finnsburh, Waldere, Deor, Woden's Nine Herbs Charm, Bede's Account of Cædmon"

Bérardier de Bataut, Essai sur le récit

Sous la direction de Christof Schöch. Kassel: Universität Kassel, 2010. La présente édition se base sur l'unique édition que l'Essai sur le récit à connu, à notre connaissance, et qui date de 1776. Le parti pris de l'édition a été de fournir une représentation du texte de l'Essai sur le récit au détriment de la matérialité du livre ; d'où le choix de ne pas reproduire les pages du livre en fac-similé et de partager le texte en chapitres et non pas en pages individuelles. L'édition fournit deux vues alternatives du texte, que le lecteur est libre de choisir à l'aide de la barre en bas de chaque page : une transcription linéaire du texte de l'édition originale, et un texte de lecture modernisé. La transcription linéaire maintient à un grand degré le texte de l'original, coquilles comprises, et supprime uniquement quelques éléments liés à la mise en page et à l'usage des espaces. Le texte de lecture comporte, par rapport à la transcription linéaire, un degré de normalisation, de régularisation et de modernisation nettement plus élevé. Toutes les modifications par rapport à la transcription linéaire sont signalées, le terme en question apparaissant sur fond colorié : bleu clair pour les simples modernisations, bleu plus vif pour les corrections de coquilles." [from resource]

Bichitra Project: Online Tagore Variorum

cf. Bichitra: Online Tagore Variorum

The Ambrose Bierce Project

Ed. by Craig A. Warren. State College (PA): Pennsylvania State University, 2008-2010. "The Ambrose Bierce Project is an online forum and resource for the study of Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce (1842-1914?), the American soldier, topographer, journalist, and writer. " [from resource]

The William Blake Archive

Ed. by Morris Eaves, Robert Essick and Joseph Viscomi. Chapel Hill (NC): University of North Carolina, 1996-. Ein "hypermedia archive". Das Archiv enthält vor allem die Werke Blakes (teilweise in mehrfachen Ausgaben) als digitale Faksimiles und als (diplomatische) Transkription sowie mit sehr guten und umfangreichen bibliographischen Beschreibungen. Daneben weitere Materialien (Bibliographie, Biographie, Glossar, Sekundärliteratur). Für die Abbildungen wird ein "Java-Image-Sizer" verwendet, der nicht nur eine Größeneinstellung erlaubt, sondern auch die Kalibrierung des Monitors unterstützt, um die korrekte Wiedergabe der Farben zu ermöglichen. Zu den Werkzeugen gehört weiterhin ein Annotationstool (Inote), mit dem die Inhalte kommentiert werden können.
Relaunch 2016: "In collaboration with UNC Libraries and ITS Research Computing, the William Blake Archive is launching on 12 December 2016 a complete and transformative redesign of its website. [...] The redesigned Archive is faster and easier to navigate, is aesthetically more appealing, and offers a more robust search feature. [...] Though the Archive retains its focus on the material conditions of Blake’s art, presenting images in the context of works and copies, such as The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Copy B, the newly designed site contextualizes each work, copy, and object in a network of relations." (from resource)

The Collected Writings of Robert Bloomfield

Ed. by Tim Fulford, John Goodridge and Sam Ward. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2019. "A labouring-class writer famed for his rural verse, Bloomfield was not only a major influence on Clare but also a children’s author, playwright, tourist writer, and literary critic. The Collected Writings of Robert Bloomfield is the first ever scholarly edition of his entire oeuvre. The editors have collated all the lifetime editions of his publications, making it possible as never before to study the range of his work and the many revisions it underwent. The poems’ textual histories are displayed in variants, editorial footnotes and explanatory introductions. The literary and biographical contexts are discussed, as are the works' critical receptions and publication histories." [from resource]

The Banks of Wye by Robert Bloomfield

Ed. by Tim Fulford. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2012. "This edition presents a rare surviving example of the kind of multimedia production that arose from one of the new cultural activities of the late eighteenth century—the picturesque and antiquarian tour. It comprises a facsimile of the manuscript sketch- and scrap-book that Robert Bloomfield made after his 1807 tour of the Wye, an annotated transcription of the prose tour-journal that he incorporated into his scrap book, and a collated and annotated text of the poetic versions of the tour that were published (as The Banks of Wye) in 1811, 1813, and 1823. Also included are reproductions of the engravings that illustrated the 1811 and 1813 publications, deleted or unadopted passages from the manuscript of the poem, and a selection of reviews from journals of the time." [from resource]

The Letters of Robert Bloomfield and His Circle

Ed. by Tim Fulford and Lynda Pratt. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2009. "This present edition aims to build upon the foundation that these recent volumes have laid down, making study of Bloomfield properly possible for the first time by collecting all his extant letters plus a selection of those written to him by literary correspondents. The hope is that by presenting a properly edited and annotated Collected Letters, we, the editors, will not only foster the infant that is Bloomfield Studies, but also enable him to be a significant figure for all those studying early nineteenth-century literature and culture. Bloomfield's letters cast new light on many of the issues that concern critics and historians most about the period." [from resource]

Decameron Web

Ed. by Michael Papio and Massimo Riva. Providence (RI): Brown University, 1994-. Textlich beruht das Decameron-Web auf der Ausgabe von Vittorio Branca (1992) und auf einer englischen Übersetzung von J.M. Rigg (1903) (es gibt noch eine weitere englische Übersetzung von 1620). Inhaltlich orientiert sich das Projekt nicht in Richtung der Überlieferung und darauf aufbauender Textkritik, sondern eher in Richtung Kontextualisierung, Erschließung, Interpretation und Didaktik.

Edizione Critica Ipertestuale dello Zibaldone Laurenziano PL XXIX, 8

A cura di Raul Mordenti. Roma: 1996-2004. Projekt zur TEI-SGML-codierten Edition eines Boccaccio-Autographen. Methodologisch beeindruckend ist der Plan zur genauesten Verzeichnung aller Handschriftenphänomene. Leider sind bislang nur einzelne Segmente in der angestrebten "Edizione Diplomatica Interpretativa Codificata" (EDIC) verfügbar. Zu diesen wird zusätzlich eine italienische Übersetzung geboten.

Electronic Boethius - Alfred the Great's Old English 'Consolation Book'

Ed. by Kevin Kiernan. Lexington (KY): University of Kentucky, 2002-2006. Ausgehend von den Erfahrungen aus dem Projekt "Electronic Beowulf". Ein maßgebliches Unternehmen für Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der "Image Based Edition". Eines der Ergebnisse des Projekts war das "Edition Production Toolkit" bzw. "Edition Production Technology". Im Netz verfügbar ist allerdings nicht die Edition selbst, sondern nur dokumentierende Informationen.

Les dossiers de Bouvard et Pécuchet

Dir. Stéphanie Dord-Crouslé. Lyon: Institut d’histoire des représentations et des idées dans les modernités (IHRIM), 2007-. "Conservés à la bibliothèque municipale de Rouen, les dossiers de Bouvard et Pécuchet, le dernier roman – posthume et inachevé – de Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880), constituent un ensemble patrimonial imposant (2 400 feuillets), cohérent, d’importance scientifique et culturelle reconnue. [...] Or, en raison de leur volume, de leur organisation complexe et indéfiniment mouvante, ainsi que de leurs contenus scientifiques extrêmement variés, les dossiers ne peuvent pas être édités de manière satisfaisante sous une forme imprimée. [...] Dépassant cette limite en recourant au support électronique et à l’encodage XML-TEI intégral du corpus, la présente édition offre l’accès :
· aux images, à la transcription (formats diplomatique et textuel) et aux métadonnées des pages du corpus,
· à un moteur de recherche plein texte,
· à trois bibliothèques permettant d’identifier les références utilisées par Flaubert et de circuler dans le corpus
· et à un outil de production de « seconds volumes » possibles : l'agenceur." [from resource]

Les manuscrits de Madame Bovary. Edition intégrale sur le web.

Yvan Leclerc, Danielle Girard, Marie Durel. Rouen: Centre Flaubert, 2009. Genetic edition of Flauberts masterpiece.
"La Bibliothèque municipale de Rouen conserve tous les scénarios, brouillons et manuscrits de Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert : la presque totalité des folios noircis par l’auteur entre le mois de septembre 1851 et le mois de mars 1857. [...] Cette édition génétique intégrale des manuscrits de Madame Bovary est le fruit d’une coopération étroite de la Bibliothèque municipale de Rouen avec le Centre Flaubert [...] et a également bénéficié de la participation du laboratoire LITIS [...]. Elle constitue une base de connaissance considérable (près de 15 000 fichiers composent cette édition), cherchant à la fois à restituer à l’écran un peu de l’émotion de cette « mécanique compliquée » qu’est l’écriture de Flaubert, et à constituer pour les chercheurs et les spécialistes de cette œuvre un instrument de travail unique, favorisant les études à partir des manuscrits. Peu d’écrivains ont laissé un tel volume d’archives, traduisant ce travail obsessionnel de l’écriture : cette recherche fiévreuse et obstinée de « l’idéal de la prose » se lit dans les innombrables additions dans les marges et les interlignes, les ratures et les reprises multiples, dessinant folio après folio cette phrase concise et économe sans cesse soumise à l’épreuve de la diction, le « gueuloir », véritable test de résistance de son style..." [from resource]

Georg Brandes: Digitale Hovedstrømninger

Lasse Horne Kjældgaard (Projektleder), Jens Bjerring-Hansen (Vice-projektleder) og Jens Bjerring-Hansen (Hovedredaktør). København: Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab, 2019-. "Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab har som led i det Carlsbergfond-finansierede Semper Ardens-projekt Digitale Hovedstrømninger / Digital Currents (2016-19, læs mere her) stået for arbejdet med at tilvejebringe en ny udgave af Georg Brandes’ Hovedstrømninger i det 19. Aarhundredes Litteratur (1872-1890).
Det drejer sig om en digital, tekstkritisk og kommenteret udgave. Førsteudgaverne af de seks bind danner tekstgrundlag, og udgaven er forsynet med et selektivt variantapparat, der oplyser om de ændringer, Brandes foretog i senere udgaver. Dertil kommer udførlige forskningsbaserede introduktioner til de enkelte bind af Hovedstrømninger, registre over personer, værker, litterære karakterer og steder, linkning til DSL’s ordbøger, søgemuligheder, en tidslinje over Brandes’ liv og internationale aktiviteter, samt forskellige ressourcetekster: tyske, engelske og franske oversættelser af værket samt Brandes’ Forklaring og Forsvar (1872) og selvbiografien Levned 1-3 (1905-08)." [from resource]

Brieven en Correspondenten rond 1900. Digitale editie.

Ed. by Annemarie Kets. Amsterdam: Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (KNAW), 2016. "De editie Brieven en Correspondenten rond 1900 bestaat uit twee componenten
Het onderdeel Brieven bevat de brievennetwerken van twee sleutelfiguren: de letterkundige Albert Verwey (1865-1937) en de beeldend kunstenaar Willem Witsen (1860-1923). De 5.512 brieven zijn ontsloten door transcripties, digitale kleurenafbeeldingen en metadata
Het onderdeel Correspondenten bevat een database met biografische profielen van de 439 correspondenten, met gegevens over hun professionele en maatschappelijke activiteiten: de domeinen waarin zij actief waren, de periodieken waarin zij publiceerden en hun lidmaatschappen" [from resource]

British War Poetry in the Age of Romanticism 1793-1815

Ed. by Orianne Smith. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2004. "This electronic edition is not a facsimile of the original print edition [from 1976]. Some changes have been necessary in order to make the transition from a print to an electronic version. Hyperlinking and the structures of organization made possible by HTML markup are the most obvious changes. In addition, some footnotes have been slightly updated. The edition will we hope continue to evolve in later iterations. Eventually, we plan to produce an XML version at Romantic Circles that will be accessible and useable in more flexible, database-driven searches of these poems—as well as additional poems that could be aggregated by that time." [from resource]

Richard Brome Online

General Editor Richard Cave. London: Royal Holloway, University of London, 2010. "Richard Brome Online is an online edition of the Collected Works of the Caroline dramatist, Richard Brome. The edition not only makes the texts accessible to scholars and theatre practitioners, but also begins to explore their theatricality visually, serving as inspiration to encourage more frequent staging of Brome's works." [from resource]

The Charles Brockden Brown Electronic Archive and Scholarly Edition

Ed. by Mark L. Kamrath et al. Orlando (FL): University of Central Florida, 1998-. Projekt zur Hybridedition der gesammelten Werke Browns. Die wichtigsten Werke sollen in sechs Bänden gedruckt werden. Diese sollen dann auch elektronisch verfügbar gemacht und um weiteres Material und Funktionalitäten ergänzt werden.

New Letters from Charles Brown to Joseph Severn (1821-1842)

Ed. by Grant F. Scott and Sue Brown. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2007. " A collection of 46 letters published in full for the first time, shedding new light on the life and character of Charles Brown and the most important friendship in the Keats Circle, as well as Keats’s complex legacy to his friends." (description from Romantic Circles)

'Clotel' by William Wells Brown: An Electronic Scholarly Edition

Ed. by Christopher Mulvey. Charlottesville (VA): The University of Virginia Press, 2006. Online-subscription from 275$ to 545$, depending on the type of institution. A free 48-hour trial is also available. [Selbstbeschreibung an anderer Stelle:] "The Clotel ESE will present the four versions of the text, 1853, 1860, 1864, and 1867, in parallel on a website. The ESE will list variations between versions, track changes between any two versions, and animate changes through all four versions. The editions can be searched, manipulated, compared, considered, contrasted and historically collated An introductory essay, extensive notes, illustrations and complete image files of the four versions and other works by Brown will further increase the value of this resource."

Nachlass Franz Brümmer

Verantwortet von Roland Berbig und Jutta Weber. Berlin: Staatsbibliothek Berlin, 2007-. "Auf dieser Website entsteht die digitale Edition des lexikographischen Nachlasses Franz Brümmer (1836-1923). [...] er war unter anderem Herausgeber eines der wichtigsten Schriftstellerlexika seiner Zeit, des Lexikons der deutschen Dichter und Prosaisten des 19. Jahrhunderts. Für dieses Lexikon ließ sich Brümmer biographische und bibliographische Informationen von und über deutschsprachige Schriftsteller zuschicken. Er trug verschiedene Dokumente über verstorbene, aber gleichermaßen und mit außerordentlicher Gründlichkeit auch über noch lebende Schriftsteller zusammen. Sein umfangreicher Nachlass mit ca. 6000 eigenhändigen Autobiographien von deutschen Schriftstellern aller denkbaren literarischen Richtungen liegt seit 1918 in der Königlichen Bibliothek (der heutigen Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz). [...] der Nachlass Franz Brümmers [soll] elektronisch erschlossen und schrittweise ediert werden. Die Ergebnisse der laufenden Arbeit werden hier veröffentlicht. Im Vordergrund stehen die von Brümmer nicht (mehr) für das Lexikon verwendeten Materialien aus seinem Nachlass. [...] inzwischen [sind] sämtliche Materialien aus über 250 Nachlassmappen auf dieser Seite veröffentlicht worden [...]. Seitdem wird die Edition sukzessive fortgeführt und werden Transkriptionen zu den bislang nur als Bild verfügbaren Materialien erstellt." [from resource]
Siehe auch die Beschreibung des Projekts der Digitalen Edition.

Paolo Bufalini's Notebook, 1981–1991 - The digital edition

Ed. by Francesca Giovannetti, Marilena Daquino and Francesca Tomasi. Bologna: Digital Humanities Advanced Research Center (/DH.ARC), 2018. "Paolo Bufalini was a member of the Italian Communist Party and senator from 1963 to 1992. He was also a Latinist and translator of Horace. He wrote a notebook between 1981 and 1991, including 145 bound pages and 2 sheets. The notebook includes excerpts that are strictly related to his cultural and social background (e.g. quotations, annotations, translations from latin, tales). Since the aim of the notebook is not to be publicly shared, his assumptions on the texts he studies are often implicit, so as the bibliographic references of texts he quotes. [...] The contribution of the digital edition is to highlight all the aspects underpinning Bufalini's network of citations, i.e., intertextuality and intratextuality. Bufalini's aim is to reason on the history of literature, interpreting influences between his beloved authors, and comparing their texts or ideas." [from resource]


Lord Byron and his Times

Ed. by David Hill Radcliffe. Blacksburg (VA): Center for Applied Technologies in the Humanities (CATH), 2011. "LBT is a growing digital archive of books, pamphlets, and periodical essays illustrating the causes and controversies that preoccupied Byron and his contemporaries. The documents, large and small, ephemeral and monumental, underscore the social dimensions of publishing in the romantic era; the archive uses notes, commentary, and links to highlight relationships among their readers and writers. [...]
Documents made available through a Creative Commons license so that they can be freely circulated and reused for other purposes with only an acknowledgement of the source. As the semantic web develops in the years to come LBT will strive for integration with the expanding network of romantic texts on the internet, underscoring the social dimension of social-text editing." [from resource]
For a detailed project description see the "about page".

Büchner, Georg: Woyzeck

cf. Georg Büchner: Woyzeck. Faksimile, Transkription, Emendation und Lesetext


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Cædmon's Hymn: A Multi-media Study, Edition and Archive

Ed. by Daniel Paul O'Donnell. Cambridge: 2005; ISBN 978-1843840442. [The edition] "offers new critical texts and a textual archive with transcriptions and facsimiles of all medieval witnesses. The edition is also a milestone in the integration of digital and print scholarship. A print volume, designed for ready reference, contains the complete introductory study and essential versions of the critical and diplomatic texts; the accompanying CD-ROM, intended for closer research, supplements the text of the print volume with colour digital facsimiles and interactive tools only possible in the electronic medium". [from resource] Der Link zielt auf die Seite des Verlags. [2006]
Review by Peter Stokes in Digital Medievalist 5 (2009). [2009]
Further information and web publication of the edition on the personal webpage of the editor. The data (html) is also available on zenodo with DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1198862 [2018]

The Electronic Campsey Project

[No editor named]. Waterloo (ON): University of Waterloo / MARGOT, 2007-. "This site offers electronic editions of French verse saints' lives written in medieval England. The primary focus is on the thirteen works in the unique Campsey manuscript, the only known medieval collection composed solely of French verse saints' lives. Six of these thirteen lives are also extant in other manuscripts, and these copies are also included in the corpus (with the exception of the multiple copies of Becket, in progress)." [from resource]

An Electronic Corpus of 15th Century Castilian Cancionero Manuscripts

Directed by Dorothy Severin. Liverpool: University of Liverpool, 2007. "We set out to complete, within a three-year period, three-quarters of the extant corpus of fifteenth-century Castilian cancionero poetry, measuring content by folios rather than stanzas. There are over 4000 original poems in manuscript sources and approximately 150 manuscript witnesses to be dealt with, although in the latter case we have concentrated on those manuscripts that are of the fifteenth and early-sixteenth century composition and production, and are not later copies or single-poem manuscripts, rather than cancionero collections." [from resource]

Cantar de Mio Cid

Dir. by Matthew Bailey. Austin: University of Texas, 2002. "The Cantar de mio Cid (Cid) web project is conceived as an educational tool that will allow students of the Spanish epic to understand and appreciate the oral essence of the genre and to recognize the enormous conceptual distance between an oral narrative poem and the modern textual editions used in the classroom.
[...] This web site, with its recorded oral rendition of the poem, allows for the savoring of the epic in its oral form without the time limitations of three weekly class meetings. [...]
The normative transcription is offered in a way that makes clear its link to the paleographic transcription, which, in turn, is drawn from the manuscript. This link between the copy of a manuscript created in 1207 and its normative transcription allows students to see for themselves the processes of transcription and transformation that eventually produce the modern editions of the poem. The paleographic transcription facilitates the reading of the manuscript which, now legible, can be consulted and appreciated as the transcription of an oral performance that took place somewhere in Castile in 1207. The English translation of the poem allows an appreciation of the poem by a much wider audience." [from resource]

Canterbury Tales

cf. Caxton's Canterbury Tales: The British Library Copies on CD-ROM

Canterbury Tales

cf. The Canterbury Tales Project: The Hengwrt Chaucer Digital Facsimile

Canterbury Tales

cf. The Hengwrt Chaucer Standard Edition

Canterbury Tales

cf. The Canterbury Tales Project: The Miller's Tale on CD-ROM

Canterbury Tales

cf. The Canterbury Tales Project: The Nun's Priest's Tale on CD-ROM

Canterbury Tales

cf. The Wife of Bath's prologue and tale: from the Canterbury Tales

The Willa Cather Archive

Ed. by Andrew Jewell. Lincoln (NE): University of Nebraska, 1997-. "The Willa Cather Archive is an ambitious endeavor to create a rich, useful, and widely-accessible site for the study of Willa Cather's life and writings. [...] It now includes, in a fully-searchable format, digital transcriptions of five Cather books (copyright law forbids digitally republishing her post-1922 works), all of her short fiction pre-1912, her interviews, speeches, and public letters, her uncollected nonfiction from the 1910s, the complete run of Cather Studies, the back issues of Teaching Cather, a large gallery of photographs, multiple biographies, announcements and news from the Cather scholarly community, virtual tours of Cather-related locales, and much more." [from resource]

Catullus Online - An Online Repertory of Conjectures on Catullus

Ed. by Dániel Kiss. München: Center for Advanced Studies Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2009-2013. "This website offers a critical edition of the poems of Catullus, a repertory of conjectures on the text, an overview of the ancient quotations from Catullus that have independent source value, and high-quality images of some of the most important manuscripts." [from resource]

Cerami, Vincenzo

cf. Digital Variants:

La entretenida by Miguel de Cervantes: A Digital, Annotated Edition and an English Translation

Ed. by John O’Neill, Paul Spence et al. London: King's College, 2014. "This edition presents a new perspective on Cervantes as a dramatist, and incorporates features that will be of interest to academics, theatre practitioners and translators alike. [...] The edition presents four versions of the Spanish text that allow different views of the punctuation and spelling (facsimile, modern spelling transcription, ed. O’Neill and unpunctuated), together with an English translation, by John O’Neill. With performance in mind, the verse is presented in a way that clearly displays the poetic form, while the Performance Information and Track Character menus provide useful information about what is happening on stage. Various indices (names, places, occupations, specialist terminology, sub-languages, proverbs and performance) and a Google Map of places mentioned help to contextualize the play." [from resource]

Electronic Variorum Edition of the Quixote (EVE-DQ)

Directed by Eduardo Urbina. College Station (TX): Texas A&M University, 1998-. [On the "Virtual Editor" of EVE-DQ:] "This interface allows users to compose virtual editions of the Quixote. The copies of all editions in the variorum have been collated and all variants have been identified, classified and annotated. Users can select editions and chapters and then access the unedited text (documentary text) or the same text edited by a particular editor.
Users may customize the virtual variorum edition by selecting categories of variants and inclusion of annotations and/or emendations to compose their own editions. The existing variants and emended texts are color coded according to their categories. Cli[c]king on any of the variants, emendations and annotations opens another window showing their specific details and information.
The unedited text shows only the variants resulting from the collation between the base text and all other copies. Clicking on the highlighted variants shows the complete list of variants present on the collation. Users can click on the Folio numbers shown in the text to navigate to the browsing display to further check readings in the facsimile editions" [from resource]

A Description of the Valley of Chamouni, in Savoy. By Samuel Glover

Ed. by Cian Duffy. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2018. "By the time that Samuel Glover published A Description of the Valley of Chamouni, in Savoy in 1819, the so-called ‘valley of wonders’ – site of some of the most spectacular Alpine landscapes in western Europe, and of its highest mountain, Mont Blanc – was well established as a place of great scientific importance and as a key attraction for tourists and travellers seeking the mountain sublime. Glover’s Description took its place amongst a plethora of contemporary guidebooks and personal travel narratives. [...]
This edition re-situates Glover’s Description in the context of eighteenth-century and romantic-period writing about Chamonix-Mont Blanc and details its connections to Troye’s exhibition and to Shelley’s inscriptions. It also attempts to solve what is now the mystery of who Samuel Glover might have been: hardly any information about him survives, and what few details are available are all connected with Description." [from resource]

The Charette Project 2

Ed. by Karl D. Uitti, Gina Greco et al. Waco (TX): Baylor University, 1991-2006. "The Charrette is a complex, scholarly, multi-media electronic archive of Chrétien de Troyes's Le Chevalier de la Charrette (Lancelot, ca. 1180), which itself does not seek to interpret the romance, nor does it dictate to scholars how they should conduct their research. It makes available a critical edition, to which a fully searchable database of rhetorico-poetic figures and grammatical data will shortly be added, and the entire manuscript tradition (eight manuscripts) in images and diplomatic transcriptions." [from resource:]
Die Abbildungen der Handschriften liegen teilweise noch auf dem Server des Vorgängerprojekts "Charette Project" [1].

