Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing

a catalog of

Digital Scholarly Editions

language of material: Italian

B - C - D - G - H - L - M - P - R - S - T - V


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Decameron Web

Ed. by Michael Papio and Massimo Riva. Providence (RI): Brown University, 1994-. Textlich beruht das Decameron-Web auf der Ausgabe von Vittorio Branca (1992) und auf einer englischen Übersetzung von J.M. Rigg (1903) (es gibt noch eine weitere englische Übersetzung von 1620). Inhaltlich orientiert sich das Projekt nicht in Richtung der Überlieferung und darauf aufbauender Textkritik, sondern eher in Richtung Kontextualisierung, Erschließung, Interpretation und Didaktik.

Paolo Bufalini's Notebook, 1981–1991 - The digital edition

Ed. by Francesca Giovannetti, Marilena Daquino and Francesca Tomasi. Bologna: Digital Humanities Advanced Research Center (/DH.ARC), 2018. "Paolo Bufalini was a member of the Italian Communist Party and senator from 1963 to 1992. He was also a Latinist and translator of Horace. He wrote a notebook between 1981 and 1991, including 145 bound pages and 2 sheets. The notebook includes excerpts that are strictly related to his cultural and social background (e.g. quotations, annotations, translations from latin, tales). Since the aim of the notebook is not to be publicly shared, his assumptions on the texts he studies are often implicit, so as the bibliographic references of texts he quotes. [...] The contribution of the digital edition is to highlight all the aspects underpinning Bufalini's network of citations, i.e., intertextuality and intratextuality. Bufalini's aim is to reason on the history of literature, interpreting influences between his beloved authors, and comparing their texts or ideas." [from resource]


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Cerami, Vincenzo

cf. Digital Variants:

Gli anni della cupola. 1417-1436

A cura di Margaret Haines. Firenze : Archivio digitale delle fonti dell'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore, 1994-2004 [project], 2001 [first publication], 2015 [relaunch]. Kommentierte Volltextausgabe umfangreicher archivischer Quellenbestände mit umfassenden weiteren Erschließungsmitteln (Regesten, Chronologie, Orte, Personen, Institutionen, Sachen).


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Da Bisticci, Vespasiano: Lettere

cf. Vespasiano da Bisticci: Lettere


Dante Alighieri: Commedia - A Digital Edition

Ed by Prue Shaw. Birmingham: Scholarly Digital Editions, 2010. "This DVD-ROM contains Prue Shaw’s transcripts, collations and analyses of seven key manuscripts of Dante’s Commedia, the most important single work in Italian literature and one of the masterpieces of world literature. The transcripts are accompanied by digital images of all pages of six of the manuscripts, all newly made in high-resolution full colour, and by the full text of the editions of Petrocchi and Sanguineti. A full word-by-word collation shows all variants at every word, viewable in either the original manuscript spelling or in a standardised form. Variant search and variant map features offer new ways of exploring the relations between the versions. Extensive editorial commentaries analyse the relations among the surviving texts, and examine the view of the tradition recently set out by Federico Sanguineti. Throughout, the publication interface provides access to every word in every version, to the variants on every word, and to tools and commentaries permitting exploration of the different versions." [from resource]

ILTweb Digital Dante Project

Ed. by the Institute for Learning Technologies. New York (NY): Columbia University, 1992-. Eine digitale Bibliothek, die eine italienische Ausgabe der göttlichen Komödie mit zwei englischen Übersetzungen synchronisiert und weitere Kontextmaterialien anbietet.

Dante: Monarchia

Ed. by Prue Shaw. Birmingham: Scholarly Digital Editions, 2006; ISBN 978-1904628088; DVD-ROM. "This digital edition of Dante's Monarchia contains Prue Shaw's acclaimed edited text and translation of Dante's remarkable treatise on political theory. Shaw's text is supported by full transcripts of the text of all twenty manuscripts and of the 1559 editio princeps, together with digital images of all pages, many of them newly made in high-resolution full colour. A full word-by-word collation shows all variants at every word, viewable in either the original manuscript spelling or in the standardised form found in the edited text. Variant search and variant map features offer new ways of exploring the textual tradition. Extensive editorial commentaries analyse the relations among the surviving texts, presenting the editorial rationale which guided the choice of readings contained in the edited text. Throughout, the publication interface provides access to every word in every version, to the variants on every word, and to tools and commentaries permitting exploration of the different versions." [from resource] Der Link zeigt auf die Seite der SDE.