« DigiLivres » : LANCELOT (Chrétien de Troyes: Le Chevalier de la Charette)

"Edition intégrale et synoptique des 8 Mss connus". Guy Jacquesson [Guy de Pernon]. s.l.: 2002. In einer Buchsimulation können immer jeweils beliebige zwei der acht Fassungen auf gegenüberliegenden Seiten dargestellt werden. Die Edition ist als ausführbares Programm aus dem Netz herunter zu laden. Für alle Windows-Nutzer: Der Trick liegt in der Pfeil-Rechts-Taste.
Das Projekt ist unter der ursprünglichen Adresse ( im Jahr 2012 nicht mehr erreichbar. Die Wayback-Machine hat für die Startseite einen Stand von 2008 gespeichert.

CHARTA: Corpus Hispánico y Americano en la Red: Textos Antiguos

Coordinada por Pedro Sánchez-Prieto Borja. Madrid: Universidad de Alcalá, 2015. "CHARTA se concibe como un proyecto global para la edición y análisis lingüístico de textos archivísticos en español de los siglos XII al XIX.Contendrá documentos de Europa, América y Asia, entendidos estos en sentido amplio, pues no solo acoge piezas oficiales de la cancillería, la administración civil, la de justicia, la Inquisición o contratos de compraventa, sino cartas particulares y aun billetes y notas sueltas. Por ahora se ofrece una selección amplia de arhivos españoles y una breve muestra de documentos americanos, que se ampliará en ediciones sucesivas del corpus. [...] Para facilitar su consulta por diversos usuarios ofrece tres presentaciones de cada texto: facsimilar, paleográfica y crítica, esta última de fácil lectura." [from resource]

Caxton's Canterbury Tales: The British Library Copies on CD-ROM

Ed. by Barbara Bordalejo. Leicester: De Montfort University, 2003:; ISBN 978-1904628028 [individual license] / 978-1904628036 [institutional license]; CD-ROM. Eines der ganz großen paradigmatischen digitalen Editionsprojekte. Das Langzeitunternehmen, das bereits Anfang der 90er Jahre begonnen wurde, hat inzwischen zur Publikation einer ganzen Reihe von CD-ROMs geführt die zumeist bei "Scholarly Digital Editions" veröffentlicht worden sind.

Siehe ggf. auch den Eintrag im Wiki bei Digital Medievalist.

Geoffrey Chaucer's Book of the Duchess: a hypertext edition

Ed. by Murray McGillivray. Calgary (AB): University of Calgary Press, 1997; ISBN 978-1552380369; CD-ROM. Die CD enthält Faksimiles und Transkriptionen (von vier Textzeugen), einen kritischen Text, Übersetzungen und weiteres Kontextmaterial. Der Link zielt auf dokumentierendes Material zur CD-Ausgabe von 1997. Die Webseiten sind seit 1999 auch nicht mehr gewartet worden.

CantApp: The General Prologue. An Edition in an App.

Edited by Richard North, Barbara Bordalejo, Terry Jones and Peter Robinson. Saskatoon: Scholarly Digital Editions, 2020. "The Canterbury Tales is regarded as Chaucer’s most famous work, written between 1386 and his death in or soon after 1400. It is a collection of twenty-four stories told by twenty-three pilgrims [...] The writing of the General Prologue[...] may be taken as the moment when what might have been a loose collection of stories comes into focus as a single complex narrative. [...]
This edition is a reader’s edition: its aim is to make the text as easily accessible as possible in sense, metre and pronunciation for beginner readers of Chaucer. When required, the text has been emended to clarify sense and to present the best literary form of the Canterbury Tales. In practical terms, this means readings are not retained just because they are archetypal (as one might do in a scholarly edition), but that they might be replaced by other readings as found in other witnesses or inferred by the editor." [from resource]

The Canterbury Tales Project: The Hengwrt Chaucer Digital Facsimile

Ed. by Estelle Stubbs. Leicester: De Montfort University, 2000; ISBN 978-1953961060 [individual license] / 978-1953961087 [institutional license]; CD-ROM. Eines der ganz großen paradigmatischen digitalen Editionsprojekte. Das Langzeitunternehmen, das bereits Anfang der 90er Jahre begonnen wurde, hat inzwischen zur Publikation einer ganzen Reihe von CD-ROMs geführt die zumeist bei "Scholarly Digital Editions" veröffentlicht worden sind.

Siehe ggf. auch den Eintrag im Wiki bei Digital Medievalist.

The Hengwrt Chaucer Standard Edition

Ed. by Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan. Leicester: De Montfort University, 2003; ISBN 978-1904628002 [individual license]; CD-ROM. Eines der ganz großen paradigmatischen digitalen Editionsprojekte. Das Langzeitunternehmen, das bereits Anfang der 90er Jahre begonnen wurde, hat inzwischen zur Publikation einer ganzen Reihe von CD-ROMs geführt die zumeist bei "Scholarly Digital Editions" veröffentlicht worden sind.

Siehe ggf. auch den Eintrag im Wiki bei Digital Medievalist.


The Canterbury Tales Project: The Miller's Tale on CD-ROM

Ed. by Peter Robinson. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 2004; ISBN 978-1953961028 [individual license] / 978-1953961087 [institutional license]; CD-ROM. Eines der ganz großen paradigmatischen digitalen Editionsprojekte. Das Langzeitunternehmen, das bereits Anfang der 90er Jahre begonnen wurde, hat inzwischen zur Publikation einer ganzen Reihe von CD-ROMs geführt die zumeist bei "Scholarly Digital Editions" veröffentlicht worden sind.

Siehe ggf. auch den Eintrag im Wiki bei Digital Medievalist.


The Canterbury Tales Project: The Nun's Priest's Tale on CD-ROM

Ed. by Paul Thomas. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 2006; ISBN 0-953961-03-6 [individual license] / 0-953961-09-5 [institutional license]; CD-ROM. Siehe auch die Rezension dazu Rezension dazu von Susan Yager in Medieval Forum 6. Eines der ganz großen paradigmatischen digitalen Editionsprojekte. Das Langzeitunternehmen, das bereits Anfang der 90er Jahre begonnen wurde, hat inzwischen zur Publikation einer ganzen Reihe von CD-ROMs geführt die zumeist bei "Scholarly Digital Editions" veröffentlicht worden sind.

Siehe ggf. auch den Eintrag im Wiki bei Digital Medievalist.

The Wife of Bath's prologue and tale: from the Canterbury Tales

Ed. by Elizabeth Salter. Leicester: Cambridge University Press, 1998; ISBN 978-0521635301; CD-ROM. Eines der ganz großen paradigmatischen digitalen Editionsprojekte. Das Langzeitunternehmen, das bereits Anfang der 90er Jahre begonnen wurde, hat inzwischen zur Publikation einer ganzen Reihe von CD-ROMs geführt die zumeist bei "Scholarly Digital Editions" veröffentlicht worden sind.

Siehe ggf. auch den Eintrag im Wiki bei Digital Medievalist.

Chrétien de Troyes

cf. The Charette Project 2

Chrétien de Troyes

cf. « DigiLivres » : LANCELOT (Chrétien de Troyes: Le Chevalier de la Charette)

La nature des dieux Cicéron

Édité par Clara Auvray-Assayas. Caen: Presses universitaires de Caen, 2019. "Cette nouvelle édition du dialogue De natura deorum de Cicéron est fondée sur un examen critique de l’histoire de la transmission du texte et sur une nouvelle recension des manuscrits dont les résultats principaux sont les suivants : le témoignage des manuscrits carolingiens a pour autorité les lecteurs de Cicéron des IIIe et IVe siècles, Minucius Felix et Lactance, et détruit les fondements sur lesquels repose la « restauration » qu’ont entreprise les humanistes florentins pour l’ordre de l’exposé stoïcien." [from resource]


cf. 'Clotel' by William Wells Brown: An Electronic Scholarly Edition

Codex St. Gallen 857

cf. Die Sankt Galler Nibelungenhandschrift, Codex 857

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

cf. Samuel Taylor Coleridge & William Wordsworth. Lyrical Ballads (1798-1805)

The Samuel Taylor Coleridge Archive

Created by Marjorie A. Tiefert. Charlottesville (VA): University of Virginia, 1994-1999. Elektronische Volltexte (Transkripte, teilweise mit Kommentaren) und Kontextmaterialien.
Die Edition, ursprünglich unter <> ist in 2012 nicht mehr auffindbar.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge & Robert Southey. The Fall of Robespierre (1822)

Ed. by Daniel E. White, with Sarah Copland and Stephen Osadetz. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2007. "This edition provides an annotated text of the play, supplemented by a wide range of literary and journalistic materials that offer contexts in which to understand the work's place in relation to the authors' politics, the transmission and reception of news, and the role of Robespierre within English political culture." [description from Romantic Circles]

Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Wanderings of Cain

Ed. by Nikki Santilli. A romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2003. "This edition brings together the various fragments in prose and verse that Coleridge wrote towards his unfinished project, The Wanderings of Cain. It seeks to correct standard presentations of the work, which consist solely of Canto II." [from resource]

Corpus Coranicum – Textdokumentation und historisch-kritischer Kommentar zum Koran

Geleitet von Prof. Dr. Angelika Neuwirth. Berlin: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akedamie der Wissenschaften, 2007-. "Das Vorhaben macht die frühen Handschriften in Bild und Text zugänglich. Parallel zur schriftlichen Textüberlieferung wird die islamische Lesartenliteratur systematisch dargestellt. Damit liefert Corpus Coranicum erstmals eine historisch gesicherte Textbasis. Aufbauend auf der historisch-kritischen Erschließung der Textgeschichte erstellt das Vorhaben einen chronologisch-literaturwissenschaftlichen Kommentar, unter Verwendung der Datenbank „Texte aus der Umwelt des Korans“ (TUK); so wird erstmalig die Entwicklung der islamischen Urgemeinde als Interaktion zwischen dem Propheten und ersten Adressaten in Mekka und Medina rekonstruiert." [from resource]

Corpus Rhythmorum Musicum (saec. IV-IX) - I

Digital edition coordinated by Francesco Stella, musical edition by Sam Berrett. Siena: Università degli studi di Siena ad Arezzo, 2009. "A digital and printed edition of rhythmical Latin poems from the 4th to 9th century set to music. A project of the University of Siena in Arezzo coordinated by Francesco Stella with critical editions of the texts [...]. Musical edition by Samuel Barrett (University of Cambridge). An introduction to the manuscripts by Patrizia Stoppacci. Musical recordings by Giacomo Baroffio and the choir «Laus cordis» dir. by Eun Ju Kim. This first volume and CD-ROM presents a collection of poems and music as transmitted in non-liturgical manuscripts: contents include the Planctus for the death of Charlemagne and of Duke Henry of Friaul, the lament after the battle of Fontenoy, the hymns of the Modena watchers, the Christmas song Gratuletur omnis caro, songs about the Last Judgement and the Antichrist, and lyrics of confession or biblical narration by Carolingian poets such as Paulinus of Aquileia and Gottschalk of Orbais, all of which is presented for the first time in both a textual and musical edition. The CD-ROM also includes digital reproductions of and transcriptions from all manuscripts, recordings of musical performances of modern transcriptions, and archives of paleographical, musical, linguistical and metrical data that may be searched using software designed by Luigi Tessarolo." [from resource]


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DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital Edition

Unter der Leitung von Konstantin Vigursky. Moskau: Fundamental Digital Library Foundation et al., 2002. Streng genommen handelt es sich um retrodigitalisierte Druckausgaben. Der Anspruch ist es hier aber, zu den Autoren des russischen Kanons die jeweils besten Ausgaben als elektronische Volltexte verfügbar zu machen und mit weiterem Material (Forschungsliteratur, Briefeditionen etc.) zu kontextualisieren. Insofern erhebt das Projekt durchaus einen wissenschaftlichen und kritischen Anspruch. Verfügbar sind bisher die Editionen zu Pushkin, Batiushkov, Griboedov, Boratynskii, Tiutchev, Lermontov, Leo Tolstoy, Esenin, Sholokhov sowie als einzelne Werke "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" und als Werksammlungen "Byliny" und "Fairy Tales" (Skazki).

Dafydd ap

Ed. by Dafydd Johnston et al. Swansea: Swansea University, 2007. 171 Poems by Dafydd ap Gwilym. Including a manuscript database, manuscript images, transcriptions, edited texts, welsh paraphrases, english translations, audio versions, and contextual essays.

Daisne, Johan: De trein der traagheid

Hg. von Edward Vanhoutte et al. Gent: Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie, 2012. "Met deze digitale editie kunnen tot 20 versies van de tekst samen worden bekeken en geanalyseerd: van de drukproef voor de publicatie in het NVT uit 1948 tot de laatste geautoriseerde versie die verscheen tijdens het leven van de auteur in 1977 én een kritische leestekst. Deze verschillende tekstversies kunnen afzonderlijk worden geraadpleegd, met mekaar worden vergeleken en letterlijk naast elkaar worden gelegd op het scherm. Voor elke combinatie van teksten wordt een variantenapparaat gegenereerd waarvan het oriëntatiepunt door de gebruiker zelf wordt bepaald. Van het plan en het handschrift zijn digitale facsimiles opgenomen. Met behulp van de geavanceerde exportfuncties van de editie kan de gebruiker een uitprintbare PDF-versie genereren van een zelf samengestelde editie. Vanzelfsprekend bevat deze editie ook een verantwoording en een beschrijving van de tekstgeschiedenis. Ook de tekstcodering en technische aspecten van de editie worden gedocumenteerd. Een handleiding gidst de gebruiker doorheen de verschillende functies die de editie biedt." [from resource]

Früher war bereits erschienen: Elektronische editie (CD-ROM). Hg. Von R. Van den Branden, Edward Vanhoutte und X. Roelens. Gent, KANTL 2007.


Dante Alighieri: Commedia - A Digital Edition

Ed by Prue Shaw. Birmingham: Scholarly Digital Editions, 2010. "This DVD-ROM contains Prue Shaw’s transcripts, collations and analyses of seven key manuscripts of Dante’s Commedia, the most important single work in Italian literature and one of the masterpieces of world literature. The transcripts are accompanied by digital images of all pages of six of the manuscripts, all newly made in high-resolution full colour, and by the full text of the editions of Petrocchi and Sanguineti. A full word-by-word collation shows all variants at every word, viewable in either the original manuscript spelling or in a standardised form. Variant search and variant map features offer new ways of exploring the relations between the versions. Extensive editorial commentaries analyse the relations among the surviving texts, and examine the view of the tradition recently set out by Federico Sanguineti. Throughout, the publication interface provides access to every word in every version, to the variants on every word, and to tools and commentaries permitting exploration of the different versions." [from resource]

ILTweb Digital Dante Project

Ed. by the Institute for Learning Technologies. New York (NY): Columbia University, 1992-. Eine digitale Bibliothek, die eine italienische Ausgabe der göttlichen Komödie mit zwei englischen Übersetzungen synchronisiert und weitere Kontextmaterialien anbietet.

Dante: Monarchia

Ed. by Prue Shaw. Birmingham: Scholarly Digital Editions, 2006; ISBN 978-1904628088; DVD-ROM. "This digital edition of Dante's Monarchia contains Prue Shaw's acclaimed edited text and translation of Dante's remarkable treatise on political theory. Shaw's text is supported by full transcripts of the text of all twenty manuscripts and of the 1559 editio princeps, together with digital images of all pages, many of them newly made in high-resolution full colour. A full word-by-word collation shows all variants at every word, viewable in either the original manuscript spelling or in the standardised form found in the edited text. Variant search and variant map features offer new ways of exploring the textual tradition. Extensive editorial commentaries analyse the relations among the surviving texts, presenting the editorial rationale which guided the choice of readings contained in the edited text. Throughout, the publication interface provides access to every word in every version, to the variants on every word, and to tools and commentaries permitting exploration of the different versions." [from resource] Der Link zeigt auf die Seite der SDE.

Dante Online: Indice dei Manoscritti

Ed. by Società Dantesca Italiana. Florence: 1996. "L’avvento dell’informatica apre però nuove prospettive, fatte proprie dalla Società Dantesca Italiana. Scopo di questa sezione del sito è infatti la riproduzione integrale dei manoscritti delle opere dantesche in formato digitale, a partire dalla Commedia, al fine di riunire e rendere liberamente disponibili al pubblico i testimoni dell’opera dantesca conservati nelle Biblioteche di tutto il mondo, in un’unica Biblioteca virtuale." [from resource]

Princeton Dante Project

Ed. by Robert Hollander. Princeton: Princeton University, 1997-1999. "The Princeton Dante Project opened for local use on 18 May 1999.The PDP combines a traditional approach to the study of Dante's Comedy with new techniques of compiling and consulting data, images, and sound. The text of Dante's poem is always at the center of the user's attention, and he or she is able to consult, within the confines of the PDP itself, the following materials:
The Petrocchi text of the poem
New verse translation of the poem
Texts of all the Minor Works (with Translation)
Recitation of the poem in Italian
Historical and Interpretive Notes
Direct link to the Dartmouth Dante Project
Links to Dante sites all over the world" [from resource]

Erasmus Darwin. The Temple of Nature (1803)

Ed. by Martin Priestman. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2006. "The first fully annotated edition of Erasmus Darwin's influential scientific poem and its copious original notes; including the first publication, from draft, of Darwin's hitherto unknown poetic history of technology, The Progress of Society." [description taken from Romantic Circles]

Dasypodius' Dictionarium Latinogermanicum

Transcribed and edited by Jonathan West. Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2007. Einführung zu Werk und Überlieferung, annotierte und kollationierte Transkription zweier Textzeugen in TEI-XML, Faksimiles der Erstausgabe.


cf. Decameron Web

The Destruction of Troy. A Diplomatic and Color Facsimile Edition of Hunterian MS V.2.8 in Glasgow University Library, John Clerk of Whalley

Ed. by Hiroyuki Matsumoto. Ann Arbor (MI): University of Michigan Press, 2001; ISBN 978-0472002767; CD-ROM. "This electronic edition supplies full-color facsimiles of the manuscript and allows complex searches and manipulations of the text through use of the underlying SGML-encoding. This project conforms fully to the 1994 Text Encoding Initiative guidelines." [from resource]
[Rezension] Phillips, Noelle: The Destruction of Troy. In: Digital Philology 1 (2012), S. 160-162. DOI: 10.1353/dph.2012.0011.

A Social Edition of the Devonshire MS (BL Add 17,492)

Ed. by Ray Siemens and the Devonshire MS editorial group. Victoria (BC): University of Victoria, 2012. "The social edition is a work that brings communities together to engage in conversation around a text formed and reformed through an ongoing, iterative, public editorial process. Ray Siemens has called for scholars 'to extend our understanding of the scholarly edition in light of new models of edition production that embrace social networking and its commensurate tools… [to develop] the social edition as an extension of the traditions in which it is situated and which it has the potential to inform productively'. Bringing practice to theory, we have modeled the social edition, working as a team to extend scholarly best practice and open-access methodology to collaborative technologically mediated scholarly editing in Web 2.0 environments. We have chosen to build our edition Wikibooks, alongside (and with help from) the dedicated Wikibooks community. Our goal, through community engagement via Wikibooks, twitter, blogs, and drupal-based social media space, is to use existing social media tools to change the role of the scholarly editor from the sole authority on the text to a facilitator who brings traditional and citizen scholars into collaboration through ongoing editorial conversation." [from resource]

Deyssel, Lodewijk van

cf. Menschen en Bergen, proza-gedicht

Dickinson Electronic Archives

Ed. by Martha Nell Smith, Lara Vetter et al. Charlottesville (VA): Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, 1994-. Dickinson Electronic Archives 2, 2012. Umfangreiches Textarchiv zu den Werken von Emily Dickinson und ihrer "Umgebung". Stark auf Kontextualisierung ausgerichtet: Mit Texten der "Dickinson Family", Texten zur Rezeption, Beiträgen aus der Forschung und dem Einsatz des Archivs in der Lehre. Die Recodierung und Präsentation der Texte ist vor allem auf den Text als physisches Objekt ausgerichtet, weniger auf den "logical lexical content". Als technischer Rahmen wird ein Content Management System zur Darstellung von TEI-XML benutzt
The site was relaunched in 2012. The first version is still avaiable at

Emily Dickinson’s Correspondences: A Born-Digital Textual Inquiry

Ed. Martha Nell Smith and Lara Vetter, with Ellen Louise Hart as consulting editor. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2008. Online-subscription from 148$ to 295$, depending on the type of institution. A free 48-hour trial is also available. "Unpublished in book form during her lifetime, the poems of Emily Dickinson were nonetheless shared with those she trusted most—through her letters. This XML-based archive brings together seventy-four poems and letters from Emily’s correspondence with her sister-in-law and primary confidante, Susan Dickinson. Each text is presented with a digitized scan of the holograph manuscript. These images have zoom functionality as well as a special light-box feature that allows users to view and compare constellations of related documents. Users may search by date, genre, manuscript features, and full text. Dating from the 1850s to the end of Dickinson’s life, the work collected here shows all the characteristics of the poet’s mature art." [from resource]

Digenis Akritis: Greek and Slavic

Ed. by Robert Romanchuk and Thuy-Linh Pham. Maintained by Robert Romanchuk and David J. Birnbaum. Tallahassee (FL)/Pittsburgh (PA): Florida State University / University of Pittsburgh, 2017. "This edition represents a part of the efforts of one of the authors (Robert Romanchuk) to produce a critical edition of the Slavic version of the 12th-c. Byzantine romantic epic Digenis Akritis, reliable enough for Slavists interested in the work’s life and reception from the 14th c. to the 18th, but also of use to Byzantinists." [from resource]

Digital Renaissance Editions

Brett Greatley-Hirsch (Coordinating Editor). Victoria: University of Victoria, 2015. "Digital Renaissance Editions aims to expand the range of early English drama available to a world-wide audience for study, teaching, and performance, and to inspire a greater appreciation and understanding of the drama and its various contexts." [from resource]

Digital Day Thoughts: A comparative encoding of the quarto and octavo editions of The Relief; or, Day Thoughts: a Poem (1754) by Henry Jones.

Ed. by Daniel J. Johnson. s.l.: Scholars’ Grotto, 2014. "Digital Day Thoughts aims to facilitate scholarship by offering clean transcriptions of two editions of the poem from 1754—the quarto and the octavo—but also by offering tools that allow the user to compare the differences between them. Since no genetic relationship between the publications can be established (there are no known manuscript or proof copies of Day Thoughts), the audience has to decide how meaning should be negotiated when the texts offer different readings." [from resource]

The Digital Temple: A Documentary Edition of George Herbert’s English Verse

Ed. by Robert Whalen and Christopher Hodgkins. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2012. Online-subscription from 138$ to 695$, depending on the type of institution. A free 48-hour trial is also available. "The Digital Temple offers diplomatic and modern-spelling transcriptions of Williams MS. Jones B62, Bodleian MS. Tanner 307, and The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, first edition (STC 13183, Folger Shakespeare Library copy). These may be viewed, alongside digital images of the sources, either as discrete witnesses in their entirety, or as individual poems in parallel display, the latter with a full set of critical annotations and textual notes." [from resource]

Digital Variants:

Hg. von Domenico Fiormonte et al. Edinburgh / Rom: University of Edinburgh / University of Roma Tre, 1996-. Anhand verschiedener Autoren des 20. Jh. werden für das Problem der Textgenese und der Textvarianz neue Formen der Edition und editorischen Darstellung gesucht. Das Projekt versteht sich dabei als offene Plattform für die Arbeiten verschiedener Editoren. Zu den beispielhaft bearbeiteten Autoren gehören Vincenzo Cerami, Angel García Galiano, Valerio Magrelli, José Antonio Millán, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Francesca Sanvitale, Fernando Savater, Francisco Solano und Roberto Vacca. Zu den am weitesten ausgebauten Umsetzungen gehört die für Magrelli eingesetzte "Genetic Machine", eine Flash-Anwendung.

Benjamin Disraeli: Alroy

Ed. by Sheila A. Spector. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2005. [Kurzbeschreibung von Romantic Circles:] "This early novel, first published in 1833, represents Disraeli in 'romantic mode'. This version features the novel, an introduction, annotations, reprints of Disraeli’s sources, contemporary reviews, & modern criticism, as well as a detailed bibliography of Disraeli’s life and works, criticism, & other contextual materials." [description taken from Romantic Circles]

Dodd, William

cf. Thoughts in Prison by William Dodd

Hyperdonat - Une édition électronique des commentaires de Donat aux comédies de Térence

Bruno Bureau, Maud Ingarao, Christian Nicolas, Emmanuelle Raymond (éds). Lyon: Université Lyon III / ENS de Lyon, 2007-2011. "Hyperdonat est originellement un projet d’édition hypertexte du commentaire attribué à Aelius Donat aux comédies de Térence. Le projet s’inscrit dans une réflexion plus vaste sur l’édition hypertexte de commentaires de nature variée. Ce site présente au fur et à mesure les résultats - corpus et fonctionnalités - produits au sein du projet." [from resource]
For a documentation of the project see the blog

Digital Donne: The Online Variorum

Kelley Bradley, Meredith Burns, Cristina Cedillo, College Station (TX): Texas A&M University / Center of Digital Humanities Research (CoDHR), 2005-. "In addition to (a) reading a technical description of each volume, users can (b) index the volume's content by either poem title or page number, (c) browse through and (d) zoom in on images of the volume's pages and front- and back-matter, (e) concord the volume's contents, and (f) examine a concise list of press variants in each printed volume. Users navigate to the desired function by clicking the appropriate heading at the top of each volume's home page.

Jean Donneau de Visé: Les Nouvelles nouvelles

Ed. by Claude Bourqui, Christophe Schuwey et al. Fribourg (Switzerland): University of Fribourg, 2014–. A digital edition of this work by Jean Donneau de Visé, published in Paris in 1663. The book addresses many of the back-then top stories, including political scandals, trending literature as well as the rising star of French theater, Molière. To help the reader understanding the topic, the notes point towards numerous files that supply information about the historical and literary context. [from editors]

The Dream of the Rood: An Electronic Edition

Created by Mary Rambaran-Olm. [probably Calgary]: 2002. Presents a text from the Vercelli Book with transcription, glossary, commentary, translation, manuscript images and some introduction.

[Theodore] Dreiser Web Source

Ed. by Thomas P. Riggio et. al. Philadelphia (PA): University of Pennsylvania Library, 2002-2010. Korrespondenzen und Texte, teilweise als Abbildungen, teilweise als unkritische Volltexte, teilweise als annotierte Transkriptionen. Dazu weitere Materialien (Reference Sources, Scholarly Essays, Still & Moving Images).

Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Die Physiker. Multimediale Dokumentation zum Text, zur Entstehung und zur Wirkungsgeschichte auf CD-ROM

Hg. von Rudolf Probst und Beat Zimmerli. Bern: Schweizerisches Literaturarchiv, 2001; ISBN 978-3952237205; CD-ROM. "Die CD-ROM [... dokumentiert] die Entstehung und Wirkung von Friedrich Dürrenmatts Erfolgsstück Die Physiker. Per Mausklick können Manuskriptseiten untersucht, Aufführungs- und Probenfotos verschiedener Inszenierungen eingesehen, Videoausschnitte betrachtet, Kommentare gehört oder Hintergrundinformationen abgerufen werden. Die CD ROM enthält den Text [... verschiedener] Physiker-Ausgaben [... ,] sämtliche Manuskripte aus der Entstehungszeit der Physiker im Schweizerischen Literaturarchiv [... ,] Fotos, [...] Tonbeispiele und Videoausschnitte zur Rezeptionsgeschichte des Stücks [... ,] Hintergrundinformationen [... ,] Wissenschaftliche Kommentare mit Wort- und Sacherklärungen, Manuskriptbeschreibungen, Anleitung zum Umgang mit Dürrenmatts Manuskripten und vieles andere mehr ." [from resource]
Der Link zielt auf einen Internet Archiv-Snapshot (2017) der Seite der Schweizerischen Landesbibliothek, die die CD vertreibt. Eine Rezension: Martin Stingelin, Dokumentation statt Edition? Text, Entstehung und Wirkungsgeschichte von Friedrich Dürrenmatts "Die Physiker" – multimedial aufbereitet. In: Text. Kritische Beiträge 8 (2003), S. 145-151.


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Early Stuart Libels: an edition of poetry from manuscript sources.

Ed. by Alastair Bellany and Andrew McRae. Early Modern Literary Studies Text Series I (2005). "A web-based edition of early seventeenth-century political poetry from manuscript sources. It brings into the public domain over 350 poems, many of which have never before been published." [from resource]

Edmer of Canterbury

cf. The Life of Saint Wilfrid by Edmer of Canterbury

Effectus Amoris széphistória a XVI. századból. Digitális kritikai kiadás

Tóth Tünde, Szegedi Béla. Budapest: Gépeskönyv, 1998-1999. "A fentieket orvosolandó, az alábbiakban nem csak a mű teljes, javított és négy sorral kiegészített betűhív szövegét közlöm, jegyzetekkel ellátva, hanem, a történet érthetősége végett, Athenaios műrészletének magyar fordítását is. A betűhív átirat mellett két másik szöveg olvasható: egy mai helyesírásra átírt, javított jelentéstükröztető, illetve egy ejtéstükröztető szöveg. Mindkettőben mellőztem a szövegkritikai jelöléseket és megjegyzéseket (ezek az átiratnál találhatók). A kettő közt az a különbség, hogy az előbbiben minden szó a ma használatos hangalakjában szerepel, kivéve, ha a rímek az eredeti alakot igényelték." [from resource]


cf. Alciato's Book of Emblems: The Memorial Web Edition in Latin and English


cf. Heinrich von Veldeke – Eneasroman

Enigmes, Livre d'...

cf. Jacques de Fonteny's Livre d'Enigmes - Manuscript of an Early 17th-Century Para-Emblematic, Illustrated Sonnet Sequence.

Entretenida, La

cf. La entretenida by Miguel de Cervantes: A Digital, Annotated Edition and an English Translation

Песме Ерлангенског рукописа - Erlangenski rukopis

Hg. von Mirjana Detelić, Snežana Samardžija und Lidija Delic. Monumenta Serbica, 2014. "На овом месту понуђено је ново читање Ерлангенског рукописа са разрешеном графијом и предлогом за тумачење нејасних места. Приложени су и радови о Рукопису из којих се може стећи увид у његову историју и значај. Аутори – др Мирјана Детелић, проф. др Снежана Самарџија, др Лидија Делић и инг. Бранислав Томић – настојали су да документују сваки корак у процесу настајања ове верзије Ерлангенског рукописа и да пруже сваком читаоцу могућност да понуди боље решење ако мисли да га зна." [from resource]

Euripides Scholia

Created by Donald J. Mastronarde. Berkeley (CA): University of California Berkeley, 2010; Beta Version 1. 2020; Version 1. About Beta Version 1 (2010): The "site is the home of a new open-access digital edition of the scholia on the plays of the ancient Athenian tragedian Euripides (born ca. 485-480, died winter 407/406 BCE).
There are [via filters] currently three levels of detail offered: full view shows each scholion followed by all public elements that have been provided in the edition (not all elements appear for every scholion); expert view shows the same but also adds two optional elements intended for the author and collaborators; the view with trans. and app. shows only the scholion and a translation (if available) and the apparatus criticus (if there are variants).
The content can be filtered to include everything (prefatory material or arguments and scholia of all kinds); only the old scholia (scholia vetera); all scholia except those tagged as glosses ..." [from resource]
About Version 1 (2020): "Release 1 supersedes the much smaller preliminary sample made public in 2010 as a ‘beta’ version. The files of the older version are archived in a separate directory on this site.
The scholia and glosses presented in Release 1 have been checked against some previous editions both to compare reports of variants and to ensure that items in those editions are not omitted here." [from resource]

The Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry

Ed. by Bernard J. Muir. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2006. "A digital edition of Exeter Dean & Chapter MS 3501, commonly known as "The Exeter Book", but edited here as The Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry. The text of the DVD is that of Professor Muir's 2nd edition of the manuscript, published by University of Exeter Press in 2000. [... The DVD] contains an animated background documentary on the history of the manuscript, a selection of readings in both Old and Modern English, recordings of some of the Latin antiphons which inspired the poet of the 'Advent Lyrics', an illustrated report by Nicholas Pickwoad on the present state of the binding, and the full text of the 2000 edition." [from resource]
The page at seems to be gone. There is a snapshot from 09.10.205 in the wayback mmachine.


cf. Jean Paul Portal


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Faustedition / Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Faust. Historisch-kritische Edition

Herausgegeben von Anne Bohnenkamp-Renken, Silke Henke und Fotis Jannidis. Frankfurt am Main: Freies Deutsches Hochstift, 2018. "Die digitale Faustedition besteht aus einem Archiv der Handschriften und der zu Lebzeiten erschienenen textkritisch relevanten Drucke zum ‚Faust‘, einem konstituierten Text des ‚Faust I‘ und des ‚Faust II‘ sowie Visualisierungen zur Genese des Werks." [from resource]

Flaubert, Gustave: Bouvard et Pécuchet

cf. Les dossiers de Bouvard et Pécuchet

Flaubert, Gustave: Madame Bovary

cf. Les manuscrits de Madame Bovary. Edition intégrale sur le web.

An Uninteresting Detail of a Journey to Rome by Ann Flaxman

Ed. by Marie E. McAllister. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2014. "Ann Flaxman's An Uninteresting Detail of a Journey to Rome tells the story of a female Grand Tour, something quite rare, and of an extended artist's visit to Italy, something quite common. In 1787 Flaxman set out for France and Italy with her husband, the sculptor John Flaxman, and a small company of fellow travellers. During her journey and in the months that followed her arrival in Rome, Flaxman kept a perceptive and entertaining journal for the benefit of friends at home, a group that included William and Catherine Blake. Personal yet nonetheless typical of its genre, Flaxman's previously unpublished Journey serves as an excellent introduction to English travel writing just before the French Revolution, and to the late-eighteenth-century international arts scene. It also reveals the challenges and rewards of being an atypically poor traveller and an aspiring woman writer." [from resource]

digi Florimont - archive numérique du 'Roman de Florimont' d'Aimon de Varennes

Projet DigiFlor. Grenoble: Université de Grenoble Alpes, 2017-2019. "DigiFlorimont est donc une Archive, l’archive d’une tradition littéraire, celle du Roman de Florimont, dans ses composantes manuscrites, textuelles, narratives et linguistiques. DigiFlorimont est de plus un Laboratoire, où l’on expérimente autour de cette rencontre entre les méthodes philologiques et les instruments numériques d’analyse et de représentation. Cette Archive et ce Laboratoire sont ouverts et transparents : toutes les données et les outils nés dans ce contexte sont mis à disposition de la communauté, dans l’espoir d’avoir quelque utilité." [from resource]

Theodor Fontane: Notizbücher. Digitale genetisch-kritische und kommentierte Edition

Hrsg. von Gabriele Radecke. Göttingen: Universität Göttingen, 2015. "Die Hybrid-Ausgabe besteht aus zwei komplementären Teilen, die in abgestufter Weise die Materialität visualisieren und dokumentenorientierte, chronologische und teleologische Zugriffe ermöglichen sowie einen linearen les- und zitierbaren Text und Kommentar herstellen: Die digitale Edition im Fontane-Notizbuch-Portal wird alle Notizbuchaufzeichnungen in synoptischer Darstellung von Digitalisat und diplomatischer Transkription sowie einen historisch-kritisch edierten Text mit textkritischem Apparat und Kommentaren unter Open-Access-Lizenz CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 international veröffentlichen." [from resource]

Jacques de Fonteny's Livre d'Enigmes - Manuscript of an Early 17th-Century Para-Emblematic, Illustrated Sonnet Sequence.

Ed. by Gerhard F. Strasser, assist. by Eva Christina Glaser. Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2012. TEI-based digital edition offering facsimile, original transcription, and modern french transcription with some prefatory remarks, commentary and bibliography.

Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

Ed. by Stuart Curran. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2009. "This edition of Frankenstein, in gestation for over fifteen years, provides the texts of both the 1818 and 1831 editions, as well as copius annotations that emphasize the novel's strong inter- and intra-textual connections." [from resource] The edition is also hosted at


In Transition: Selected Poems by the Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven

Ed. by Tanya Clement. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2009. "The edition comprises digital surrogates and transcriptions of multiple manuscript versions of twelve poems by Freytag-Loringhoven. [... It is based on] TEI P5 XML-encoded transcriptions which comprise poetry drafts and scholarly annotations and introductions for each poem; the edition also includes images of original manuscripts as well as theoretical essays. Within the edition, these objects are incorporated into the free, open-source Javascript application called the Versioning Machine, which takes advantage of the TEI’s robust standards for parallel segmentation by allowing for cross-comparisons among the encoded texts. [...T]he Versioning Machine [has been augmented] specifically for this edition in order to incorporate intra- and inter-lineal comparisons. The digital surrogates of the poetry drafts and the TEI-encoded texts are cross-searchable with the UM Libraries’ other digital collections within the Libraries’ Fedora digital [r]epository system." (from a university libraries press release)

The Firstling/Erstling/He Complex by Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven

Edited by Tanya Clement and Gaby Divay. In: Scholarly Editing. The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing, Vol. 33, 2012. "This "complex" includes thirty-three versions of a poem with multiple titles in two languages by the Baroness Elsa von Fretytag Loringhoven (1874-1927). [...] The entire cluster can be dated to 1923/24 when the Baroness had just returned to Berlin after twelve years in the United States. About one third of the poems are in German and tend to be composed in traditional form and style. Two thirds are in English. As the edition shows, the Baroness rewrote her poems in the two different languages to incorporate adaptations or re-creations rather than straight translations.
Underlying this edition is one TEI-P5 XML file accompanied by twenty-two, full color, documentary images." [from resource]

Fräulein Else, Arthur Schnitzler

cf. "Fräulein Else" multimedial - Arthur Schnitzlers Novelle und ihre Adaptionen (1923-2013)


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Benito Pérez Galdos: Toquemada en la hoguera. On-Line Edition

Ed. by Rhian Davies. Sheffield: Galdos Editions Project / University of Sheffield, 2005; ISBN 978- 095426083X. [From the intute-record:] "[...] users are able to compare different versions of the novel, uniquely brought together by this electronic edition; read contextual editorial notes to the text by rolling the mouse over highlighted words and phrases, as well as textual notes referring to issues in the transcription of the manuscript; refer instantly to extensive indexes of characters and places from Galdós's complete works; and conduct searches across the text for character names, words, phrases, places, dates and so on. Navigation through the novel is facilitated by a chapter index, and a full bibliography relating to the study of the Torquemada novels as well as Galdós's manuscripts is provided."

Galiano, Angel García

cf. Digital Variants:

Documents linguistiques galloromans

Édition électronique dirigée par Martin Glessgen. Zürich: Universität Zürich, 2009; troisième édition 2016. "La collection des Documents linguistiques galloromans (DocLing) fournit une édition fiable d’un nombre important de textes documentaires médiévaux conservés pour l’essentiel sous une forme originale et en grande partie inédits. Le projet poursuit sous un format électronique l’entreprise des Documents linguistiques de la France fondée par Paul Meyer (1909). Les éditions de Paul Meyer concernent les documents de la Provence orientale du 12e au 15e siècle ainsi que ceux de l’Ain, en domaine francoprovençal (éd. par Edmond Philippon), celles de de Clovis Brunel réunissent les documents occitans antérieurs à 1200, essentiellement languedociens, celles dirigées par Jacques Monfrin les chartes françaises antérieures à 1270." [from resource]

Het Geraardsbergse handschrift

Hg. von Herman Brinkman und Peter Boot. Den Haag: Huygens Instituut, 2003. Textausgabe (teilweise mit Abbildungen) einer mittelalterlichen Sammelhandschrift mit hauptsächlich mittelniederländischen Texten verschiedenster Textsorten. Technische Realisierung: TEI-XML per XSLT zu einer HTML-Präsentation verarbeitet.

George Herbert's English Verse

cf. The Digital Temple: A Documentary Edition of George Herbert’s English Verse

Édition génétique des Caves du Vatican d'André Gide

Pascal Mercier, Alain Goulet et al. (éds). Paris: Gallimard, 2001; sans ISBN. "Ce CD-Rom rassemble l'ensemble du dossier génétique de l'œuvre : documents préparatoires, notes, plans, brouillons, manuscrits… sous la forme d'images des documents originaux et de textes manuscrits. Il met en regard tous ces documents avec le texte de référence des Caves, et propose ainsi de suivre la préhistoire de l'œuvre mot à mot, ligne à ligne. Autour de ces textes sont proposés de nombreux dossiers documentaires, historico-critiques, bibliographiques…" [from resource]
The former description page is gone. Last snapshot in the internet archive is from 2011
About the Online-Version: "Cette édition en ligne reproduit la version originale du logiciel publiée sur CD-ROM en 2001. Aucune modification n’y a été apportée concernant sa structure ainsi que son contenu. Toutefois, l’évolution de la technologie a pour conséquence que certaines fonctions n’opèrent plus correctement." [from resource]

The Gipsy Prince by Thomas Moore & Michael Kelly

Ed. by Frederick Burwick. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2012. "Published here for the first time, The Gipsy Prince (Haymarket, 24 July 1801), was the collaboration of Thomas Moore who composed the libretto and lyrics and Michael Kelly who provided the musical score. [...] With an introduction by Frederick Burwick, this edition includes his transcription of the previously unpublished manuscript, the prose narrative ostensibly translated from the Spanish, the sheet music as published by Michael Kelly, recordings of the overture and songs as performed under the musical direction of Stephen Pu, and a variorum of the lyrics to facilitate side-by-side comparisons of all versions of the songs. The edition also provides page-by-page images of the original materials." [from resource]


cf. Eleventh-Century Anglo-Saxon Glossary From Ms. Brussels, Royal Library 1650: An Edition and Source Study


cf. St Gall Priscian glosses

Glover, Samuel

cf. A Description of the Valley of Chamouni, in Savoy. By Samuel Glover


The Diary of William Godwin

Ed. by Victoria Myers, David O'Shaughnessy and Mark Philp. Oxford: Oxford Digital Library, 2010.
"Godwin’s diary consists of 32 octavo notebooks [...] [with entries from] 6 April 1788 [...] [to] 26 March 1836. [...] The diary is a resource of immense importance to researchers of history, politics, literature, and women’s studies. It maps the radical intellectual and political life of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, as well as providing extensive evidence on publishing relations, conversational coteries, artistic circles and theatrical production over the same period. One can also trace the developing relationships of one of the most important families in British literature [...] [and m]any of the most important figures in British cultural history feature in its pages.
The diary has been transcribed and encoded so that it is fully searchable. High resolution scanned images of the diary are also provided."
"The project has sought to code the diary so as to retain the richness and diversity of the information. Each element in a day’s entry has been coded so as to distinguish what Godwin read, what he wrote, whom he saw, where he saw them, in what activities or meals they shared, and where he went." [from resource]

Fables: Ancient and Modern. Adapted for the Use of Chilrden by William Godwin, Esq.

Ed. by Suzanne L. Barnett and Katherine Bennett Gustafson. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2014. "This is the first installment of a complete critical edition of Godwin’s ten contributions to his Juvenile Library. It makes available for the first time since 1824 the first text that Godwin both authored and published under his own imprint, Fables Ancient and Modern. Adapted for the Use of Children from Three to Eight Years of Age (1805), along with a comprehensive introduction and extensive notes by the editors. While literary historians have long been aware that radical author William Godwin wrote and published children's books, these works are substantially less visible than his novels and philosophical writings. Yet, the profound cultural impact of Godwin's children's literature—especially as an expression of his social politics—necessitates their reproduction and welcomes further critical inquiry." [from resource]

Joannes Antonides van der Goes, Ystroom (1671)

Jan Bloemendal, met bijdragen van Boukje Thijs. Amsterdam: Huygens ING, 2015. "Hier wordt een editie van Joannes Antonides van der Goes’ De Ystroom geboden. De tekst van de eerste editie uit 1671 is als basis gekozen. De facsimiles zijn van het exemplaar dat aan Constantijn Huygens heeft toebehoord (Koninklijke Bibliotheek 28 K 25), dat is gedigitaliseerd door ProQuest als deel van de Early European Books. Aan de editie zijn de aantekeningen van Pieter Witsen Geysbeek (1828) (wg), Willem Bilderdijk (1827-1836) (bild) en de handschriftelijke aantekeningen van Arnold van Mourik (met grote dank aan de erven Van Mourik die toestemming gaven zijn aantekeningen te gebruiken) (prelvm) toegevoegd, alsook een vertaling in modern Nederlands. Zo kan de lezer de annotaties van oude en moderne editoren gemakkelijk naast elkaar zetten en vergelijken, wat betreft hun resultaten en hun aanpak." [from resource]


cf. Faustedition / Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Faust. Historisch-kritische Edition

Der junge Goethe in seiner Zeit

Hg. von Karl Eibl, Fotis Jannidis und Marianne Willems. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 1998; ISBN 978-3458169148; 2 Bände + 1 CD-ROM. Die Edition basiert auf TEI-Auszeichnungen. Zur Darstellung wird Folio Views verwendet.
Inzwischen gibt es auch eine Internet-Version der Edition.

Besprechungen: Detlef Gwosc, in: Deutsche Bücher 29/2 (1999), S. 100-103. Burkhard Henke, in: Monatshefte für deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur 93/4 (2001), S. 518-520. David Hill, in: The modern language review 96/3 (2001), S. 883-884. Roland Krebs, in: Etudes germaniques 56/2 (2001), S. 273.