Dante Online: Indice dei Manoscritti

Ed. by Società Dantesca Italiana. Florence: 1996. "L’avvento dell’informatica apre però nuove prospettive, fatte proprie dalla Società Dantesca Italiana. Scopo di questa sezione del sito è infatti la riproduzione integrale dei manoscritti delle opere dantesche in formato digitale, a partire dalla Commedia, al fine di riunire e rendere liberamente disponibili al pubblico i testimoni dell’opera dantesca conservati nelle Biblioteche di tutto il mondo, in un’unica Biblioteca virtuale." [from resource]

Princeton Dante Project

Ed. by Robert Hollander. Princeton: Princeton University, 1997-1999. "The Princeton Dante Project opened for local use on 18 May 1999.The PDP combines a traditional approach to the study of Dante's Comedy with new techniques of compiling and consulting data, images, and sound. The text of Dante's poem is always at the center of the user's attention, and he or she is able to consult, within the confines of the PDP itself, the following materials:
The Petrocchi text of the poem
New verse translation of the poem
Texts of all the Minor Works (with Translation)
Recitation of the poem in Italian
Historical and Interpretive Notes
Direct link to the Dartmouth Dante Project
Links to Dante sites all over the world" [from resource]

Edizione digitale dell'Epistolario di Alcide De Gasperi

Ed. by Giuseppe Tognon. Trento: Fondazione Trentina A. De Gasperi, 2019. "L’istituzione dell’Edizione nazionale dell’Epistolario degasperiano risponde alla necessità di racco- gliere e preservare il grande patrimonio di scritti epistolari creato da Alcide De Gasperi e dai suoi numerosi corrispondenti, italiani e stranieri, anche per completare il lavoro di edizione già avviato nel 2000 con la pubblicazione degli Scritti e discorsi politici dello statista (Bologna 2000-2009)." [from resource]


cf. Decameron Web

Digital Variants:

Hg. von Domenico Fiormonte et al. Edinburgh / Rom: University of Edinburgh / University of Roma Tre, 1996-. Anhand verschiedener Autoren des 20. Jh. werden für das Problem der Textgenese und der Textvarianz neue Formen der Edition und editorischen Darstellung gesucht. Das Projekt versteht sich dabei als offene Plattform für die Arbeiten verschiedener Editoren. Zu den beispielhaft bearbeiteten Autoren gehören Vincenzo Cerami, Angel García Galiano, Valerio Magrelli, José Antonio Millán, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Francesca Sanvitale, Fernando Savater, Francisco Solano und Roberto Vacca. Zu den am weitesten ausgebauten Umsetzungen gehört die für Magrelli eingesetzte "Genetic Machine", eine Flash-Anwendung.


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Galiano, Angel García

cf. Digital Variants:

L'ipertesto d'autore: "La famiglia dell'antiquario" di Carlo Goldoni in edizione elettronica su CD-ROM

Hg. von Luca Toschi. Venedig: Marsilio, 1996; ISBN 978-8831763148; Buch + CD-ROM. Hybrid-Ausgabe mit Buch und CD-ROM. Im Netz scheint das schon ältere Projekt (1993) nicht weiter dokumentiert zu sein.

Francesco Guicciardini: Storia d'Italia

Edité par Paola Moreno et Pierre Jodogne. Liège: Liège Université, 2019. "Le site a d’abord été conçu pour permettre aux membres de l’équipe internationale du projet de collaborer à distance. L’édition numérique qu’il présente repose sur le travail mené par les philologues de l’équipe sur les différents états du texte. Ceux-ci peuvent être lus sous différentes formes : une édition semi-diplomatique, présentée en regard du fac-similé (dans Manuscrits), plusieurs versions de lecture (Éditions), ainsi qu’un affichage par segment textuel (dans Segments textuels). Des commentaires, produits par les membres de l’équipe viendront enrichir l’édition." [from resource]


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Huon d'Auvergne Digital Archive

Edited by Leslie Zarker Morgan and Stephen P. McCormick. Lexington (VA): Washington and Lee University, 2017; Version 1.0. "[T]he Huon d'Auvergne Digital Archive is a collaborative scholarly project that presents for the first time to a modern reading audience the Franco-Italian Huon d'Auvergne romance epic. The first phase of the project (2014-2017) develops the first version of the Huon digital archive, which includes diplomatic editions of all four extant manuscripts, an accompanying English translation, and a reading interface that demonstrates protocols for textual analysis and comparison of variants. From the initial foundation of phase one, the Huon editorial team will build additional functionality involving high-resolution scans of the four Franco-Italian manuscripts, creating an interactive and linked reading environment." [from resource, 2018]


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Kaiser Leopold I.: Digitale Edition des Sepolcro „Il Sagrifizio d'Abramo“

Ed. von Paul Gulewycz. Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW), Abteilung Musikwissenschaft, 2016 "Kaiser Leopold I. (1640-1705), langjähriger Herrscher des Heiligen Römischen Reichs, Förderer Prinz Eugens und erfolgreicher Verteidiger Wiens bei der zweiten Belagerung durch die Osmanen, war ein großer Kunst- und Musikliebhaber und neben seiner Tätigkeit als Regent talentierter Musiker und Komponist. Sein Werk „Il Sagrifizio d’Abramo“ ist die Vorlage für eine digitale Edition, die mit dem Codierungsstandard Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) erstellt wurde." [from resource]

Liber Matriculae - Il libro della matricola dei notai di Vercelli (sec. XIV-XVIII)

A cura di Antonio Olivieri. Vercelli: Comune di Vercelli, 1999. Einfache Ausgabe aus Faksimile und Volltext mit Einführung und Bibliografie. Die Ausgabe war beim Kulturamt der Stadt auch als CD-ROM erhältlich.
Snapshots of the original description page can be found in the internet archive until 2016.