L'ipertesto d'autore: "La famiglia dell'antiquario" di Carlo Goldoni in edizione elettronica su CD-ROM

Hg. von Luca Toschi. Venedig: Marsilio, 1996; ISBN 978-8831763148; Buch + CD-ROM. Hybrid-Ausgabe mit Buch und CD-ROM. Im Netz scheint das schon ältere Projekt (1993) nicht weiter dokumentiert zu sein.

Édition digitale et étude de la polémique autour de Góngora

Ed. by Mercedes Blanco. Paris: Sorbonne Université-CLEA, 2014-. "Les oscillations de la fortune de Luis de Góngora (1561-1627) auprès des lecteurs comme auprès de la critique et l’influence, immense à court terme et persistante aujourd’hui, d’une œuvre brève et difficile, posent des énigmes qui méritent d’être élucidées. [...]
Nous éditons plusieurs dizaines de pièces de nature hétérogène en nous basant sur une version élargie du catalogue dressé par Robert Jammes en appendice à son édition des Soledades(1992). Ce qui est pour l’instant visible sur la plateforme représente moins de la moitié de ce qui est en préparation. Parmi les pièces à paraître, on compte des textes inédits, présents dans des manuscrits que l’on croyait perdus ou illisibles." [from resource]

Manuscrito digital de Juan Goytisolo

Directed by Bénédicte Vauthier, Bern: Universität Bern, 2013. "Manuscrito digital de Juan Goytisolo es un proyecto de edición genética digital de los manuscritos de trabajo de Paisajes después de la batalla, novela de Juan Goytisolo. Nacido en el seno del Instituto de Lengua y Literaturas Hispánicas de la Universidad de Berna (Institut für Spanische Sprache und Literaturen, Universität Bern) bajo la dirección de Bénédicte Vauthier, Manuscrito digital de Juan Goytisolo tiene una faceta de formación de jóvenes investigadores. El proyecto de carácter internacional se ha realizado en estrecha colaboración con estudiantes de filología hispánica de la Universidad de Berna, de Digital Humanities (Zentrum für Digitale Edition, Universität Würzburg & École nationale des chartes, París) y de informática (Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften [ZHAW]) y la ayuda de informáticos profesionales." [from resource]

Queste del saint Graal

Édition numérique interactive du manuscrit de Lyon (Bibliothèque municipale, P.A. 77). Edité par Christiane Marchello-Nizia et Alexei Lavrentiev. Lyon: Institut des Sciences de l'Homme (ISH), 2013. Note: From the base address choose "GRAAL (édition numérique interactive)" to get to the edition. "Depuis son apparition dans la littérature au 12e siècle, le Graal a engendré d'innombrables quêtes. La version présentée ici fut composée vers 1225. Le manuscrit Palais des Arts 77 conservé à la Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon, que nous éditons, est l’un des meilleurs manuscrits de ce célèbre roman du Moyen Age.
L’édition présentée ici est un prototype, et, nous l’espérons, un exemple de ce que peut désormais offrir la ‘philologie numérique’, avec ses possibilités techniques nouvelles et son exigence de rigueur et de cohérence. C’est ainsi que le texte peut s’afficher sous un triple format – version courante, version diplomatique, version facsimilaire, la dernière étant la plus proche du texte tel que réalisé par le copiste médiéval, la première correspondant à une édition plus facile d’accès, semblable aux éditions habituelles des textes anciens. Vous pouvez aussi afficher les photographies du manuscrit et la traduction en français moderne. Ces différents éléments peuvent s'afficher côte à côte, en plusieurs colonnes." [from resource]


cf. Queste del saint Graal. Manuscrit Lyon, Bibliothèque municipale, P.A. 77


Unter der Leitung von Bernd Füllner, Thomas Burch und Detlev Hellfaier. Detmold / Düsseldorf / Trier: Lippischen Landesbibliothek Detmold / Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf / Kompetenzzentrum für elektronische Erschließungs- und Publikationsverfahren in den Geisteswissenschaften, 2011. "Das Grabbe-Portal [...] [präsentiert] sämtliche erhaltenen Texte bbes: Dramatische Werke, Rezensionen, theoretische Schriften und kleinere biographische Texte sowie den Briefwechsel Grabbes, ergänzt um ca. 20 seit der Vollendung der Ausgabe 1973 neu aufgefundene Briefe. Die Grundlage für die retrospektive digitale Edition des Grabbe-Portals bildet die historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe, welche 1960-1973 von Alfred Bergmann bearbeitet [...] wurde. [... D]ie sechs Bände (ca. 4.400 Seiten) [wrden] digital erfasst [...]. Zusätzlich wurden über 7.500 digitale Faksimiles von Handschriften, Bildern und Erstausgaben seitengenau in den Datenbestand der Textausgabe integriert." [from project brochure]

Diary of Robert Graves 1935-39 and ancillary material

Compiled by Beryl Graves, Chris Petter and Linda Roberts. Victoria (BC): University of Victoria Libraries, 2002-2003. Digitale Abbildungen und tief ausgezeichneter und annotierter Volltext, der als diplomatische Abschrift dargestellt wird. Optisch und technisch vorbildliche Umsetzung von ausgezeichneten (TEI-P4)XML-Texten mittels nativer XML-Datenbank (eXist) in eine sehr gut benutzbare Web-Oberfläche.


The Thomas Gray (1716-1771) Interactive Online Commentary

Ed. by Alexander Huber. Oxford: Bodleian Libraries / University of Oxford, 2000-. [Selbstbeschreibung] "The Thomas Gray (1716-1771) Interactive Online Commentary" ist ein Hypermedia-Projekt zur Erforschung von Leben und Werk des englischen Lyrikers Thomas Gray. Die Site bietet sowohl annotierte elektronische Texte der anthumen englischen Lyrik Grays als auch weiterführende Sekundärliteratur, wie einen biographischen Abriss, eine chronologische Tabelle von Leben und Werk, eine Auswahlbibliographie, eine Galerie und Links zu verwandten Online-Ressourcen. Die Texte können sowohl über einen direkten Zugriff auf Textebene erforscht als auch mit einer Suchmaschine durchsucht werden. Der Nutzer hat dabei Zugriff auf einen umfangreichen Anmerkungsapparat, der ständig durch Kooperation von Wissenschaftlern erweitert werden soll. Eigene Anmerkungen können dabei direkt über ein Webformular zu jeder beliebigen Textstelle eingegeben werden.

Griboedov, Alexander

cf. DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital Edition

The Griffin by Thomas D'Arcy Morris

Ed. by Máire ní Fhlathúin. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2018. "This edition showcases the poetry of Thomas D’Arcy Morris (1792-1835), a significant figure in the Bombay literary scene of the early nineteenth century. It identifies and attributes Morris’s works, originally published anonymously or pseudonymously in contemporary newspapers and periodicals. The central text is the long review / poem The Griffin, accompanied by some related earlier works by Morris, and some contextual correspondence. The edition also includes a list of later anonymous and pseudonymous works by Morris from the Oriental Sporting Magazine (1828-1833)." [from resource]

Grundtvigs Værker – en tekstkritisk og kommenteret udgave af N.F.S. Grundtvigs trykte forfatterskab.

Centerledere: Katrine Frøkjær Baunvig (2018-), Michael Schelde (2009-2018). Udgaveledere: Johnny Kondrup (2010-2012), Klaus Nielsen (2013-2019), Krista Stinne Greve Rasmussen (2020-). Aarhus: Grundtvig Centeret ved Aarhus Universitet, 2010. "N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783-1872) var en af de betydeligste personligheder i 1800-tallets danske åndsliv. Han var digter, præst, historiker, politiker og pædagogisk tænker. Hans omfattende virke har sat afgørende præg på dansk samfundsbygning, kultur og kirkeliv. GV er en tekstkritisk og kommenteret udgave af Grundtvigs trykte forfatterskab, der, når den er færdig, vil omfatte ca. 1000 værker. [...] GV tilbyder en række værktøjer, som hjælper læseren ind i forfatterskabet, bl.a. kommentarer til vanskelige passager i Grundtvigs tekster samt indledninger til hvert værk. Og alt sammen er søgbart." [from resource]

Het Gruuthusehandschrift

Ed. by Herman Brinkman und Ike de Loos. Den Haag: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 2017. "Het Gruuthusehandschrift is een verzameling liederen, gebeden en gedichten die tussen 1405 en 1410 zijn geschreven. Rond 1400 is Brugge een rijke wereldstad die bruist en borrelt van de handel, van muziek, van kunst en cultuur. Dat alles komen we tegen in de Gruuthuseliederen. De meeste teksten kennen we uit geen enkele andere bron. Dat maakt dit handschrift uniek en een grote inspiratiebron voor onderzoekers naar de vroege Nederlandstalige literatuur." [from resource]

Editionsprojekt Karl Gutzkow - Kommentierte digitale Gesamtausgabe

Hg. von Martina Lauster, Gert Vonhoff et al. Exeter: University of Exeter, 2000-2004. "Die Kommentierte digitale Gutzkow-Ausgabe ist als 'Hybrid'-Ausgabe konzipiert, umfasst also zusätzlich zur digitalen eine gedruckte Realisation. Den Spezifika beider Medien entsprechend, ergänzen sich beide Teile der Edition. Die Gutzkow-Ausgabe erscheint im Internet [...], als CD-ROM [.pdf] und in regelmäßigen Abständen in gedruckten Bänden." [from resource]


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The Charles Harpur Critical Archive

Ed. by Paul Eggert. Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2015-. "The Charles Harpur Critical Archive (CHCA) is a digital archive and a scholarly edition of the poetic works of Charles Harpur (1813–68). [...] The CHCA archives the basic materials for an edition (images and diplomatic transcriptions of the original documents, both handwritten and printed) and provides edited reading texts, together with textual commentary and explanatory notation. [...] [Amongst other features] the Multiway Compare Tool allows the reader to compare changes in the successive versions of the same work across biographical periods." [from resource]

Hartmann von Aue - Portal

Hg. von Roy A. Boggs et al. Fort Myers (FL): Florida Gulf Coast University, 2003-2006. Ein eher experimentelles akademisches Projekt - "an academic exercise for students as well as a lesson in academic contribution and scholarship". Dafür aber schon weit fortgeschritten mit umfänglichen Materialien, von Handschriftendigitalisaten über Transkriptionen und Übersetzungen bis hin zu Konkordanzen und Registern.

Hartmann von Aue: Der arme Heinrich. Textgeschichtliche elektronische Ausgabe

Hg. von Gustavo Fernández Riva und Victor Millet, in Zusammenarbeit mit Jakub Šimek, mit Übersetzungen von Dietmar Peschel. Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek, 2018; "Hartmanns von Aue Der arme Heinrich, entstanden gegen Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts, ist eine legendenhafte Erzählung von der wundersamen Heilung eines Aussatzkranken. Die kurze Geschichte (ca. 1500 Verse) ist heute ein Klassiker auch im akademischen Unterricht. Die handschriftliche Überlieferung weist trotz der relativ geringen Anzahl der Zeugnisse eine vergleichsweise bedeutende Textvarianz auf, mit vielen Versumstellungen, Kürzungen, Ergänzungen und Änderungen. Sie finden hier die elektronische Edition dieses Werks, bei der Sie die verschiedenen Fassungen und ihre Übersetzungen parallel nebeneinander lesen können. Dabei können Sie auswählen, ob sie den edierten Text oder lieber die Transkription der Handschriften lesen wollen." [from resource]

Heinrich Heine Portal

Hg. vom Heinrich-Heine-Institut. Düsseldorf / Trier: Heinrich-Heine-Institut der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf / Kompetenzzentrum für elektronische Erschließungs- und Publikationsverfahren in den Geisteswissenschaften, 2002-2006. "Das Heinrich-Heine-Portal (HHP) [...] ist eine elektronische, wissenschaftliche Gesamtausgabe von Heines Werken und Briefen, verknüpft mit digitalisierten Handschriften-, Bild- und Buchbeständen [...]. Es vereinigt die beiden historisch-kritischen Heine-Editionen, die parallel in der Bundesrepublik und der DDR entstanden. [...] Alle Texte, Kommentare und Register werden in einer Hyperlinkstruktur miteinander vernetzt, die Briefe von und an Heine werden in vollständig überarbeiteter Form präsentiert. Hinzu kommen digitale Faksimiles handschriftlicher wie gedruckter Textzeugen, Bild- und Quellenmaterialien." [from resource]

Felicia Dorothea Hemans: The Sceptic. A Hemans-Byron Dialogue (1820)

Ed. by Nanora Sweet and Barbara Taylor. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2004. im Zentrum steht ein kommentierter Volltext auf der Basis der Ausgabe von 1820. Daneben gibt es eine Reihe von Kontextmaterialien, eine Bildergalerie und literaturwissenschaftliche Sekundärtexte.

Homer Multitext

Ed. by Casey Dué and Mary Ebbott. Houston: University of Houston, 2014. "The Homer Multitext project seeks to present the Homeric Iliad and Odyssey in a critical framework that accounts for the fact that these poems were composed orally over the course of hundreds, if not thousands of years by countless singers who composed in performance. The evolution and the resulting multiformity of the textual tradition, reflected in the many surviving texts of Homer, must be understood in its many different historical contexts. Using technology that takes advantage of the best available practices and open source standards that have been developed for digital publications in a variety of fields, the Homer Multitext offers free access to a library of texts and images and tools to allow readers to discover and engage with the Homeric tradition." [from resource]

William Hone: The Political House that Jack Built

Ed. by Kyle Grimes. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 1998. [Beschreibung von Romantic Circles:] "Includes diplomatic transcription of the title page and Hone's verse text, as well as the poem "The Clerical Magistrate". Also offers original illustrations by George Cruikshank, a William Hone chronology, & annotated bibliography."

Ödön von Horváth: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe – Digitale Edition

Hg. von Klaus Kastberger. Graz: Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung, 2016. "Die digitale Edition ergänzt und erweitert die historisch-kritische Ausgabe Ödön von Horváths um die Möglichkeiten digitaler Editionstechniken. Dafür wurde auf der Grundlage der beiden Endfassungen von Horváths zentralem Volksstück Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald (1931) ein eigenes Datenmodell nach etablierten Standards (TEI: P5) entwickelt, das sowohl die formalen Strukturen, wie sie die historisch-kritische Ausgabe vorgibt, als auch tieferliegende inhaltliche Strukturen des Textes repräsentiert. Auf dieser Basis werden dem Nutzer (interaktive) Darstellungen des Dramentextes geboten, die in klassischen Editionen nicht realisiert werden können. Ein besonderes Interesse liegt dabei auf der Methode der Dramennetzwerkanalyse und den damit einhergehenden Visualisierungstechniken." [from resource]

Huon d'Auvergne Digital Archive

Edited by Leslie Zarker Morgan and Stephen P. McCormick. Lexington (VA): Washington and Lee University, 2017; Version 1.0. "[T]he Huon d'Auvergne Digital Archive is a collaborative scholarly project that presents for the first time to a modern reading audience the Franco-Italian Huon d'Auvergne romance epic. The first phase of the project (2014-2017) develops the first version of the Huon digital archive, which includes diplomatic editions of all four extant manuscripts, an accompanying English translation, and a reading interface that demonstrates protocols for textual analysis and comparison of variants. From the initial foundation of phase one, the Huon editorial team will build additional functionality involving high-resolution scans of the four Franco-Italian manuscripts, creating an interactive and linked reading environment." [from resource, 2018]


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Henrik Ibsens skrifter (Henrik Ibsen's Writings)

Directed by Vigdis Ystad. Oslo: University of Oslo, 1998-. "Henrik Ibsens skrifter (HIS) er en historisk-kritisk utgave. Dette innebærer for det første at utgaven har som mål å presentere alt kjent skriftlig materiale fra Ibsens hånd i historisk-autentisk form, og videre at den derfor følger nærmere definerte retningslinjer og standarder for tekstkritikk og ord- og sakkommentarer. Disse standardene skiller seg fra dem som er fulgt i tidligere tekstkritiske utgaver av Ibsen. Henrik Ibsens skrifter er tidligere (2005–10) kommet ut i en trykt utgave (HISb). Bokutgaven begrenses til å inneholde ederte hovedtekster med ord- og sakkommentarer, innledninger, tekstkritiske redegjørelser og manuskriptbeskrivelser. For en nærmere redegjørelse for spesifikke prinsipper for bokutgaven (blant annet ordning av materialet), se bokutgavens bind 17, Utgavens retningslinjer. Den elektroniske utgaven (HISe) inneholder i tillegg til alt materiale fra bokutgaven samtlige tekstkilder til de ederte tekstene, det vil si alle manuskripter og alle trykte utgaver i dikterens levetid. Tekstkildene gjengis i diplomatarisk (bokstavrett) transkripsjon. Grunntekstene (i de fleste tilfeller førstetrykkene) og manuskriptene ledsages av faksimiler der dette har vært mulig å oppdrive. Tekstkildene kan stilles opp ved siden av hverandre slik at variasjonen mellom dem blir synlig. Feil i og tilleggsopplysninger til HISb står i en liste over Errata i HISe." [from resource]


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Jean Paul

cf. Jean Paul Portal

Maria Jane Jewsbury: The Oceanides

Ed. by Judith Pascoe. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2003. Einfache Volltextausgabe mit Sachkommentar und kontextualisierendem Material.

The Yale Digital Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson

Robert DeMaria Jr. (General Editor). New Haven (CT): Yale University, 2014. "The Yale Edition attempts to collect all of Johnson's published writings and some of his unpublished works. Everything that appeared in a book, journal, or magazine is collected here, in addition to Johnson's extant diaries, prayers, and journal entries." This is the digital version of the printed 21 volumes series (1958ff)

Jones, Henry

cf. Digital Day Thoughts: A comparative encoding of the quarto and octavo editions of The Relief; or, Day Thoughts: a Poem (1754) by Henry Jones.

The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson

Ed. by David Bevington et al. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. "The [...] edition [...] offers a complete re-editing of the entire Jonsonian canon, and aims to supersede the monumental Oxford Ben Jonson of C. H. Herford and Percy and Evelyn Simpson published between 1925 and 1952. The Cambridge Ben Jonson takes account of recently discovered works by Jonson, and offers the first complete edition of Jonson in electronic form. In addition, the Cambridge Ben Jonson is shaped by new research on the ordering and arrangement of the canon, and its editorial policy reflects revisionary thinking on Jonsonian copy-texts. [...] The Cambridge Ben Jonson will appear initially in two related formats. A six-volume print edition will present a modernized text of the complete works [...] in chronological order, with annotation at the foot of the page and full scholarly apparatus. [...] The electronic edition, to be published simultaneously as a CD-ROM or via the Internet, will feature the entire contents of the print edition along with a range of early manuscripts and print texts - including the early quartos, 1616 and 1640/1 folios and 1640 duodecimo. The electronic edition will enable to search the entire canon for the first time, in original or modernised spelling. Additional archival material (including life records, stage history, masque records, and early allusions) will also be incorporated and fully searchable, together with a comprehensive Jonson bibliography. Importantly, the electronic original-spelling edition will be hypertextually cross-referenced with the modernized edition, allowing readers to make textual comparisons at the click of a button." [from resource]

The James Joyce Digital Archive: Ulysses & Finnegans Wake

Ed. by Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon. s.l: 2018-. "The James Joyce Digital Archive presents the complete compositional histories of Ulysses & Finnegans Wake in an interactive format for scholars, students and general readers.
The James Joyce Digital Archive is divided into two 'volumes': Ulysses and Finnegans Wake. [...] It effectively provides an edition of each draft level (in itself an invaluable tool for textual studies) linked to the relevant sections of the notebooks and notesheets Joyce used to augment the text. [...] Designed as a template for digital textual studies, The James Joyce Digital Archive aims to provide a detailed, accurate, interactive account of two of the most complex compositional histories in literary history. It also provides a dynamic model of the creative process of composition itself. As an advanced method for the study and presentation of literary works in general, it will hopefully serve as an extensible template for an almost limitless range of textual studies." [from resource]

József Attila összes tanulmánya és cikke Szövegek, 1930–1937

Közzéteszi: Horváth Iván (főszerkesztő), Fuchs Anna (szerkesztő), Bognár Péter, Buda Borbála Sára, Devescovi Balázs, Golden Dániel (sajtó alá rendezők), Király Péter (programozó).Budapest: Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, 2012; 1.0. kiadás. "Az itt következő József Attila-kiadás egy olyan, átfogó program keretében készült, amelynek során eljárást dolgoztunk ki a jövendő magyar klasszikus-kiadások elavulásának megakadályozására. Az eljárás kísérleti stádiumban van. A technikai részleteket a MaNDA honlapján fogjuk közzétenni." [from resource]

MS Junius 11 - Bodleian Digital Texts 1

Ed. by Bernard J. Muir. Oxford: Bodleian Library, 2004; ISBN 978-1851240845; DVD-ROM. "... digital edition of Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Junius 11, sometimes referred to as the 'Caedmon Manuscript' [...]. The DVD contains a historical introduction and codicological analysis of the manuscript, the complete texts and translations hyperlinked to sets of extremely high resolution images; there is also an extensive bibliography, diagrams illustrating the sometimes problematic structure of its gatherings or quires, and images of the manuscript's binding." [from resource] Ausführliche Besprechung von Murray McGillivray in Digital Medievalist 2.1 (2006).


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Franz Kafka: Der Process

Hg. von Roland Reuß in Zusammenarbeit mit Peter Staengle. Basel / Frankfurt a.M.: Stroemfeld, 1997; ISBN 978-3878774945; 12 Hefte + 1 CD-ROM. "Die 1997 erschienene [...] Edition [...] enthält [...] alle zu Kafkas Romanentwurf erhaltenen Handschriften. [... D]er Akzent der FKA-Edition [liegt] auf vollständiger Beschreibung der Manuskript- und Überlieferungszusammenhängen [sic] sowie auf einer möglichst adäquaten Darstellung der Handschrift so wie sie Kafka hinterlassen hat. [...] Die nicht separat erhältliche CD, die der Edition beiliegt, enthält die Faksimiles und die Transkription und ist über einen Index erschlossen." [from resource]
Der Link zielt auf die dokumentierende Seite des Instituts für Textkritik.

Kalevalan Aino

Niina Hämäläinen, Sakari Katajamäki ja Maria Niku. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura (SKS), 2017. "Kalevalan Aino on kommentoitu julkaisu Uuden Kalevalan (1849) 4. runon säkeistä 1–30. Digitaalinen editio esittelee Kalevalaa niin tutkijoille kuin suuremmalle yleisölle. Julkaisu havainnollistaa Aino-runoa ja sen taustoja sekä Lönnrotin toimitusperiaatteita kansanrunoaineiston suhteen. Aino-runo (4. runon ensimmäiset 30 säettä) on toimitettu tekstikriittisesti painetun Uuden Kalevalan pohjalta, mutta lisäksi editiosta voi tarkastella käsikirjoituksen tekstimuotoja ja katsella käsikirjoitusta digitaalisina kuvina. [...] Kalevalasta ei ole aiemmin toimitettu tämänkaltaista työtä. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Edith-yksikössä toimitetut Aleksis Kiven kriittiset editiot ovat olleet julkaisun mallina." [from resource]

John Keats. A Rediscovered Letter by John Keats (1818)

Ed. by Dearing Lewis. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD), 1998. Gewissermaßen die Minimalfassung einer Edition, besteht sie doch aus nur einer (HTML-)Seite. Mit Einleitung, Transkription und Anmerkungen.

Gottfried Keller: Sämtliche Werke

Unter der Leitung von Walter Morgenthaler. Basel / Frankfurt a.M. / Zürich: Stroemfeld Verlag / Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1996-. Eine elektronische Edition liegt auf CD-ROM den Apparatbänden bei und wird von Band zu Band erweitert und auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. "Die elektronische Edition ist als Ergänzung zur Buchedition konzipiert. Sie nutzt die dem elektronischen Medium eigenen flexiblen Darstellungsformen, die schnellen Suchfunktionen und die Möglichkeit, bei Auswahl und Darbietung der dokumentarischen Texte weniger selektiv verfahren zu müssen als das Printmedium. Neu ist insbesondere die Möglichkeit, Handschriften direkt am Bildschirm einzusehen, kombiniert mit Entzifferungshilfen und integraler Textumschrift." [from resource]
Die Gottfried Keller Homepage ist im Grunde ein Portal, das u.a. Material aus der fortlaufenden Edition verfügbar macht. Beispiel: Synoptische Darstellung von zwei Textfassungen von "Der grüne Heinrich".
Eine weitere Online-Edition bilden die Keller-Briefe.

Harry Graf Kessler, Das Tagebuch 1880-1937. Online-Ausgabe.

Hg. von Roland S. Kamzelak und Ulrich Ott, Stuttgart, Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, 2004-2009. Relaunch: Hg. von Roland S. Kamzelak. Marbach am Neckar: Deutsche Schillergesellschaft, 2019. Zur Version von 2019: Um zur Edition zu gelangen muss man auf der Startseite des Editionenportals EdView zunächst auf die Schaltfläche "weiter" klicken. In der folgenden Ansicht muss vor der aufgeführten Edition ein Häkchen gesetzt werden, bevor erneut die Schaltfläche "weiter" bedient wird. Nun kann rechts unter dem Titel "Startmöglichkeiten" das Lupensymbol angeklickt werden, woraufhin man schließlich zur Edition gelangt.
"Erste vollständige und wissenschaftlich aufgearbeitete Ausgabe des legendären, 57 Jahre hindurch geführten Tagebuches des Schriftstellers, Diplomaten und Kunstmäzens Harry Graf Kessler (1868–1937). Er war eine einzigartige Erscheinung in einem besonders bewegten Abschnitt der europäischen Zeit- und Kunstgeschichte. Sein Tagebuch ist eine unvergleichliche Quelle zur politischen Geschichte, zur Kunst-, Kultur- und Literaturgeschichte seiner Zeit. Es ist Zeitbericht und Zeitkommentar eines unerbittlich scharfen Beobachters, sensiblen Denkers und homme de lettres.
Das Tagebuch ist in neun gedruckten Bänden zwischen 2004 und 2018 bei Cotta in Stuttgart erschienen." [from ressource]
Version 2004: [Aus dem Arbeitsprogramm:] "Neben der gedruckten Fassung soll eine elektronische Publikation als zusätzliches Hilfsmittel für die Forschung erscheinen, welche die Funktion der Tagebücher als Nachschlagewerk erfüllt. Die geführten Register zu Personen, Werken, Orten, Plätzen, Körperschaften und Zeitungen/Zeitschriften sollen zusammen mit einer geeigneten Suchmaschine auf der CD-ROM die wissenschaftliche Recherche erleichtern. Faksimiles exemplarischer und singulärer Tagebuchseiten sowie der zahlreichen Beilagen ergänzen die elektronische Publikation und machen den Quellencharakter des Tagebuches sichtbar. [...] Die Buchausgabe erscheint ab Frühjahr 2004 in einem halbjährlichen Rhythmus. Dem ersten Band liegt eine CD-ROM mit dem Preprint des gesamten Textes des Transkriptionsprojektes in unbearbeiteter Form bei. Mit Erscheinen des letzten Bandes wird der Preprint ersetzt durch die endgültige Forschungsfassung mit Retrievalwerkzeugen und zugehörigen Materialien."
Die ursprüngliche Beschreibung zum Projekt liegt als letzter Snapshot von 2013 im Internet Archive.

Kivi, Aleksis – Nummisuutarit

cf. Aleksis Kivi: Nummisuutarit. Komedia viidessä näytöksessä. Kriittinen editio. [On-line.]


Wolfgang Koeppen: Jugend - Textgenetische Edition

Herausgegeben von Katharina Krüger, Elisabetta Mengaldo und Eckhard Schumacher. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2016. "Zu Jugend liegt [...] ein über 1500 Seiten umfassendes Typoskript-Konvolut vor, dessen Anordnung vermutlich nicht auf den Autor, sondern auf den ersten Nachlassverwalter zurückgeht. Bei den Typoskripten, die von Koeppen selbst angefertigt bzw. einer Schreibkraft diktiert und die zudem häufig handschriftlich korrigiert wurden, wie auch bei den wenigen handschriftlichen Aufzeichnungen handelt es sich zumeist um vorbereitende Skizzen, Vorstufen und Varianten zu Passagen des späteren Buchtextes sowie um über Jugend hinausgehende literarische Entwürfe („Fragmente“) und poetologische Überlegungen bzw. schematische Übersichten („Notizen“). [...] Die 53 Abschnitte, die Koeppens Jugend unterteilen [...] bezeichnen wir als Sequenzen. Die Sequenzstruktur bildet zugleich das Ordnungsprinzip der textgenetischen Edition. [...] Drei verschiedene Zugänge ermöglichen den Einstieg in die textgenetische Edition. Der Zugang „Lesetext“ geht vom veröffentlichten Buchtext aus, über den Zugang „Texte“ kann der User alle Textträger des Jugend-Konvoluts aufrufen und durchsuchen, der Zugang „Textgenese“ ermöglicht eine Rekonstruktion der Entstehung von Jugend. Alle Zugänge sind miteinander vernetzt." [from resource]

Kolb-Proust Archive for Research

Ed. by Caroline Szylowicz. Urbana (IL): University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994-2006. Gegenstand sind die Forschungsunterlagen von Philip Kolb, die dieser bei der Forschung zur Korrespondenz Prousts angesammelt hatte. Dazu gehören auch zahlreiche Originalbriefe Prousts. Das Material ist nur über eine Suchmaske zugänglich.


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cf. The Charette Project 2


cf. « DigiLivres » : LANCELOT (Chrétien de Troyes: Le Chevalier de la Charette)


cf. Queste del saint Graal. Manuscrit Lyon, Bibliothèque municipale, P.A. 77

Letitia Elizabeth Landon's "Verses" and The Keepsake for 1829

Ed. by Terence Hoagwood, Kathryn Ledbetter and Martin M. Jacobsen. A Romantic Circles Electrinic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 1998. [Kommentar von Romantic Circles:] "Includes introduction, diplomatic transcriptions, facsimile pages, biography, bibliography, & commentary."

John Langhorne: Solyman and Almena - An Oriental Tale

Hg von Rudolf Beck, Axel Kammerer, Andreas Jall und Silke Bauer. Augsburg: Universität Augsburg, 2000. Eine vergleichsweise einfache "Edition", bestehend aus dem Faksimile der Druckausgabe, dem (diplomatisch) transkribierten Volltext, inhaltlichen Anmerkungen und weiteren Materialien. Techisch auf die WWW-Funktionalitäten des Jahres 2000 ausgerichtet.
Die ursprüngliche Startseite ( ist auf dem Stand von 2008 nur noch in der Wayback-Machine zu finden.

Mini Lazarillo. Edición mínima del Lazarillo de Tormes

Equipo Mini Lazarillo [group of students]. New York: Columbia University, 2016. "The mini lazarillo Project: A minimal edition of the Lazarillo de Tormes (1554) is a digital edition created by students from the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures at Columbia University. The main menu contains information about the Project, the Team, and the Licence. The main section is the Edition, where you can find a a reading edition, and an annotated edition of the Lazarillo de Tormes, as well as the original images. We created the site with the purpose of giving the reader an enriched reading experience based on the principles of minimal computing." [from resource]

Lazarraga Eskuizkribua: edizioa eta azterketa / The Lazarraga Manuscript: Edition and study

Edited by Gidor Bilbao, Ricardo Gómez, Joseba A. Lakarra, Julen Manterola, Céline Mounole and Blanca Urgell. Vitoria-Gasteiz: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), 2011 (Version 1.0, 2010; version 1.2, 2011) "The website presents an edition and study of the so-called "The Lazarraga manuscript". The manuscript contains a pastoral romance and 67 poems, apparently written between 1567 and 1602. The texts are written in Basque (88%) and Spanish (12%). The manuscript was found in 2004 and consists of 55 sheets. Some of them are broken, and some other 20 sheets are currently lost. On the website the editors offer the text of the manuscript in five different presentations: (1) a critical annotated edition to be read online; (2) the same edition in PDF format; (3) the text put into modern spelling (in progress); (4) a Spanish translation (in progress), and (5) a facsimile of the manuscript. Moreover, the grammatical analysis of the text (in progress), a complete concordance of the text, and a list of bibliographical references are provided." [description provided by one of the editors]

Lermontov, Mikhail

cf. DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital Edition

Lessings Übersetzungen

Lessing-Akademie Wolfenbüttel (Hrsg.). Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2011. (Editiones Electronicae Guelferbytanae, 8) "Lessing übersetzt aus dem Englischen, Französischen, Lateinischen und Spanischen. Sein Übersetzungswerk – ca. 7.000 Druckseiten – umfaßt mehr als dreißig Titel, fast ebenso viele Autoren und eine Vielzahl von Gattungen, darunter zahlreiche Fragmente. Die weitaus größte Anzahl seiner Übersetzungen erstreckt sich auf einen Zeitraum von zehn Jahren – das Jahrzehnt zwischen 1750 und 1760." [from resource]

The Minor Works of John Lydgate

Ed. by Matthew Evan Davis. 2015-. "The goals of this archive are twofold: first, it is an attempt to make the manuscripts and other media containing the works of Lydgate that exist in less than twenty witnesses more accessible to scholars of the poet, students who may have only read them in print editions, and individuals interested in manuscripts as artifacts in their own right. To this end, it is intended to provide not a critical edition of these poems, but to accurately transcribe and record the variations in the witnesses – changes in the language, omissions, and insertions – that are obscured sometimes by the traditional editorial process.
Second, this archive is meant to bridge a gap between the digital world, where anything that cannot be concretely categorized is often left by the wayside, and the physical object with its rich set of significations. Rather than the standard structure of a TEI document, an alternative TEI schema privileging the manuscript page as an object and its appearance has been used throughout. Additionally, where necessary other metadata standards have been incorporated into the description as well. In this way, the hope is that the physical object is described and displayed in a way that preserves the connections made by the physical object itself while also holding to common and accepted metadata standards." [from resource]

Samuel Taylor Coleridge & William Wordsworth. Lyrical Ballads (1798-1805)

Ed. by Ron Tetreault and Bruce Graver. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2003. [Kurzbeschreibung von Romantic Circles:] "This electronic edition makes available all 4 versions of Lyrical Ballads in the form of transcriptions edited from original printed copies, accompanied by images of each page. Enables active comparison of texts through Dynamic Collation." Der Link zielt auf eine neuere Fassung, die alte Ausgabe von 1998 ist aber auch noch verfügbar.

Lyrik des deutschen Mittelalters

Hg. von Manuel Braun, Sonja Glauch und Florian Kragl. Erlangen und Stuttgart, 2012-. "Das Ziel des Projekts ist es, die deutschsprachige Lyrik des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts neu aus den Quellen herauszugeben [...]. Die elektronische Edition ermöglicht erstmals die von der Forschung seit längerem entschieden eingeforderte Überlieferungsnähe, da sie neben dem Editionstext auch Digitalisate und Transkriptionen der Handschriften anbieten und jede denkbare Synopse erzeugen kann. Mit der Neuedition werden Leiche, Minnelieder und Sangsprüche des Hochmittelalters in zeitgemäßer, einheitlicher und leicht zugänglicher Gestalt vorliegen, während sie bisher auf eine Vielzahl überwiegend veralteter, höchst unterschiedlicher und vielfach vergriffener Ausgaben verstreut sind." [from resource]


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Maamme kirja - digitaalinen editio

Toimittaneet Reeta Holopainen, Sakari Katajamäki ja Ossi Kokko. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura / Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 2018. "Topeliuksen Boken om Vårt Land ilmestyi 1875 ja oli tarkoitettu oppikoulujen valmistavien luokkien lukukirjaksi. Topeliuksen aiemmin julkaistu Naturens Bok (1856) oli suunnattu kansakoulun alimmille luokille. Boken om Vårt Landista otettiin kaksikymmentä painosta vuosina 1875−1942. Kirja ilmestyi suomeksi vuonna 1876, mutta käännöstä uudistettiin ensimmäisen kerran jo parin vuoden päästä. Sen jälkeen kirjasta on julkaistu suomeksi yli viisikymmentä painosta, ja sitä käytettiin kouluissa aina 1950-luvulle asti. Maamme kirja on vaikuttanut merkittävästi suomalaisten omakuvaan, itseymmärrykseen sekä yhteisen kansallisen historiakäsityksen muodostumiseen. [...] Maamme kirjan digitaalisen edition tarkoitus on antaa käsitys suomennetun ja moneen kertaan uudistetun lukukirjan kehityksestä koko teoksen käyttöajalta. Koska kaikkien suomenkielisten painosten samanaikainen vertailu ei ole mahdollista, editioon on valittu kolme edustavaa laitosta Suomen historian eri vaiheilta, vuosilta 1878, 1915 ja 1944." [from resource]

The Thomas MacGreevy Archive

Ed. by Susan Schreibman et al. Dublin / College Park (MD): 2001-2007. "The Archive [...] features several [...] collections [...], including [...] an edition of several of MacGreevy's poems that allows readers to trace their composition history; Thomas MacGreevy and Jack B Yeats: An Online Broadsheet, which explores MacGreevy's and Yeats's professional and personal relationship, and [other material]. The MacGreevy Archive is fully XML-compliant, with texts encoded according to the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines. The Archive uses Lucene to deliver a majority of texts. The collection Thomas MacGreevy Composing a Poem utilises The Versioning Machine, open-source software developed by Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities." [from resource]

Madame Bovary

cf. Les manuscrits de Madame Bovary. Edition intégrale sur le web.

Magrelli, Valerio

cf. Digital Variants:

Malory Project

Directed by Takako Kato. Chicago (IL): Loyola University, 2006-2011. "The Malory Project is an electronic edition and commentary of Malory's Morte Darthur (1469-70), with digital facsimiles of the Winchester Manuscript (British Library, Add. MS 59678) and John Rylands Copy of Caxton's first edition. Stage One of the project is focused on the Roman War Episode and Caxton's Book V, which have been the main focus for editors of the Morte Darthur since the re-discovery of the manuscript in 1934." [from resource]

The Book of Margery Kempe:

Ed. by Joel W. Fredell. Hammond: Southeastern Louisiana University, 2015. "The Book has become a major text in medieval studies, famed for its first‐person account of a lay woman’s quest for spiritual authority and mystic revelation in a period when some in England were imprisoned, and in a few cases burned, for heresy. [...]
This project offers a digital facsimile of the The Book of Margery Kempe alongside a transcription that solves many of the problems when print is used to represent medieval manuscripts." [from resource]

The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe

Ed. by Hilary Binda. Medford / Somerville (MA): Tufts University, 2000. Älteres Editionsprojekt, begonnen 1996, seit 2000 anscheinend nicht mehr weiter geführt. Das SGML-/TEI-basierte Projekt bietet die gesammelten Werke Christopher Marlowes mit einer teilweise sehr hohen Zahl von Varianten. Die TEI-Auszeichnung der Dokumente wird in der Edition u.a. zur farbigen Markierung unterschiedlicher Textabschnitte genutzt. Für einen Spezialfall, den "Doctor Faustus" gibt es eine synoptische Edition, die den Vergleich zwischen drei Textvarianten erlaubt.

Melville Electronic Library. A Critical Archive

Ed. by John Bryant. New York: Digital Research Center at Hofstra University, 2008-. "When fully realized, MEL’s “textual core” will consist of an integrated set of scholarly digital editions of Melville’s works. Each edition is created by MEL editors, from scratch, and provides reliable reading texts for general circulation. Readers can access each edition separately through the links to the right. In MEL’s Projects section, readers can draw down passages from the editions to generate scholarly and pedagogical projects." [from resource]

Herman Melville’s “Typee”: A Fluid Text Edition

Ed. by John Bryant. Charlottesville (VA): University of Virginia Press, 2006. Revised 2009. Online-Subskription zwischen 275$ und 545$. "One of America’s most startling fluid texts, Herman Melville’s Typee exists in multiple critically diverse versions, in both manuscript and print. Based on the recently discovered working draft of Typee, this electronic edition offers digital images, a transcription of each manuscript page, corresponding print texts, and a dynamic reading text, which allows readers to inspect the revision sequences and narratives of more than 1000 revision sites. Comprehensive introductory essays by John Bryant discuss the evolution of Typee and innovative features of this edition, among other things." [from resource]

Melville's Marginalia Online

Ed. by Steven Olson-Smith, Peter Norberg, and Dennis C. Marnon. Boise (ID): Boise State University, 2008-2012. "Melville's Marginalia Online [is] an electronic catalog of books owned and borrowed by American author Herman Melville, and a digital edition of marked and annotated books that survive from his library." [from resource]

Menschen en Bergen, proza-gedicht

Ed. by Jan-Willem van der Weij. Den Haag: Huygens Instituut, 2009. "Van het prozagedicht ‘Menschen en Bergen’ van de Nederlandse schrijver Lodewijk van Deyssel bestaan verscheidene geautoriseerde versies. Zie drukgeschiedenis. De in deze editie opgenomen versies zijn in één oogopslag te overzien in het zogenaamde ‘stemma’, de lijst van versies in het navigatiemenu." [from resource]

Millán, José Antonio

cf. Digital Variants:

Milton Reading Room

Ed. by Thomas H. Luxon. Hanover (NH): Dartmouth College, 1997-. Projekt zur Gesamtausgabe vor allem der poetischen (aber auch anderer) Werke John Miltons. Bereits 1997 begonnen handelt es sich vom Selbstverständnis her um eine "digitale Bibliothek" transkribierter und inhaltlich annotierter Texte.

Richard Minne en Frits Van den Berghe F. Een tong van lijntses. Geannoteerde leeseditie van de Brieven van Pierken (1931-1935)

Bezorgd door Vincent Neyt. Gent: Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie (CTB) / KANTL, 2002; ISBN 978-9072474449; CD-ROM. Der gedruckten Ausgabe liegt eine CD-ROM bei - eine [Selbstbeschreibung] "elektronische editie met interactief notenapparaat, facsimile's, volledige concordantie, belangrijk bronnenmateriaal en een 50-tal audio brieven voorgedragen in het Gents door Bob de Moor" [u.a.]. Der Link verweist auf die Publikationsseite des Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie (KANTL).

Elizabeth Montagu Correspondence Online

Ed. by Professor Michael Franklin. Swansea: Swansea University, 2020. "Our goal is to prepare a fully annotated electronic edition of Elizabeth Robinson Montagu’s correspondence. The author and bluestocking salonnière (1718-1800) was the leading woman of letters and artistic patron of her day. Montagu corresponded extensively with leaders of British Enlightenment coteries, such as Edmund Burke, Gilbert West, David Garrick and Horace Walpole, as well as the Bluestocking inner circle – Elizabeth Carter, Sarah Scott, Hannah More, Hester Thrale Piozzi, Frances Burney, Anna Laetitia Barbauld, Elizabeth Vesey, and Frances Boscawen." [from resource]

Montalbán, Manuel Vázquez

cf. Digital Variants:


Hugo von Montfort - Das poetische Werk

Unter der Leitung von Wernfried Hofmeister. Graz: Institut für Germanistik / Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 2007-2010. Die "Augenfassung" als neue Präsentationsform der schon länger anhaltenden Editionsbemühungen geht auf eine bereits vorhandene "mikrographetisch aufbereitete Basistransliteration" zurück. Neben einer allgemeinen Suche bestehen Zugangsmöglichkeiten zum Text über eine Strukturansicht (mit Ordnungen nach Texten oder Folios) und zu den Faksimiles über eine Folioansicht, bei der auf ein besonderes Lupenwerkzeug hinzuweisen ist, mit dem für die Transkription zeilenweise die Handschrift dargestellt wird.

The Morris Online Edition

Ed. Florence Boos et al. Iowa City (IA): University of Iowa Libraries, 2005-. "The working goal of the Morris Online Edition is to provide readable annotated texts of Morris’s poetry and selected prose, prepared in accordance with current scholarly and critical norms, using current technology for text-searching, manuscript descriptions, and hypertext features. Our longer-term hope is that we and our successors will bring these together in a complete scholarly hypertext edition of Morris’s literary works online." [from resource]

Morris, Thomas D'Arcy

cf. The Griffin by Thomas D'Arcy Morris

Robert Musil - Klagenfurter Ausgabe

Hg. von Walter Fanta, Klaus Amann und Karl Corino. Klagenfurt: Robert Musil-Institut der Universität Klagenfurt, 2009; keine ISBN. DVD auf der Basis von FolioViews. [Bereits 1992 war auf CD-ROM erschienen: Robert Musil. Der literarische Nachlass. Hrg. von Friedbert Aspetsberger, Karl Eibl, Adolf Frisé. Reinbek, Rowohlt, 1992. ISBN 3-498-04283-1.]
Eine Infoseite zur DVD-Ausgabe bestand 2009 bis 2016 an der Universität Klagenfurt.
Eine Fortsetzung der Edition bildet in einem gewissen Sinne das Portal Musil Online.

musique deoque

Project lead by Paolo Mastandrea, Raffaele Perrelli, Gilberto Biondi, Loriano Zurli and Valeria Viparelli. s.l.: 2005-. "The 'Musisque Deoque. A digital archive of Latin poetry, from its origins to the Italian Renaissance' Research Project, was established at the end of 2005. Its aims is to create a singular Latin poetry’s database, supplemented and updated with critical apparatus and exegetical equipments." [from resource]


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The Thomas Nashe Project

Ed. by Jennifer Richards. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2017. "... new critical edition of the works of Thomas Nashe ... . ... our team will be putting together six volumes of Nashe's writing, from closet drama and erotic poetry, to satire and the early novel. ... Running alongside the new critical edition, this website will become a space for additional resources that will help to animate the study of Nashe’s writing." [from resource]

Die Sankt Galler Nibelungenhandschrift, Codex 857

Die Sankt Galler Nibelungenhandschrift: Parzival, Nibelungenlied und Klage, Karl, Willehalm. Hg. von der Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen und dem Basler Parzival-Projekt. St. Gallen: 2005; ISBN 378-3906616703; CD-ROM mitBegleitheft. "Die elektronische Edition auf CD-Rom [...] enthält Farbabbildungen der Handschrift in drei verschiedenen Größen sowie Hinweise zur Lagenstruktur und zu den beteiligten Schreibern. Über Menuleisten können die einzelnen Texte und Textabschnitte angesteuert werden. Suchbefehle ermöglichen das gezielte Auffinden von Textstellen nach Vers- und Strophenangaben in den etablierten Ausgaben. [...] Für [einige Texte] werden Transkriptionen beigegeben, die mit den Farbabbildungen verlinkt sind. Die Texte der Fragmente zu 'Parzival' und Nibelungenlied' erscheinen in synoptischer Darstellung mit den entsprechenden Abschnitten des St. Galler Codex. Eine wissenschaftliche Einführung in gedruckter und digitaler Form fasst die jüngere Forschungsgeschichte bis zum Jahr 2005 zusammen." [from resource] Die ursprünglich diesem Text zugrunde liegende Seite ( ist nicht mehr verfügbar.