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Magrelli, Valerio

cf. Digital Variants:

Marco Polo

cf. Giovanni Battista Ramusio: Dei viaggi di Messer Marco Polo

Il progetto [Francesco] Maurolico

Hg. von Pier Daniele Napolitani. Pisa: Università di Pisa, 1999-2006. "È stato elaborato un linguaggio originale [Mauro-TeX] per la trascrizione e l'edizione critica dei testi, che permette la costruzione di un apparato critico uniforme per tutta l'edizione a partire da un qualunque numero di testimoni. Opportuni programmi permettono poi l'estrazione del testo dei testimoni stessi e la stampa del testo critico sia in forma cartacea che in formato pdf e html. Sono queste versioni quelle che potrete consultare in questo sito." [from resource]
Ausgehend von einer Grundtranskription werden insgesamt fünf "livelli di edizione" angestrebt: (0) Basistranskription, (1) kollationierte Transkription, (2) stabilisierter Editionstext, (3) Text mit Links, (4) kritische Repräsentation auch der Zeichnungen.
Das Projekt ist im Web nicht mehr vorhanden, die Startseite ( auf dem Stand von 2008 noch in der Wayback-Machine zu betrachten.

The Medici Archives - Building Interactive Archives

[no responsible editors identified]. Florence: The Medici Archive Project, 2012. Within the larger framework of The Medici Archives Project, BIA offers access to a corpus of (ca. 25.000) transcribed and indexed letters. As this follows some sort of "database" or "digital archive" paradigm and there is no introdcution, no overview and no browsing access, it is rather hard to understand what is really in there. However, a lot of transcriptions and synopses, as well as indexed persons and places can be found through the search interface Some documentation on BIA can be found on the Medici Archives page. From the self description: "BIA allows for advanced searches into the epistolary collection of the Grand Ducal Medici Family. Users are able to find entire volumes or individual documents by search through place, person, and category tags, archival collocation, date of creation, and keywords."

Pietro Mellini’s Inventory in Verse, 1681

Edited by Murtha Baca and Nuria Rodríguez Ortega. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2015. "The 1681 Mellini inventory is an unusual, hybrid document, at once a conventional inventory and a poetic text. The manuscript provides primary evidence for art historians, as well as other humanities and interdisciplinary scholars who focus on provenance research, collecting patterns and habits, the social construction of taste, textual analysis of historical documents, and the significance of cultural capital." [from resource]

Millán, José Antonio

cf. Digital Variants:

Montalbán, Manuel Vázquez

cf. Digital Variants:

Moralische Wochenschriften

Klaus-Dieter Ertler, Alexandra Fuchs, Michaela Fischer und Elisabeth Hobisch. Graz: Zentrum für nformationsmodellierung in den Geisteswissenschaften, 2011. "Die journalistische Gattung der „Spectators“ oder Moralischen Wochenschriften, welche in England zu Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts ihren Ausgang nahm, verbreitete sich bald in ganz Europa, bevor sie zu einem wichtigen Indikator für das Diskurssystem der Aufklärung wurde. Unser auf mehrere Jahre angelegtes Projekt verfolgt das Ziel, eine zentrale Datenbank für sämtliche europäische Moralische Wochenschriften zu erstellen. Derzeit stehen Darstellungen und Analysen von spanischen, italienischen und französischen Texten zur Verfügung. Dabei werden zahlreiche Perspektiven der Darstellungsebenen und Erzählformen sichtbar gemacht." [from resource]

Mozart-Libretti - Online-Edition

Project lead by Ulrich Leisinger and Iacopo Cividini. Salzburg: Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg, 2006ff. "Die Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg bietet mit Mozart-Libretti – Online-Edition eine digitale Ausgabe der Textquellen zu den Vertonungen von Wolfgang Amadé Mozart nach wissenschaftlichen Kriterien. Die Ausgabe erscheint im Rahmen der Digitalen Mozart-Edition, die derzeit an der Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Packard Humanities Institute in Los Altos/California erarbeitet wird." [from resource]


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Paesi novamente retrovati – Newe unbekanthe landte: Eine digitale Edition früher Entdeckerberichte.