Besprechungen: Samuel Müller und Matthias Sprünglin: Digitale Edition Codex St. Gallen 857, in: Text. Kritische Beiträge 10 (2005), S. 159-165. Bernd Schirok: St. Galler Nibelungenhandschrift [Epenhandschrift] (Cod. Sang. 857) […], in: Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum 133 (2004), S. 263-267.

Nobody by Mary Robinson

Ed. by Terry F. Robinson. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2013. "This electronic edition of Mary Robinson’s Nobody (Drury Lane, 1794) is the first to present a widely available and searchable transcript of the play along with a comprehensive introduction, extensive notes by the editor, and contexts of the drama. The open-access format and the accompanying contextual materials make this edition ideal for teaching and research." [from resource]

Norse Romanticism: Themes in British Literature, 1760-1830

Ed. by Robert W. Rix. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2012. "Norse Romanticism: Themes in British Literature, 1760–1830 is a collection of texts that illustrate how the ancient North was re-created for contemporary national, political and literary purposes. The anthology features canonical authors (such as Thomas Gray, William Blake, William Wordsworth, Robert Southey, Walter Scott, and Ann Radcliffe). [...] The introduction, headnotes and extensive annotations place the texts in relation to their original Norse sources. The extensive editorial matter also discusses the perception of the Norse Middle Ages, as these were shaped by sometimes fanciful antiquarian and romanticizing discourses in the period. The electronic edition is a unique resource that makes it easy to compare and search for the characters, themes and ideas that were central to the Norse revival in English letters." [from resource]

Aleksis Kivi: Nummisuutarit. Komedia viidessä näytöksessä. Kriittinen editio. [On-line.]

Nummi, Jyrki (päätoimittaja), Sakari Katajamäki, Ossi Kokko, Petri Lauerma (toim.). Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2011. "Edition toimitettu näytelmäteksti pohjautuu Nummisuutarien ensipainokseen Nummi-suutarit. Komedia 5:ssä näytöksessä, jonka Aleksis Kivi julkaisi itse ja joka painettiin Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran kirjapainossa vuonna 1864. Teosta ei julkaistu Kiven elinaikana kokonaisuudessaan uudelleen eikä siitä nykytiedon mukaan ole säilynyt kirjailijan itse laatimia käsikirjoituksia tai muita näytelmän tekstiä koskevia dokumentteja.
Mahdollisten ensipainoksen painotyön aikana tekstiin syntyneiden muutosten kartoittamiseksi toimitustyössä on vertailtu kuutta ensipainoksen kappaletta. Kahta ensipainoksen kappaletta on vertailtu merkki merkiltä ja neljää muuta kappaletta tiettyihin tekstikohtiin kohdennetuin pistokokein (ks. ”Lähteet”). Vertailu ei tuonut esille ensipainoksen painotyön aikana tehtyjä muutoksia.
Toimitettu näytelmäteksti noudattaa pitkälti ensipainoksen kieliasua, jotta nykylukijalle välittyisi kuva Kiven kielestä, jossa muun muassa sanojen kirjoitusasut vaihtelevat ja välimerkitys on melko epäsäännöllistä." [from resource]


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Ogier von Dänemark / Ogier van Denemerken.

Edition der Handschrift Heidelberg. Universitätsbibliothek Cpg 363 mit einer Rekonstruktion des mittelniederländischen Textes und einer deutschen Übersetzung. Amand Berteloot mit Unterstützung von Klaus-Dieter Luitjens. Amsterdam/Heidelberg: Huygnes ING/Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2019. "Diese neue Edition, die gleichermaßen den Bedürfnissen deutsch- und niederländischsprachiger Leser Rechnung zu tragen versucht, präsentiert das komplette Ogier-Epos Seite für Seite in vier verschiedenen Textschichten (“panels”), die je nach Bedarf einzeln oder nebeneinander angeschaut werden können." [from resource]

Andreas Okopenko - Tagebücher

Digitale Edition, hrsg. von Roland Innerhofer, Bernhard Fetz u.a. Wien: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek und Universität Wien. Version 1.1, 15.1.2019. "Andreas Okopenko (1930–2010) spielte schon als junger Autor eine wichtige Rolle im Wiener Literaturbetrieb der 1950er Jahre und erwies sich als herausragender Netzwerker der literarischen Avantgarde Österreichs. [...] Die vorliegende digitale Edition umfasst 29 Tagebücher (1949–1954) aus dem Nachlass, " [from resource]

Old English Poetry

cf. The Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry

Hypertexto del Orlando Furioso

Dirección María de las Nieves Muñiz Muñiz. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 2006. "Las ediciones publicadas en el “Hipertexto del Orlando Furioso” son, además de la Giolito de 1542, siete de las doce que tuvo la Traducción de Urrea, y concretamente aquellas cuyo texto y cuyo paratexto presentan modificaciones y variantes de relieve [...] El Hipertexto enlaza todos y cada uno de los elementos presentes en texto y paratexto permitiendo recorridos múltiples. Las búsquedas se pueden hacer tanto dentro de una sola edición, como en todas ellas o en algunas; tanto limitándose al texto, al paratexto verbal, o a las imágenes, como reuniendo en una sola consulta texto y paratexto." [from resource]

Orwell Diaries

Published by The Orwell Price. s.l.: 2008-2012. "Since 9th August 2008, we have been blogging George Orwell’s diaries from 1938 in real time, 70 years to the day since each entry was originally written. The diaries start as Orwell heads to Morocco (with his wife Eileen) to recuperate from injury and illness, and end in 1942 (or 2012) as the Second World War rages.
In addition to the diary entries, there are images and documents complementing the diaries [...], and a Google Map of Orwell’s travels [...]." [from resource]

L'Ospital d'Amours by Achille Caulier

Ed. by Jesse D. Hurlbut. Provo (UT): Brigham Young University, before 2002. Transkriptions- und Kollations-orientierter Prototyp für die ersten Stanzen in 20 Handschriften. Man beachte die 3D-Visualisierung der Kollation.

Early Modern Ottoman Culture of Learning: Popular Learning between Poetic Ambitions and Pragmatic Concerns

Main Researchers: Gisela Procházka-Eisl and Hülya Çelik. Vienna: University of Vienna, 2015. "The intention of this project is to explore certain aspects of the Early Modern Ottoman culture of learning, in particular those areas of learning used and cultivated outside the official Ottoman institutions of learning, the medreses. [...] 
[T]his open access digital edition [...] contains the complete edition of all the six miscellanies and the Netā'icü l-Fünūn. A word-by-word search of the complete material is possible at that website: there are annotated entries for personal names, place names, astronomical and astrological terms, text genres, folio numbers, and – because of the numerous medical/magical texts – for illnesses, plants, and the non-botanical substances used in remedies and recipes.
Furthermore, this digital edition functions as an index for the printed Volumes I and II, and – so we hope – additionally provides a solid tool for further scholarship not only in Ottoman cultural and literary history, but also in linguistics." [from resource]


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William of Palerne. An Electronic Edition

Hg. von Gerrit H. V. Bunt. Ann Arbor (MI): University of Michigan Press, 2002; ISBN 978-0472003044; CD-ROM. "Allows user to view the text of William of Palerne in various modes and to switch from one mode to another. Includes several styles: a Diplomatic style, which allows user to view an exact transcription of the original text without emendations or corrections; the Scribal and Critical styles, which show corrections and notes; and the AllTags style, which displays both scribal and emended forms. User may also perform complex searches and manipulations of the text through use of SGML encoding [gemäß TEI 1994]." [from resource] Der Link zielt auf die Verlagsseite.
Review: Phillips, Noelle: William of Palerne. In: Digital Philology 1 (2012), S. 163-166. DOI: 10.1353/dph.2012.0001.

« DigiLivres » : Bernard PALISSY - « Discours Admirables... »

Guy Jacquesson [Guy de Pernon]. s.l.: 2002. Die Edition ist als ausführbares Programm aus dem Netz zu laden. In einer Art Buchsimulation können auf gegenüberliegenden Seiten jeweils zwei der drei Inhaltsformen Faksimile, Transkription und Editionstext dargestellt werden.
Ursprüngliche Startseite ( auf dem Stand von 2008 noch in der Wayback-Machine.

Henry Parlands Skrifter. Digital textkritisk utgåva

Utg. Per Stam & Elisa Veit. Helsinki: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 2018-. "Henry Parland är känd som en banbrytande modernist, med slagkraftiga koncentrerade texter, men också som en intellektuell kritiker och semiotisk pionjär.
Utgåvan omfattar fem delar. Varje del inleds med de texter som Parland själv förde till trycket. Därefter följer de texter som återfinns i renskrift i kvarlåtenskapen, ordnade kronologiskt. Dikter inleds med bidrag i tidningar och tidskrifter som Hufvudstadsbladet, Quosego, Allas Krönika, Studentbladet och Svensk Ungdom samt diktsamlingen Idealrealisation (1929). Härefter följer dikter som författaren efterlämnat i skrivhäften, anteckningsböcker och på lösa papper." [from resource]

Partonopeus de Blois - An Electronic Edition

Ed. by Penny Eley et al. Sheffield: HriOnline, 2005. "The Partonopeus de Blois Electronic Edition project was set up with the aim of creating a research tool that would facilitate comparative literary and linguistic studies of the different extant versions of this important twelfth-century text. Its purpose was not to produce a critical edition, but to provide researchers with full transcriptions of all the manuscript witnesses, together with software that would allow for effective searching and comparing of text. A key objective was to present the text of each MS without the type of editorial intervention that might involve value judgements as to its reliability or its place within a conventional stemma or any other schema of MS relationships. For this reason, we have been careful to avoid designating any of the MSS as a base MS for purposes of comparison or collation, and have not made any textual emendations, however obvious they might seem." [from resource]

Original und Kopie des ›Rappoltsteiner Parzifal‹ - Handschriftliche Überlieferung und Textgenese im 14. Jahrhundert

Hrsg. von Michael Stolz. Bern: Universität Bern, 2019. Synoptic Edition (diplomatic transcription, facsimile) of two Parzifal manuscripts. With quire visualisation.


Unter der Leitung von Michael Stolz. Bern: Universität Bern, 2007-. Ausgehend von Faksimiles der Handschriften soll über die Kollation der Zeugen und mit Hilfe von philologischen und phylogenetischen Verfahren eine elektronische Edition erarbeitet werden, die dann zu einer neuen kritischen Ausgabe führen kann.

Jean Paul – Sämtliche Briefe ... digital

Überarbeitet und herausgegeben von Markus Bernauer, Norbert Miller und Frederike Neuber. Berlin: Berlin-Brandenburger Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018. "Die digitale Ausgabe sämtlicher Briefe Jean Pauls präsentiert die Texte in der Fassung, die Eduard Berend von 1951 bis 1964 für die III. Abteilung seiner Historisch-kritischen Ausgabe erarbeitete." [from resource]

Jean Paul Portal

Unter der Leitung von Helmut Pfotenhauer. Würzburg: Arbeitsstelle Jean-Paul-Edition am Institut für deutsche Philologie, 2012-. Die Edition ist vor allem auf eine Druckfassung ausgelegt. Digital (online und auf CD) sollen die Exzerpthefte veröffentlicht werden. Deren sehr genaue Transkription ist in TEI-XML realisiert. Für die online-Publikation wird ein Retrieval-PlugIn namens NXT4 verwendet.

Richard Brinsley Peake: Presumption; or, The Fate of Frankenstein (1823)

Ed. by Stephen C. Behrendt. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2001. [Kommentar von Romantic Circles:] "Includes an introduction, full text of the play, images of the 1823 cast, a bibliography and filmography, the first reviews of Presumption, & a biography of Richard Brinsley Peake."

LdoD Archive: Collaborative Digital Archive of the Book of Disquiet

Manuel Portela and António Rito Silva. Coimbra: Centre for Portuguese Literature at the University of Coimbra, 2017. "The LdoD Archive is a collaborative digital archive of the Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa. It contains images of the autograph documents, new transcriptions of those documents and also transcriptions of four editions of the work. In addition to reading and comparing transcriptions, the LdoD Archive enables users to collaborate in creating virtual editions of the Book of Disquiet." [from resource]

Digital Edition of Fernando Pessoa. Projects and Publications

Ed. by Pedro Sepúlveda and Ulrike Henny-Krahmer. Lisbon/Cologne: IELT, New University of Lisbon / CCeH, University of Cologne, 2017. "[T]his website offers a unique access to the documents of Fernando Pessoa’s work.
The edition, combining procedures of social editions and genetic criticism, includes the access to the images of the original writings. This access is facilitated by a search engine and the transcription of each document, resulting from electronic text encoding, and offers to the reader the possibility of defining himself the editorial mode in which he wants to read a certain text." [from resource]

Petrarchive - An edition of Petrarch’s songbook, Rerum vulgarium fragmenta. Bloomington (IN): Indiana University, 2013.

Edited by H. Wayne Storey and John A. Walsh. Bloomington: Indiana University, 2013-2018. The project aims at "offering a 'rich text', interactive edition of one of the icons of western literature, Petrarch’s Rerum vulgarium." The "prototypes consist of (1.) TEI-encoded documents from which we can render both diplomatic transcriptions and edited views of the text; (2.) Web-based presentations providing both diplomatic and edited views of the text, implemented with the TEI Boilerplate system; (3.) Facsimile page images for [the manuscript] Vat. Lat. 3195; (4.) a visual index, or map, to the Rvf as constituted in [the manuscript] Vat. Lat. 3195." [from resource]
Presentation on the project, 2013 (Audio, Slides)

Piers Plowman Electronic Archive

Vol. 1: Corpus Christi College Oxford MS 201 (F), ed. by Robert Adams, Hoyt N. Duggan, Eric Eliason, Ralph Hanna, John Price-Wilkin and Thorlac Turville-Petre. SEENET Series A.1. Ann Arbor (MI): University of Michigan Press for The Society for Early English and Norse Electronic Texts, 2000; ISBN 9780472002757; CD-ROM. 2014; Web-Edition.; Vol. 2: Cambridge, Trinity College MS B.15.17 (W), ed. by Thorlac Turville-Petre and Hoyt Duggan. SEENET Series A.2. Ann Arbor (MI): University of Michigan Press for The Society for Early English and Norse Electronic Texts, 2000; ISBN 9780472003037; CD-ROM. 2014; Web-Edition.; Vol. 3: MS Oriel College, Oxford 79 (O), ed. by Katherine Heinrichs. SEENET Series A.5. Medieval Academy of America / Boydell and Brewer / The Society for Early English and Norse Electronic Texts, 2004; ISBN 9781843840251; CD-ROM. 2014; Web-Edition.; Vol. 4: MS Laud Misc. 581, Bodleian Library S.C. 987 (L), ed. by Hoyt N. Duggan and Ralph Hanna. SEENET Series A.6. Medieval Academy of America / Boydell and Brewer / The Society for Early English and Norse Electronic Texts, 2004; ISBN 9781843840268; CD-ROM. 2014; Web-Edition.; Vol. 5: British Library MS Additional 35287 (M), ed. by Eric Eliason and Thorlac Turville-Petre. SEENET Series A.7. Medieval Academy of America / Boydell and Brewer / The Society for Early English and Norse Electronic Texts, 2005; ISBN 9781843840510; CD-ROM. 2014; Web-Edition.; Vol. 6: San Marino, Huntington Library, MS Hm 128 (Hm and Hm2), ed. by Michael Calabrese, Hoyt N. Duggan, and Thorlac Turville-Petre. SEENET series A.9. Medieval Academy of America / Boydell and Brewer / The Society for Early English and Norse Electronic Texts, 2008; ISBN 9781843840923; CD-ROM. 2014; Web-Edition.; Vol. 7: London, British Library, MS Lansdowne 398 and Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson Poetry 38 (R), ed. by Robert Adams. SEENET Series A.10. Medieval Academy of America / Boydell and Brewer / The Society for Early English and Norse Electronic Texts, 2011; ISBN 9781843840947; CD-ROM. 2014; Web-Edition.; Vol. 8: Cambridge, Cambridge University Library, MS Gg.4.31 (G), ed. by Judith Jefferson. SEENET Series A.11. Medieval Academy of America / Boydell and Brewer / The Society for Early English and Norse Electronic Texts, 2014; Web-Edition.
Eines der ältesten großen digitalen Editionsprojekte; begonnen 1994. [Selbstbeschreibung 1994:] "The long-range goal of the Piers Plowman Electronic Archive is the creation of a multi-level, hyper-textually linked electronic archive of the textual tradition of all three versions of the fourteenth-century allegorical dream vision Piers Plowman." Die TEI-basierte Edition wurde schließlich seit 1999 auf einer Reihe von CD-ROMs veröffentlicht. Diese Ausgaben sind immer noch lieferbar (SEENET Publications). Im Netz verfügbar ist vor allem die sehr gute (!) Projektdokumentation.

St Gall Priscian glosses

Ed. by Pádraic Moran. Galway: National University of Ireland, 2010-. "St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, ms 904 is a copy, written in ad 850–1, of Priscian’s Institutiones Grammaticae (Foundations of Grammar). [...] The manuscript was written in Irish script, probably in Ireland, and contains over 9,400 interlinear and marginal glosses [...]. More than one-third of these glosses were written in Old Irish, and as such constitute one of our most important corpora for that phase of the Irish language.
The [...] digital edition presents the first complete transcription of all of the glosses, juxtaposed with the text of Priscian, and with links to images of the manuscript and other resources. "

Thoughts in Prison by William Dodd

Ed. by Charles Rzepka. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2010. "Romantic Circles is pleased to announce the publication of William Dodd's long poem Thoughts in Prison (1777). Written while he was awaiting execution for forgery in his Newgate prison cell, the poem is unique among prison writings and in the history of English literature: none of the many reflections, stories, essays, ballads, and broadside "Confessions" originating—or purporting to have originated—in a jail cell over the last few hundred years can begin to match it in length, in the irony of its author's notoriety, or in the completeness of its erasure from history after a meteoric career in print that began to wane only at the turn of the nineteenth century." [from Romantic Circles]

Proust, Marcel

cf. Kolb-Proust Archive for Research

Pushkin, Alexander

cf. DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital Edition


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Queste del saint Graal. Manuscrit Lyon, Bibliothèque municipale, P.A. 77

Edition par Christiane Marchello-Nizia. Lyon: 2010.
"Depuis son apparition dans la littérature au 12e siècle, le Graal a engendré d'innombrables quêtes. La version présentée ici fut écrite vers 1220. Son meilleur manuscrit se trouve à la Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon. Outre une visualisation intégrale des images des folios (160 à 224), ce prototype d'édition permet d'afficher côte à côte plusieurs transcriptions du texte et une traduction en français moderne, et d'obtenir des concordances de formes et d'étiquettes morphosyntaxiques à partir d'un moteur de recherche." [from resource]


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Rabindranath Tagore

cf. Bichitra: Online Tagore Variorum

Thomas Raddall Electronic Archive Project

Ed. by Michael Moosberger et al. Halifax (NS): Dalhousie University Libraries, 2001-2006. "... an electronic archive that will feature selected significant letters, manuscripts, photographs, stories, and broadcasts by Thomas Raddall ...". [from resource] As of 9/2018 the project (once at seems to be gone. Last archived version of landing page in the wayback machine: 12.09.2015 Dalhousie University Archive tells me that "the SGML was converted into 'Encoded Archival Description' XML and migrated into our Archives Catalogue. The associated digital files have also been migrated. The finding aid and digital files are now available at this URL:"

Kuno Raber Lyrik - Historisch-Kritische Online-Edition

Hrsg. von Walter Morgenthaler. Basel: [Institution der Publikation unklar], 2017. "Das Portal enthält sämtliche Gedichte des Autors mit den Textvorstufen aus dem Nachlass. Durch Handschriften-Reproduktionen, diplomatische Umschriften und synoptische Darstellungen lässt sich die Textgeschichte jedes Gedichtes im Detail verfolgen. Die Testversion [April 2017] umfasst die Texte der selbständigen Gedichtpublikationen und die Nachlasstexte des Zeitraums 1979-1988 (Notizbücher, Manuskripte, Typoskripte, Drucke)." [from resource] Die Edition soll zur längerfristigen Datensicherung und Programmpflege in die Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen (NIE/INE) eingehen. Siehe Testinstallation.

Les relations littéraires entre la France et la Hongrie au XXe siècle

Édité par Anna Tüskés. Institut d’Etudes Littéraires de l'Académie Hongroise des Sciences, 2016-2020. "[E]xploring the international contact network of French and Hungarian writers and poets contributes significantly to the exploration of the lives of these persons, their social relations, promotes the understanding of their work, and it offers a good basis for presenting the history of relations between nations. [...] My previous research has shown that the thorough understanding of intercultural relations is also essential for the interpretation of several pieces of literature. [...]
The analysis, monographic exploration and publication of the French related sources kept in the Petőfi Museum of Literature, the Széchényi National Library, the private section of the literary legacy of Gyula Illyés and the Institute for Literary Studies of Research Center for the Humanities of Hungarian Academy of Sciences give a solid basis for understanding the works and to the relationship history between nations. The outstanding literary-, art- and cultural-historical importance of digital publishing of writers’ correspondence is unquestionable." [from resource]

Rimay János ifjúkori versgyűjteménye

Tóth Tünde, Horváth Viktor. Budapest: ELTE BTK BIÖP–Bibliopolisz, 2007. "Jelen kiadás Rimay Jánosnak a Horváth Iván és Tóth Tünde által 1999-ben rekonstruált, úgynevezett „ifjúkori versgyűjteményének” kritikai kiadása. Ez az ún. „ifjúkori versgyűjtemény” nem tévesztendő össze Rimaynak a Balassa-kódex Rimay-részénék címiratában megemlített ún. [...] Kiadásunk a Balassa-kódexben szereplő Rimay-corpus kritikai kiadása. [...] Bár kiadásunk a Balassa-kódex Rimay gyűjteményét mint kompozíciót, önálló művet adja ki, nem forráskiadást, hanem kritikai kiadást készítettünk; az alapszöveg, ahol lehetett, a Balassa-kódex szövege volt, ám az istenes énekek esetében — melyeknek nagyjából a fele a kódexbe be sincs másolva, csupán hely van nekik kihagyva — kénytelenek voltunk a nyomtatott forrásokhoz nyúlni az alapszövegért." [from resource]

Mary Darby Robinson. A Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination (1799)

Ed. by Adriana Craciun, Anne Irmen Close, Megan Musgrave and Orianne Smith. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 1998. [Kommentar von Romantic Circles:] "Includes introduction, transcriptions, reviews, letters to and from Robinson, selected poems, bibliography, & notes."

Roman de la Rose - Digital Surrogates of Medieval Manuscripts

Directed by Stephen G. Nichols and Cynthia Requardt. Baltimore (MD): Milton S. Eisenhower Library of The Johns Hopkins University / The Pierpont Morgan Library, 1998-2001. Contains digital images and bibliographic descriptions of six manuscripts, transcriptions of three manuscripts (TEI-XML) and a history and summary of the work.