Norbert Ankenbauer (Hrsg.). Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2012. (Editiones Electronicae Guelferbytanae, 10) "Mit dieser Digitaledition wird dieser wichtige Quellentext der Entdeckungsgeschichte einem breiten Publikum umfassend zugänglich gemacht: Neben dem Faksimile der italienischen Editio princeps von 1507 werden auch die Faksimiles aller drei bereits 1508 erschienenen Übersetzungen vorgehalten, so dass über diese Edition auf vier Sprachversionen des Textes (Italienisch, Frühneuhochdeutsch, Niederdeutsch, Latein) zugegriffen werden kann." [from resource]

Paganico: statuti della comunitá (secolo XV)

A cura di Silvia Cappelli e Franca Doccini. Grosseto: 1997. Italienische Stadtstatuten in HTML-Transkription, mit Beispielabbildungen, Analyse der Schreiberhände und einführenden Texten.
Spätestens 2012 im Netz nicht mehr verfügbar, ursprüngliche Adress <>.

Petrarchive - An edition of Petrarch’s songbook, Rerum vulgarium fragmenta. Bloomington (IN): Indiana University, 2013.

Edited by H. Wayne Storey and John A. Walsh. Bloomington: Indiana University, 2013-2018. The project aims at "offering a 'rich text', interactive edition of one of the icons of western literature, Petrarch’s Rerum vulgarium." The "prototypes consist of (1.) TEI-encoded documents from which we can render both diplomatic transcriptions and edited views of the text; (2.) Web-based presentations providing both diplomatic and edited views of the text, implemented with the TEI Boilerplate system; (3.) Facsimile page images for [the manuscript] Vat. Lat. 3195; (4.) a visual index, or map, to the Rvf as constituted in [the manuscript] Vat. Lat. 3195." [from resource]
Presentation on the project, 2013 (Audio, Slides)


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Giovanni Battista Ramusio: Dei viaggi di Messer Marco Polo

A cura di Samuela Simion e Eugenio Burgio. Edizione critica digitale progettata e coordinata da Eugenio Burgio, Marina Buzzoni e Antonella Ghersetti. Venezia: Università Ca' Foscari, 2015. "Il testo dei 'viaggi di Messer Marco Polo' – versione del Milione redatta da Giovan Battista Ramusio per le Navigationi et viaggi (1559) – è oggi accessibile in un’edizione critica commentata, pensata nella forma di un’applicazione ipertestuale per il Web, grazie alla quale il “lettore” potrà attingere contemporaneamente: alla visualizzazione continua del testo (in edizione critica); alla visualizzazione del commento filologico, organizzato secondo la divisione in tre libri; al recupero integrale delle sette versioni del Milione (tre delle quali inedite) direttamente/indirettamente in gioco sul tavolo di Ramusio; a un corpo di schede (attivabili in pop-up) che forniscono informazioni storico-geografiche (con un link a Google-Maps) su persone, luoghi e oggetti significativi del testo." [from resource]


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Sanvitale, Francesca

cf. Digital Variants:

Savater, Fernando

cf. Digital Variants:

Solano, Francisco

cf. Digital Variants:

Statuti della Comunità

cf. Paganico: statuti della comunitá (secolo XV)


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Thesaurus musicarum italicarum (TMI)

Ed. by Frans Wiering et al. Utrecht: Institute of Information and Computing Sciences, 1997-2005. Online version 2000-2005. "TmiWeb is the online version of Thesaurus musicarum italicarum, an electronic corpus of Italian music treatises from the Renaissance and early Baroque. [...] Nearly 30 works are online on TmiWeb in a full-text, searchable multimedial edition. [...] TmiWeb employs the DynaWeb 4.3 SGML/XML publication environment. [...] Treatises [...] have also been published on CD-ROM. In addition to the editions, these contain complete digital facsimiles of the sources, and the editions with additional presentation and search facilities." [from resource]


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Vacca, Roberto

cf. Digital Variants:

Vespasiano da Bisticci: Lettere

A curi di F. Tomasi. Bologna: CRR-MM / Università di Bologna, 2013. Versione 2, 2015. "Edizione digitale delle Lettere di Vespasiano da Bisticci, copista fiorentino vissuto nell'arco del XV secolo. Le lettere, inviate e ricevute e fino ad oggi rintracciate, sono navigabili attraverso un sistema di faccette tematiche (corrispondente, data, luogo, segnatura). L'edizione è accompagnata da strumenti filologici di orientamento e guida (indice delle parole sottoforma di authorities, tavola sinottica, nota filologica, descrizione dei testimoni). Le lettere sono accompagnate da informazioni contestuali [...] necessarie ad inserire i documenti in una prospettiva metatestuale in evoluzione e aggiornamento costante, anche in futura dimensione collaborativa." [from resource]

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