The Letters of Christina Rossetti

Ed. by Antony H. Harrison. Charlottesville (VA): University of Virginia Press, 2006. Online-Subskription 270$ bis 560$. "This digital edition incorporates the complete text of the 4-volume print edition, The Letters of Christina Rossetti. ed. All 2124 letters may be read in chronological order or searched by full text or recipient. In addition, indexes from the print volumes have been consolidated into a powerful single online index." [from resource]


The Complete Writings and Pictures of Dante Gabriel Rossetti - A Hypermedia Archive

Ed. by Jerome McGann et al. Charlottesville (VA): University of Virginia / Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, 2000-2008. "When completed in 2008, the Archive will provide [...] access to all of DGR's pictorial and textual works and to a large contextual corpus of materials [...]. All documents are encoded for structured search and analysis. The Rossetti Archive aims to include high-quality digital images of every surviving documentary state of DGR's works: all the manuscripts, proofs, and original editions, as well as the drawings, paintings, and designs of various kinds, including his collaborative photographic and craft works. These primary materials are transacted with a substantial body of editorial commentary, notes, and glosses." [from resource]


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Sanvitale, Francesca

cf. Digital Variants:

Sappho’s Poems

Sean B. Palmer. s.l.: 2008-. "This is an attempt to collect Sappho's entire work together in one page — with Greek originals, succinct translations, and commentary. [...] This document has been derived from various web documents and books, cobbled together after a lot of research. [...] Some more information on the sources, and further reading and stuff, can be found in the supplementary material of this document. [...] When I say the "Complete Poems", I obviously mean an attempt to gather the complete surviving poems, which is sadly a small fraction of what we know her to have written." [from resource]

Savater, Fernando

cf. Digital Variants:

Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels

Unter der Leitung von Jochen Strobel, bearbeitet von Claudia Bamberg u.a. Trier: Kompetenzzentrum für elektronische Erschließungs- und Publikationsverfahren in den Geisteswissenschaften, 2014-. "Das Projekt führt die gesamte Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels, also ca. 4.500 Briefe, die zum Teil gedruckt, zum Teil bislang jedoch nur handschriftlich überliefert sind, in einer digitalen Edition zusammen. [...] Mit dieser Betaversion vom 02.06.2014 werden zunächst rd. 3.500 Originalbriefe, fast alle gedruckten 2.450 Briefe, davon rd. 1.000 mit einem mehrgliedrigen Register versehen (viele Einträge davon noch in Bearbeitung), 20 Transkriptionen und 20 Kurzbiographien von Korrespondenzpartnern freigeschaltet." [from resource]


Arthur Schnitzler - Digitale historisch-kritische Edition (Werke 1905 bis 1931)

Projektleitung Wolfgang Lukas und Michael Scheffel. Wuppertal: Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2018. "Ziel des Projekts ist die Erarbeitung einer digitalen historisch-kritischen Edition der literarischen Werke Arthur Schnitzlers aus dem Zeitraum von 1905 bis 1931." [from resource]

Schnitzler, Arthur

cf. Hermann Bahr, Arthur Schnitzler: Briefwechsel, Aufzeichnungen, Dokumente 1891-1931.

Arthur Schnitzler: Briefwechsel mit Autorinnen und Autoren. Digitale Edition

Hg. Martin Anton Müller und Gerd Hermann Susen. Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2020-. "Über 10.000 Briefe dürfte Arthur Schnitzler in seinem Leben geschrieben haben, vermutlich hat er ebenso viele empfangen. Diese Website bringt Korrespondenzstücke aus den Briefwechseln mit seinen schreibenden Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Derzeit sind 2.000 Briefe aufgenommen. Viele davon werden erstmals veröffentlicht. Alle anderen sind nach den Originalen in Archiven der ganzen Welt durchgesehen und korrigiert." [from resource]

"Fräulein Else" multimedial - Arthur Schnitzlers Novelle und ihre Adaptionen (1923-2013)

Konzept und Leitung Ursula von Keitz und Wolfgang Lukas, medientechnische Betreuung Fabian Etling. Wuppertal: Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2017. "Diese Website dokumentiert die Ergebnisse des kooperativen Lehrforschungsprojekts FRÄULEIN ELSE MULTIMEDIAL, das im Sommersemester 2013 an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal und der Universität Konstanz durchgeführt wurde. Masterstudierende der Wuppertaler Editions- und Dokumentwissenschaft sowie des Konstanzer Studiengangs Literatur – Kunst – Medien erschlossen mit digitalen Methoden Arthur Schnitzlers Monolog-Novelle FRÄULEIN ELSE (1924), einen der bedeutendsten literarischen Texte der deutschsprachigen Klassischen Moderne, sowie exemplarisch eine Reihe von Bearbeitungen dieses Textes für Lesungen, Audiophonie, Theater, Film und Fernsehen, die seit der Veröffentlichung der Novelle im Jahr 1924 realisiert wurden. " [from resource]

Arthur Schnitzler: Tagebuch. Digitale Edition.

Aufbereitung der digitalen Version von Peter Michael Braunwarth verantwortet. Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2019. "Vor über vierzig Jahren begann die Edition, die vor knapp zwanzig Jahren mit dem Erscheinen des letzten Jahrgangs samt Gesamtregisters beendet wurde. Unmittelbar darauf begann die Arbeit an einer digitalen Ausgabe, die immer wieder weiterentwickelt wurde, ohne je veröffentlicht zu werden. Nach mehreren Zwischenversionen wird nun das Material in der derzeit verfügbaren Form als »Beta-Version« zugänglich gemacht. Die Textgestalt folgt der Druckform, die erstmals zwischen 1981 und 2000 in zehn Bänden von der Kommission für literarische Gebrauchsformen der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften herausgegeben wurde. [...] Die digitale Version weicht an verschiedenen Stellen von der gedruckten ab. Korrekturen und Ergänzungen, gerade was die erfassten Personen und die Auflösung von Personen betrifft, wurden stillschweigend eingearbeitet." [from resource, 2019]

Madelaine et Georges de Scudéry: Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus

Bearbeitet von Claude Bourqui, Alexandre Gefen et al. Neuchâtel: Université de Neuchâtel, 2002-2006. Hybridedition auf der Basis von TEI. Eine Druckausgabe (die sich selbst im Untertitel "Extraits" nennt) ist hier ein spin-off zur digitalen Fassung, die verschiedene Zugangswege, Erschließungsinformationen ("Encyclopédie critique") und Kontextmaterialien bietet.

Sermo Lupi ad Anglos

cf. The Electronic [Wulfstan's] Sermo Lupi ad Anglos

Johannes Serranus' Dictionarium Latinogermanicum

Jonathan West (Hrsg.): Wolfenbüttel: 2015. (Editiones Electronicae Guelferbytanae 16) "This online edition of Serranus’ Dictionarium latinogermanicum (Serranus 1538) parallels the online edition of Dasypodius’ Dictionarium latinogermanicum (1535) (West 2007). Like the edition of Dasypodius, it links to a copy of Serranus’ dictionary held in the library. Examination of the text shows that this copy very likely represents the editio princeps." [from resource]

The Arden Shakespeare CD-ROM

Ed. by Jonathan Bate. Walton-on-Thames: Arden Shakespeare, 1997; ISBN 978-0174434707; CD-ROM. Compact Disk [for Windows]. In Ermangelung einer anderen WWW-Dokumentation zielt der Link hier auf eine Besprechung der CD durch Ray Siemens in Early Modern Literary Studies 4/2 (1998).

The (New) Internet Shakespeare Editions

Michael Best (coordinating editor). Victoria (CA): University of Victoria, 1996-. "We create and publish works for the student, scholar, actor, and general reader in a form native to the medium of the Internet: scholarly, fully annotated texts of Shakespeare's plays, multimedia explorations of the context of Shakespeare's life and works, and records of his plays in performance". [from resource]
Es handelt sich vor allem um eine digitale Bibliothek, ein digitales Archiv und ein Portal, das versucht höchst verschiedene Materialien, wie z.B. die Shakespeare-Texte der verschiedenen frühen Druck-Ausgaben (als (diplomatisch transkribierte) elektronische Texte und als Faksimiles) oder Informationen über Shakespeare-Aufführungen, zusammenzubringen. For the old version (1996) see here.

The Shakespeare Quartos Archive

Ed. by Richard Ovenden. Oxford: Bodleian Library, 2004. "The Shakespeare Quartos Archive is a digital collection of pre-1642 editions of William Shakespeare's plays. A cross-Atlantic collaboration has also produced an interactive interface for the detailed study of these geographically distant quartos, with full functionality for all thirty-two quarto copies of Hamlet held by participating institutions." [from resource]

The Shelley-Godwin Archive

Directed by Elizabeth C. Denlinger and Neil Fraistat. College Park (MD): Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, 2013. "The Shelley-Godwin Archive will provide the digitized manuscripts of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, William Godwin, and Mary Wollstonecraft, bringing together online for the first time ever the widely dispersed handwritten legacy of this uniquely gifted family of writers. The result of a partnership between the New York Public Library and the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, in cooperation with Oxford’s Bodleian Library, the S-GA also includes key contributions from the Huntington Library, the British Library, and the Houghton Library. In total, these partner libraries contain over 90% of all known relevant manuscripts." [from resource]

Mary Shelley: The Last Man (1826)

Ed. by Steven Jones. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 1997. [Kommentar von Romantic Circles:] "Includes HTML, ASCII, and SGML versions, other works by Mary Shelley, works and excerpts from works cited by Shelley, bibliography, maps, images & sound files, critical essays, contemporary works on plague, notes."

Percy Bysshe Shelley. On the Medusa of Leonardo da Vinci in the Florentine Gallery (1819)

Ed. by Neil Fraistat and Melissa Jo Sites. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 1997. [Kommentar von Romantic Circles:] "Includes dialogic commentary; critical essays by Jerome J. McGann, W.J.T. Mitchell, and Grant F. Scott; images; bibliography; & notes."

Mary Shelley. The Mortal Immortal (1833)

Ed. by Michael Eberle-Sinatra. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 1997. [Kommentar von Romantic Circles:] "Includes HTML and ASCII versions, related contemporary literary works, critical bibliography, print history, images, writings on the text, & notes."

Percy Bysshe Shelley. The Devil's Walk (1812)

Ed. by Neil Fraistat and Donald H. Reiman. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 1997. [Kommentar von Romantic Circles:] "Includes HTML formatted texts, editors' introduction, critically edited text, diplomatic transcription, photofacsimile, & clear reading texts. Also includes collations, bibliography, and notes."

Sholokhov, Michail Aleksandrovich

cf. DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital Edition

Journal of Emily Shore: Revised and Expanded

Ed. by Barbara Timm Gates. Charlottesville (VA): University of Virginia Press, 2006. Online-Subskription 75$ bis 100$. "This digital edition, newly edited by Prof. Gates, integrates the 1991 edition with transcriptions of the manuscript material." [from resource]

Scholarly Digital Editions of Slovenian Literature

Directed by Matija Ogrin and Tomaž Erjavec. Ljubljana: Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2004-2007. "The aim of the project 'Scholarly Digital Editions of Slovenian Literature' is to compile a collection of digital text-critical editions of Slovenian literary works and sources for literary studies. Our goal is to leverage the advantages offered by the electronic medium and, using advanced IT methods as well as applying principles of traditional textual criticism or ecdotics, show the communicative potential, historical complexity and linguistic idiosyncrasies of these texts." [from resource] Als technische Grundlage wird TEI-XML (P4) verwendet.

The Works of Charlotte Smith - An Electronic Edition

Ed. by Stephen C. Behrendt. Lincoln (NE): University of Nebraska, s.a [probably 2006]. "The Charlotte Smith Project [...] will, upon its completion, make available in electronic form all the works in prose and poetry by Charlotte Smith, including all variant editions, together with complete bibliographical data. For Smith's prose works [...] the initial objective will be to mount [...] one edition of each work, usually the first to be published, so as to establish a fully representative collection of Smith's works. For Smith's poetry, the objective will be to mount [...], all editions of Elegiac Sonnets. Initially, a basic search engine will enable users to search the texts for words and phrases; a long-range objective is to add a more sophisticated search engine and to add additional XML tagging to increase the texts's capacity for comparably sophisticated search processes." [from resource]

Solano, Francisco

cf. Digital Variants:

The Collected Letters of Robert Southey - Part One (1791-1797)

Ed. by Linda Pratt, Tim Fulford and Ian Packer. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2009. Sammlung von 280 Briefen. HTML generiert auf der der Basis von TEI. Ausführlichere Beschreibung in der Dokumentation ("about this edition").

The Collected Letters of Robert Southey - Part Two (1798-1803)

Ed. by Ian Packer and Lynda Pratt. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2011. "Part Two is the first-ever collected edition of the surviving letters written by Southey between 1798 and 1803. The letters published here begin with Southey writing to the Monthly Magazine in January 1798 about Spanish and Portuguese poetry, a subject of lifelong interest; and end on New Year’s Eve 1803 with him anticipating a return to Madoc, his intended transatlantic poetic magnum opus. Part Two follows the editorial conventions described in About this Edition and publishes newly transcribed, fully annotated texts, bringing together in one place correspondence scattered between 37 archives in North America and the United Kingdom." [from resource]

The Collected Letters of Robert Southey - Part Three (1804-1809)

Ed. by Carol Bolton and Tim Fulford. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2013. "Part Three is the first-ever collected edition of the surviving letters written by Southey between 1804 and 1809. The letters published here begin with Southey writing to his brother with a draft of his epic poem Madoc; they end on New Year’s Eve 1809, with him discussing Coleridge’s The Friend and his own new writing in the Quarterly Review and The Curse of Kehama (published in 1810). Part Three follows the editorial conventions described in ‘About this Edition’ and publishes newly transcribed, fully annotated texts, bringing together in one place correspondence scattered between archives in North and South America and the United Kingdom. It comprises 850 letters, many of which are published for the first time or published in full for the first time." [from resource]

The Collected Letters of Robert Southey - Part Four (1810-1815)

Ed. by Ian Packer and Lynda Pratt. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2013. "Part Four collects together in one place for the first time the surviving letters written by Southey between 1810 and 1815. [...] Southey’s correspondence was characterised by its extent and its diversity. The letters in Part Four were written to nearly ninety individuals from a wide spectrum of society and engage with regional, national and international affairs. They range from bibliographical information sent to Lord Holland, who shared Southey’s passion for Hispanic culture and allowed him to use his extensive library, to playful epistles to the Southey children (Letters 1812 and 2304)." [from resource]

The Collected Letters of Robert Southey - Part Five (1816-1818)

Ed. by Tim Fulford, Ian Packer and Lynda Pratt. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2016. "Part Five collects, in one place for the first time, the surviving letters written by Robert Southey between 1816 and 1818. It follows the editorial conventions described in About this Edition and contains newly transcribed, fully annotated texts of 537 letters drawn from archives in the United Kingdom, Europe and North America. Of these, 341 are published for the first time, with a further 51 published here in full for the first time." [from resource]

The Collected Letters of Robert Southey - Part Six (1819-1821)

Ed. by Ian Packer and Lynda Pratt. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2017. "Part Six collects together, in one place, for the first time, the surviving letters written by Robert Southey between 1819 and 1821. It follows the editorial conventions described in About this Edition and presents newly transcribed, fully annotated texts of 546 letters written by Southey in this three year period; 314 letters are published here for the first time and an additional 76 are published here in full for the first time." [from resource]

Robert Southey and Milleniarianism: Documents Concerning the Prophetic Movements of the Romantic Era

Ed. by Tim Fulford. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2012. "This website presents the first scholarly edition of Robert Southey’s various writings about the prophetic movements of Romantic-era Britain. Its aim is to throw new light on two related areas: the nature and history of millenarian prophecy in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries—especially William Bryan, Richard Brothers, and Joanna Southcott—, and the significance of prophecy in Southey’s social, political analysis of his times." [from resource]

Robert Southey: Wat Tyler. A Dramatic Poem

Ed. by Matt Hill. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2004. Kommentierte Textausgabe auf der Basis von fünf überlieferten Fassungen. Langfristig sollen noch zehn weitere "pirated editions" berücksichtigt werden.

Digital Statius: The Achilleid

Ed. by Damien Nelis, Valéry Berlincourt, Lavinia Galli Milić, and Jean-Philippe Goldman. Geneva: University of Geneva, 2019. "This site is devoted to produce a full open access critical edition of the Achilleid. When complete, in addition to a new critical text the site will contain translations, images of the largest possible number of manuscripts and links to all the manuscripts that are available online elsewhere, and further links to major online, open access research tools in the field of Classics. It is our aim to explore the ways in which new technologies can combine with the established techniques and the high standards of traditional classical philology, and in doing so to offer to the scholarly community an enriched edition of Statius' Achilleid located within the rapidly evolving network of digital tools being developed for the study and teaching of Latin literature." [from resource]

Les Manuscrits de Stendhal

Cécile Meynard et Thomas Lebarbé (éds). Grenoble: Université de Grenoble / Bibliothèque municipale de Grenoble, 2009. "Ce site vous permet d'accéder aux manuscrits de Stendhal conservés à la Bibliothèque municipale de Grenoble : vues numérisées des pages, transcriptions et descriptions." [from resource]
For detailed information see the about page.

Tristram Shandy Web [Laurence Sterne]

Ed. by Patrizia Nerozzi Bellman. Mailand: Istituto Universitario di Lingue Moderne, 2000-. "The Tristram Shandy Web is a critical edition of the text in a digital version. Starting from Sterne's original print edition - whose layout we intentionally preserved unaltered - we aim at showing its complexity in accordance with the advantages of hypertext format." [from resource]

Internet-Edition der Handschriften zu Adalbert Stifters "Witiko"

Hg. von Wolfgang Wiesmüller unter Mitarbeit von Sieglinde Klettenhammer und Isabella König-Mayr. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, 1999-2008. "Die Internet-Edition ermöglicht den Zugang zur Transkription der gesamten handschriftlichen Überlieferung von Adalbert Stifters historischem Roman 'Witiko'. Sie steht in Verbindung mit der im Auftrag der Kommission für Neuere deutsche Literatur der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften veranstalteten Historisch-kritischen Stifterausgabe." [from resource]

Stirrings Still / Soubresauts

cf. Samuel Beckett - Digital Manuscript Project

Stijn Streuvels: De teleurgang van den Waterhoek (The decline of the Waterhoek)

Ed. by Marcel De Smedt and Edward Vanhoutte. Amsterdam/Gent: Amsterdam University Press / KANTL, 2000; ISBN 978-9053564411; CD-ROM. Eine "Electronic-critical edition" auf CD. "The CD-ROM presents the full text version as it first appeared in its pre-publication form in De Gids; the first edition (with word clarifications); the revised second edition, the digital facsimile of the complete manuscript, the pre-publication and first editions as corrected by Streuvels himself; together with the edition of 71 letters from Streuvels' correspondence and several scholarly articles on the subject. The MultiDoc Pro on-the-fly SGML Browser software provides advanced search options and makes it possible to annotate the included material, bookmark certain sections, and even create your own hyperlinks. An extensive English manual is included on the CD." [from resource]
Der Link zielt auf die Dokumentation zum Projekt.

Besprechung: Stolk, F.R.W.: "Stijn Streuvels, De teleurgang van den Waterhoek". Nederlandse Letterkunde 6/1 (2001). S. 90-92. Van der Weel, A.: "Stijn Streuvels, De teleurgang van den Waterhoek." In: TEXT. An Interdisciplinary Annual of Textual Studies 14 (2002), S. 343-350.
The link now points at the last internet archive snapshot from 2011.
The content of the CD has been relaunched as online edition within the Digital Library for Dutch Literature.

Streuvels en zijn uitgevers. De brieven.

Joke Debusschere (et al.). Gent: KANTL/CTB, 2014. "In de Streuvelsstudie dient nog heel wat basisonderzoek te gebeuren. Er zijn in de loop der jaren talrijke studies verschenen over leven en werk van de auteur, een aantal van zijn teksten zijn (o.m. via het Volledig Werk) ter beschikking gesteld, maar een en ander is niet altijd even wetenschappelijk gebeurd.
De wetenschappelijk verantwoorde bestudering en uitgave van de overgeleverde briefwisseling kan een correctie bieden op dergelijke aannames uit de gepopulariseerde Streuvelsstudie en kan nieuw onderzoek genereren en stofferen. Deze digitale editie van de briefwisseling tussen Stijn Streuvels en zijn Nederlandstalige uitgevers vormt hiervoor een belangrijke eerste aanzet." [from resource]

Der Sturm - Digitale Quellenedition zur Geschichte der internationalen Avantgarde

Herausgegeben von Marjam Trautmann und Torsten Schrade. Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, 2018. "Im Jahr 1910 gründete der Publizist und Komponist Herwarth Walden in Berlin die avantgardistische Zeitschrift ‚Der Sturm‘. Waldens STURM-​Unternehmen avancierte in den Folgejahren mit der STURM-​Galerie, der STURM-​Bühne und dem STURM-​Verlag zu einem programmatischen wie ästhetischen Sprachrohr der internationalen Avantgarde. Unser Projekt beabsichtigt, die zahlreichen verstreuten digitalen Quellen des ‚Sturm‘ in einer historisch-​kritisch angelegten Digitalen Edition erstmals zu vereinen." [from resource]

Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver - or: Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

Created by Lee Jaffe. Santa Cruz (CA): 1998-2005. Textausgabe (transkribierter Volltext ohne Faksimile) auf der Basis der Ausgabe von 1726 mit Korrekturen nach einer weiteren Ausgabe (1735). Das Projekt bietet darüber hinaus vor allem inhaltliche Annotationen und Kontextmaterial.
2012 im Netz unter der ursprünglichen Adresse ( nicht mehr verfügbar.


Ed. Kirsten Juhas et. al. Münster: Ehrenpreis Centre for Swift Studies, 2011-. "Online.Swift is the Ehrenpreis Centre’s most recent and most ambitious project [...]. Its objective is an old-spelling critical online edition of the Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, with introductions and variorum commentaries. [T]he Editors of Online.Swift provide commentaries of their own on all texts. On the one hand, these summarize the history of Swift criticism since 1745; on the other, they explicate and annotate Swift’s texts, in many cases for the first time, on the basis of Swift’s library and (demonstrable) reading." [from resource]

The Algernon Charles Swinburne Project

Ed. by John A. Walsh et al. Bloomington (IN): Indiana University / Digital Culture Lab, 1997-2012. "The Swinburne Project is a digital collection, or virtual archive, devoted to the life and work of Victorian poet Algernon Charles Swinburne." [from resource]


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Bichitra: Online Tagore Variorum

Coordinated by Sukanta Chaudhuri, executed by the School of Cultural Texts and Records. Kolkata: Jadavpur University, 2011-. "Bichitra is the biggest integrated knowledge site devoted to any author in any language to date. It comprises most versions of nearly all Rabindranath’s works in Bengali and English. It excludes most letters, speeches, textbooks and translations, except Tagore’s translations from his own Bengali. It includes digital images of virtually all his manuscripts and authoritative print versions (47,520 pages of manuscripts and 91,637 pages of printed books and journals); plain-text transcripts of all these versions; a search engine to locate words and phrases in Rabindranath’s works; a collation engine to compare different versions of a work at three levels, section (chapter, act/scene, canto or other large unit), segment (paragraph, dramatic speech or stanza), and detailed wording; a checklist of the contents of each manuscript; [and] a bibliography of all authoritative manuscript and print versions of each work" [from resource]
There is also a very useful introductory video on YouTube.

Teatro de Autores Portugueses do Séc. XVI

Centro de Estudos de Teatro: Teatro de Autores Portugueses do Séc. XVI - Base de dados textual [on-line], 2010. "A apresentação dos textos é feita com critérios rigorosos de transcrição, tendencialmente modernizantes da ortografia, eliminando erros óbvios de tipógrafos, mantendo as marcas fonéticas da língua quinhentista. A técnica editorial permite disponibilizar informação através de campos temáticos, glossário, notas críticas para a investigação, fac-símiles e bibliografia." [from resource]

Teatro de Autores Portugueses do Séc. XVII

Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Teatro de Autores Portugueses do Séc. XVII – uma biblioteca digital, 2010. "A transcrição dos textos é feita com critérios tendencialmente modernizantes da ortografia, eliminando erros óbvios de tipógrafos. A técnica editorial permite disponibilizar informação através de campos temáticos, glossário, notas críticas para a investigação, fac-símiles e bibliografia." [from resource]

A Facsimile Edition of Terence's Comedies

Bodleian Digital Texts 2, DVD.-ROM. Ed. by Bernard J. Muir and Andrew J. Turner. Oxford: Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, 2011. "The six Latin Comedies of Publius Terentius Afer ('Terence'), written in the early second century BC, were well known in the ancient Roman world and continued to be popular throughout the Middle Ages and into early modern times. They were used as teaching texts in medieval schools, and consequently there are over 600 surviving manuscript witnesses for the plays, about a dozen of which are illustrated. The manuscript edited here, Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Auct. F.2.13, dating from the mid-twelfth century, is one of these illustrated witnesses. [...] The manuscript is also textually rich in including scholia, explanatory notes which have a complex textual tradition of theit own.
Here, for the first time, the entire manuscript is avaiable in an innovative, highly accessible format, written in XML. The DVD-Rom contains a full facsimile with images of each page of the manuscript, selected images from related manuscripts viewable at high magnification, and a transcription and translation of the plays with hyperlinks, allowing extensive global searches across the entire text." [from resource]

Le Petit Thalamus de Montpellier

Édition critique numérique du manuscrit AA9 des Archives municipales de Montpellier dit Le Petit Thalamus. Vincent Challet, Gilda Caiti-Russo, Philippe Martel. Marseille: TGIR / Huma-Num, 2014ff. "Le projet « Thalamus » est un projet pluridisciplinaire regroupant historiens médiévistes et modernistes, philologues et linguistes spécialistes de l’occitan médiéval, historiens du droit et historiens de l’art autour de l’édition scientifique et électronique du manuscrit AA9 des Archives municipales de Montpellier connu sous le nom de Petit Thalamus. Ce manuscrit, exécuté à partir des années 1320, est le dernier en date d’une série de manuscrits réalisés à partir des années 1260 et dont sept exemplaires sont conservés. " [from resource]


Digital Thoreau

Directed by Paul Schacht. State University of New York at Geneseo, Thoreau Society, Walden Woods Project, s.a. [probably 2014]. "Digital Thoreau is a resource and a community dedicated to promoting the deliberate reading of Thoreau's works in new ways, ways that take advantage of technology to illuminate Thoreau's creative process and facilitate thoughtful conversation about his words and ideas." [from resource]
It features different sub-projects like "Walden : A Fluid Text Edition" or "The Readers' Thoreau".

Verses Transcribed for H. T. by Mary Tighe

Ed. by Harriet Kramer Linkin. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2015. "Mary Tighe's Verses Transcribed for H.T. provides a truly unique opportunity to see Tighe as the determining editor of her own collected poems. Organized in deliberate clusters, Verses is a self-consciously constructed aesthetic artifact that radically revises prior knowledge of Tighe's literary, visual, and material production. [...]
This edition contains a comprehensive introduction by the editor, a fully annotated and searchable transcription of the manuscript, and digital images of the manuscript pages, made available through the kind courtesy of the National Library of Ireland." [from resource]

Ernst Toller - Digitale Briefedition

Hrsg. von Stefan Neuhaus u.a. Koblenz: Universität Koblenz, 2017. "Das Projekt verfolgte das Ziel, die Briefe des Schriftstellers Ernst Toller (1893−1939) möglichst lückenlos zu erschließen und der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Im Zuge dieser Arbeiten wurden [...] über 1.600 Briefe von Toller sowie – zu Kommentarzwecken – über 1.200 Briefe an Toller gesammelt und transkribiert. [...] Parallel zur zweibändigen Printausgabe im Wallstein Verlag wurde die vorliegende TEI-XML basierte Hybridedition entwickelt, die zwar vorerst ohne Kommentar erscheint, dafür aber mit vielseitigen Suchoptionen sowie weiterführenden Links ausgestattet ist." [from resource]

Tolstoy, Leo

cf. DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital Edition

Zacharias Topelius Skrifter

Directed by Patricia Berg. Helsinki: Society of Swedish Literature in Finland, 2010ff. "En historisk-kritisk utgåva. Zacharias Topelius Skrifter (ZTS) är en historisk-kritisk utgåva. Texten etableras efter analys av manuskripten och tidiga upplagor. Utgåvan redogör för författarens ändringar och tillägg under arbetsprocessen och för de ändringar som han gjorde i senare upplagor. De utgivna verken förses med inledningar som både placerar in dem i Topelius författarskap och som belyser deras historiska och litterära bakgrund och deras betydelse i Topelius samtid och senare. Därtill förses de mest centrala verken med kommentarer som ger sakupplysningar och förklaringar till enskilda textställen." [from resource]

Topelius - Maamme kirja

cf. Maamme kirja - digitaalinen editio

Benito Pérez Galdòs: Torquemada en la hoguera. On-Line Edition

Edited by Rhian Davies. Sheffield: University of Sheffield, 1996-; ISBN: 0-9542608-3-X. "Nuestro objetivo principal era crear una edición electrónica que los investigadores de Galdós pudieran utilizar con fines críticos y de investigación. En cuanto al estudio que se incluye en la introducción, decidimos no hacer sino un resumen esquemático de la biografía y la obra de Galdós ya que consideramos imposible hacerle justicia en tan limitado espacio. De modo parecido, en lugar de ofrecer un estudio completo de Torquemada en la hoguera ha sido nuestro propósito animar al lector a que realice más investigaciones al respecto." [from resource]

Mark Twain Project Online

Ed. by the Mark Twain Project. Berkeley (CA): University of California Berkeley, 2007-. "Mark Twain Project Online [...] offers unfettered, intuitive access to reliable texts, accurate and exhaustive notes, and the most recently discovered letters and documents. Its ultimate purpose is to produce a digital critical edition, fully annotated, of everything Mark Twain wrote. MTPO is produced by the Mark Twain Papers and Project of The Bancroft Library in collaboration with the University of California Press; the site is hosted by UC Berkeley's Library Systems Office. In April 2009, the MLA Committee on Scholarly Editions designated MTPO an 'Approved Edition'."

The Mark Twain Papers & Project / Mark Twain Project Online

Various Editors. Berkeley (CA): University of California, 2002-. Am Mark-Twain-Archiv entsteht die umfassende Mark-Twain-Gesamtausgabe (70 Bände). Inzwischen wird die gesamte Edition auf online-Publikationen umgestellt, wobei die Briefe (teils retrodigialisiert, teils direkt digital ediert) den Anfang machen. Digitale Werkeditionen und die Autobiographie sollen 2008 bzw. 2010 folgen.

Mark Twain in His Times

Directed by Stephen Railton. Charlottesville (VA): University of Virginia, 1996-2007. "This interpretive archive, drawn largely from the resources of the Barrett Collection, focuses on how "Mark Twain" and his works were created and defined, marketed and performed, reviewed and appreciated. The goal is to allow readers, scholars, students and teachers to see what Mark Twain and His Times said about each other, in a way that can speak to us today. Contained here are dozens of texts and manuscripts, scores of contemporary reviews and articles, hundreds of images, and many different kinds of interactive exhibits." [from resource]

Tyutchev, Fyodor

cf. DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital Edition


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The Siege of Gibraltar & Miscellaneous Pieces: The Works of Catherine Upton

Ed. by Dan Froid. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2017. "This electronic edition makes available the works of the mostly unknown late-eighteenth-century poet and teacher Catherine Upton, including The Siege of Gibraltar (1781), an epistolary prose narrative, and Miscellaneous Pieces (1784), a collection of poetry and prose. These two works appear to represent the whole of Upton’s small oeuvre, and they contribute to both the body of Romantic-era women’s poetry and, more specifically, to the body of women’s writing about war." [from resource]


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Vacca, Roberto

cf. Digital Variants:


Van Nu en Straks. De Brieven

Hg. von Bert Van Raemdonck. Gent: Universiteit Gent / KANTL, 2011. "Het corpus omvat 1.419 brieven. Ze zijn getranscribeerd, gecodeerd en geannoteerd volgens de DALF Guidelines van het Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie (CTB-KANTL).
De geannoteerde brieven bevatten o.m. verwijzingen naar bijna 2.500 personen, 500 plaatsnamen, 1.000 titels van boeken, 650 tijdschriftartikelen en 350 gedichten. Een netwerk van 3.600 hyperlinks maakt een intuïtief en associatief gebruik van het corpus mogelijk.
Het corpus omvat behalve een kritische en een diplomatische transcriptie van alle bronnen ook een gedetailleerde beschrijving van alle relevante metadata en meer dan 3.000 digitale facsimile-afbeeldingen." [from resource]
"This fully eXist-driven web interface allows users to browse, search, view, and export the encoded letters or custom selections of letters in various formats: XHTML, XML, PDF. The letters can be visualized as reading text, diplomatic transcription, or XML source view, and facsimiles are offered where available. Most of these 1500 letters are in Dutch (180 are in French), and all of them deal with the Flemish literary journal 'Van Nu en Straks' (1893-1901). The encoding of the letters follows the DALF Guidelines for the Description and Encoding of Modern Correspondence Material (see ), a customization of the TEI P4 Guidelines. So far, all information in the edition is in Dutch. An English version of the edition interface is available." [from mail to Hmanist Discussion Group]



Bajo la dirección de Marco Presotto. Barcelona/Bologna: PROLOPE / Università di Bologna, CRR-MM, 2015; ISBN 9788898010257. doi:10.6092/UNIBO/LADAMABOBA "El proyecto que aquí presentamos ofrece una aplicación web de carácter científico dedicada a La dama boba y a su tradición textual, uniendo el interés divulgativo con la atención a los aspectos ecdóticos. Esta edición en línea pone a disposición el texto crítico con su aparato de variantes y notas complementarias pero también, por primera vez, un archivo de los testimonios utilizados y su transcripción." [from resource]

Heinrich von Veldeke – Eneasroman

Unter der Leitung von Heidemarie Anderlik. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2003; ISBN 978-3895003425. "In diesem digitalen Faksimile ist der Buchcharakter nachempfunden. Ohne komplizierte Navigation kann durch einfaches Anklicken der Seiten wie in einem Buch geblättert werden. Alle Abbildungen werden erläutert, und der mittelhochdeutsche Originaltext kann per Mausklick in moderne Schreibweise transkribiert oder in die moderne deutsche Sprache übertragen werden." [from resource] - Rezension bei IASL-online


The Digital Vercelli Book

Directed by Roberto Rosselli Del Turco. Pisa: CISIAU / Laboratorio di Cultura Digitale, 2013. "After years of hard work, the Digital Vercelli Book is now online! This is a beta version though, lacking several features that will be present in the final edition, scheduled for publication in 2014. At the moment only two texts, The Dream of the Rood and Homily 23, are available: the plan is to improve the current user interface and software on the basis of the suggestions and comments that will be sent to us, publish the revised software at some point next year and then progressively put online all the texts after a final cross-revision has been accomplished.
The Digital Vercelli Book (beta) is available at this URL:
Most of the basic features are already in place, once the site has been loaded on your browser you can navigate the manuscript in one of three modes selectable through the icons on the upper right corner:
Image|Text mode: a manuscript image and the corresponding text in two separate frames, this is the default browsing mode;
Text|Text mode: two juxtaposed text frames, at the moment you can compare the two different edition levels, in the future this feature will be enriched by other types of accompanying texts, such as a commentary, critical editions, translations etc.);
Bookreader mode: this mode will present you with the manuscript images in the “double page” format." [from resource, 2013-12-30]

A Facsimile Edition of the Vernon Manuscript

Ed. by Wendy Scase. Bodleian Digital Texts 3. Oxford: Bodleian Library / University of Oxford, 2011; DVD-ROM. "The Vernon Manuscript (Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Eng. poet. a. 1.) is one of the greatest treasures of early English literature and the arts of the book. It contains over 370 Middle English texts, among them Piers Plowman, the Ancrene Riwle, the South English Legendary, the Prick of Conscience, and the Miracles of the Virgin. A volume of massive dimensions, carefully copied and extensively decorated for pious readers around 1390-1400, it offers an incomparable resource for students of literature, art, culture, and language.
For the first time, the entire manuscript is avaiable here in an innovative, highly accessible format. The DVD-Rom contains a full facsimile with images of each page of the manuscript, viewable at high magnification, and a complete transcription of the text with hyperlinks, allowing powerful global searches across the entire text." [from resource]

Verse Miscellanies Online - Printed Poetry Collections of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Directed by Michelle O’Callaghan. Reading: University of Reading, 2011ff. "Verse Miscellanies Online is a searchable critical edition of seven printed verse miscellanies published in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. [...] This edition was produced in partnership with EEBO-TCP, who provided the XML-TEI files, which have been enhanced through the addition of explanatory annotations, and critical apparatus, including glossaries of mythological and historical figures, musical settings, and indexes of authors and first lines.The format of this edition allows for the exploration of these texts in ways made possible by the digital medium. Users are able to search for and identify poems according to author attribution, form, or rhyme scheme, and to navigate through the multiple links between the miscellanies and the poems they contain. These tools help to demonstrate the ways in which individual collections engage with one another through sharing poems, poetical forms, topoi and themes. Context for understanding how these books were composed, published and read and who was involved in their production is also provided on this site. [...] Overall, the edition is designed to allow the modern reader to keep the intertextuality and malleability of early modern poetical culture always in view." [from resource]


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Walewein ende Keye

Ed. by Marjolein Hogenbirk in collaboration with Wim Gerritsen. Amsterdam: Huygens ING, 2011. "Deze website bevat een kritische editie van de dertiende-eeuwse Arturroman Walewein ende Keye. De editie bestaat uit een inleiding en een leestekst met annotaties." [from resource]

War Poetry

cf. British War Poetry in the Age of Romanticism 1793-1815

Welscher Gast Digital

Ed. by Jakub Šimek. Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2015. "Die neue Plattform ›Welscher Gast digital‹ [...] wird nach und nach alle Handschriften des Werkes in Text und Bild verfügbar machen. In philologisch-kunsthistorischer Zusammenarbeit und unter Anwendung digitaler Editionstechnik entsteht eine Text-Bild-Ausgabe, die im Open Access das Werk ›Welscher Gast‹ umfassend dokumentiert und einen mit Bildern verknüpften Lesetext bietet." [from resource]

Whalley, John, Clerk of

cf. The Destruction of Troy. A Diplomatic and Color Facsimile Edition of Hunterian MS V.2.8 in Glasgow University Library, John Clerk of Whalley


The Walt Whitman Archive

Ed. by Ed Folsom and Kenneth M. Price. Lincoln (NE): University of Nebraska, 1995-. Ein umfangreiches digitales Archiv, das sich selbst aber sehr wohl als "Edition" der Werke Whitmans versteht. Einige Werke als Volltexte, die Manuskripte als Faksimiles mit diplomatisch genauem Text. Umfassendes Kontextmaterial (Bibliographie, Biographie, Rezensionen, Fotogalerie, Schüler). Technisch ist das Archiv im Jahr 2000 von HTML auf XML nach einer für das Projekt erweiterten TEI-DTD umgestellt worden (siehe die "Encoding Guidelines for Poetry Manuscripts"). Zusätzlich werden EAD (für die Beschreibung von Archivalien) und METS für komplexe digitale Objekte verwendet.
Introductory YouTube video from 2011

[Walt Whitman:] Crossing Brookly Ferry

Created by Jesse Merandy. Mickel Street Review 19/20 (2008) "In many ways, Whitman’s ability to bond with his reader is what makes 'Crossing Brooklyn Ferry' one of his most enduring and often anthologized works: it is a connection that opens a window into the mind of the poet; a portal that transports us back to his life and times; and an invitation to stop for a moment and look again at the world around us from a different perspective, one that makes visible the interconnectedness of all humans and our environment across time and space.
This online critical edition looks to build on the importance of these connections and present users with a chance to view 'Crossing Brooklyn Ferry' from new vistas. It is an opportunity to interact, to play, and discover what can be learned about Whitman and his work through interactive, media-rich approaches. In the end, whether you need a guide for your first voyage or are returning and seek the companionship of an old Comrade, this site hopes to provide something for all whitmaniacs on their passage across the river.
The following are offered in this critical edition: Close Reading (Click on links to criticism, commentary, and multimedia resources [...]), Edition Evolution (Track the changes Whitman made to 'Crossing Brooklyn Ferry' over his lifetime), Edition Comparisons (View versions of 'Crossing Brooklyn Ferry' side-by-side), Walking with Whitman (Brooklyn audio walking tour tracks Walt's footsteps), Resources (Reading list and online sources utilized in the creation of The Crossing Brooklyn Ferry Online Critical Edition)" [from resource] [for historiographic purposes]

The Life of Saint Wilfrid by Edmer of Canterbury

Ed. by Bernard J. Muir and Andrew J. Turner. Melbourne: Evellum, 1998; CD-ROM. 2nd ed. 2006; CD-ROM. "electronic edition of Edmer's twelfth century Vita Sancti Wilfridi. It includes a full photographic facsimile of a little known witness from the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery in Victoria, Australia -- MS Crouch 10. It considers all known manuscript witnesses in its apparatus and includes a full study of the printed tradition in its introduction and commentary, including the recently rediscovered witness 'E', now held by Cambridge University Library (whose whereabouts was unknown when the 1998 edition was published by University of Exeter Press)." [from resource]

Edward Ellerker Williams: Sporting Sketches during a Short Stay in Hindustane (1814)

Ed. by Tilar Mazzeo. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2002. [Beschreibung von Romantic Circles:] "Includes MS Shelley adds.e.21 and MS Shelley adds.c.12, together comprising Williams's complete travel journal to India, here published in its entirety for the first time. Also included is a critical introduction."


cf. Internet-Edition der Handschriften zu Adalbert Stifters "Witiko"

Woolf Online

Caughie, Pamela L., Nick Hayward, Mark Hussey, Peter Shillingsburg, and George K. Thiruvathukal, eds. Chicago (IL)/New York: Loyola University Chicago / Pace University, 2013. "Woolf Online is currently a digital archive of Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse (1927)
The site is intended to serve as a resource for research and study of Woolf's modernist classic. On this site you will find images and transcriptions of the holograph drafts (in three notebooks housed in the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library), the typescripts, the proofs, and various early editions of the novel, including the first British and American editions and their variants. Also included is a wealth of contextual materials, such as diary entries and letters pertaining to the novel, early reviews of the novel, selected essays Woolf wrote during the two- year period during which she worked on To the Lighthouse, and photographs of the Stephen family, Cornwall, and Talland House, all of which inform the setting and characters of the novel." [from resource]

From Goslar to Grasmere. William Wordsworth: Electronic Manuscripts

Jeff Cowton (Curator), Sally Bushell and Richard Light. Lancaster: Lancaster University, 2008. "From Goslar to Grasmere is a collaborative project between Lancaster University and The Wordsworth Trust. It involves manuscript materials for two Wordsworth texts (early Prelude material and Home at Grasmere) which are both about the importance of place to the writing of poetry – either in escaping from a hostile environment through writing poetry that draws on memories of place, or in celebrating a final home-coming to the Lakes. [...] The website is designed to have three levels of access: as a specialist; as an ordinary user; for educational use. Understanding the nature of the creative process is something of interest to all of us. In relation to children, in particular, the accessible presentation of the way in which a poem is written and re-written, will help them in developing their own writing. The primary objective of the project is to explore imaginative ways of presenting manuscript materials in hypertext and by means of TEI and to create an accessible way of understanding those materials for a wide audience." [from resource]

Wordsworth, William

cf. Samuel Taylor Coleridge & William Wordsworth. Lyrical Ballads (1798-1805)

William Wordsworth's Guide to the Lakes

Ed. by Nicholas Mason, Shannon Stimpson and Paul Westover. A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. College Park (MD): University of Maryland, 2015. "First published in 1810 and repeatedly revised by its author over the ensuing twenty-five years, William Wordsworth’s Guide to the Lakes has long been considered a crucial text for scholars of Romantic-era aesthetics, ecology, travel writing, and tourism. Though the fifth edition of 1835 (the last revised by Wordsworth) has remained available in reprints and scholarly editions, earlier editions of the Guide continue to be scarce. [...] The present edition, then, aims to give scholars, students, and general readers easy and open access to key editions of the Guide from Wordsworth’s lifetime, including full scans of Wilkinson’s 1810 sketches and Wordsworth’s texts of 1810 and 1835." [from resource]

Georg Büchner: Woyzeck. Faksimile, Transkription, Emendation und Lesetext

Hg. von Enrico De Angelis. München: K. G. Saur Verlag GmbH, 2002; Buch + CD-ROM. Auf der CD-ROM befinden sich Dateien im pdf-Format. Für die verschiedenen Teile der Edition (Faksimile, Transkription, Emendation, Lesetext und Kommentare) gibt es jeweils eine Datei. Die Textseiten der Dokumente sind miteinander verlinkt, sodass ein gezieltes springen zwischen den verschiedenen Textebenen möglich wird. In der ebenfalls enthaltenden Gebrauchsanweisung wird der Nutzer mit den in der digitalen Version der Edition gebräuchlichen Farbcodes vertraut gemacht.

Wulf & Eadwacer

Ed. by Michael Donald Livingston. Kalamazoo (MI): Western Michigan University, 2001. "... a new edition of the Old English poem Wulf and Eadwacer [...]. The introductory matter provides basic information about both the poem and the manuscript, and the edition proper includes a transcription of the poem, the text of the poem, and a translation of the Old English alongside relevant textual apparatus and commentary; a full bibliography and glossary complete the edition." [from resource]

The Electronic [Wulfstan's] Sermo Lupi ad Anglos

Ed. by Melissa Bernstein Ser. Tallahassee (FL): Florida State University, 1996. "This edition allows you to point-and-click your way to a better understanding of one of the most important and powerful sermons of the Anglo-Saxon world. The Sermon of the Wolf to the English was composed by Wulfstan II, Archbishop of York and Bishop of Worcester, in approximately AD 1014, under the pseudonym Lupus. All five redactions of the text, plus analogous materials and a critically edited text and translation are presented here." [from resource]
Siehe ggf. auch den Intute-Eintrag. The site seems to have been removed from the web. The Internet Archive has some captures from 2004-2009. See for the latest copy.

Wulfstan's Eschatological Homilies

Edited and Translated by Joyce Tally Lionarons. Collegeville (PA): Ursinus College, 2000. "This electronic edition of the Old English eschatological homilies is designed to bring together Wulfstan's writings on the last days and his sources in an easily accessible format. It includes newly edited texts and new translations of the five homilies, fully glossed texts of each homily, and transcriptions of the manuscripts in which they are preserved, combined with the Latin and Old English sources and analogues which pertain to Wulfstan's work and a bibliography of primary and secondary materials." [from resource]


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The Yellow Nineties Online

Ed. by Dennis Denisoff and Lorraine Janzen Kooistra. Toronto: Ryerson University, 2012. "The Yellow Nineties Online is an open-access electronic resource for the study of avant-garde aesthetic periodicals of the British fin de siècle. Searchable facsimile editions allow users to analyze physical features as well as content, and the editors write a critical introduction for each volume to situate it in its moment of production and reception." [from resource]

Yesenin, Sergei

cf. DSE: The FEB-Web Scholarly Digital Edition


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cf. Edizione Critica Ipertestuale dello Zibaldone Laurenziano PL XXIX, 8


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d’Urfé, Honoré

cf. Deux visages de L'Astrée: Première édition critique de L'Astrée d'Honoré d'Urfé

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রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর

cf. Bichitra: Online Tagore Variorum

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